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Scene I.—Cinderella's Home


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Mother. I am so glad we are all invited to the ball at the Prince's palace. You know, my dear, that it will be a great pleasure for our girls.

Father. Yes; and I suppose you will all have to buy new ball dresses.

Katherine. O mamma! isn't it lovely! May I have a blue silk dress?

Elizabeth. And may I have pink, dear mother? And shall we get them to-day?

Mother. Yes, my child; and you may both go with me to buy your dresses and slippers.

Cinderella. Dear papa, may I go to the ball at the Prince's palace?

Father. You, my child! Aren't you too young for parties? Ask your mother.

Cinderella. May I go to the ball, mother?

Mother. Nonsense, child! what are you thinking of? A ball is no place for a child like you. You are better off at home by the kitchen fire.

Cinderella. But I'm fourteen. Sister Katherine, won't you coax mamma to let me go?

Katherine. No, indeed, I'll not! What would you do at a ball? a silly thing like you!

Elizabeth. Don't be a goose. Wait till you're older and better looking. There's no room in the carriage for you, and you are too young, anyway.

Mother. Come, girls, it is time for us to go down town to buy our new gowns. Cinderella, go to your lessons. Don't think any more about the ball. You can't go, and so that's the end of it.

Dramatic Reader for Lower Grades

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