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Scene II.—Cinderella's Home


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Father. Come, girls! aren't you ready yet? Is your mother coming?

Katherine. Yes, father, in just a minute.

Mother. Here we are, dear. Don't the girls look sweet?

Father. Yes, yes! but, come on, for we are late now.

Mother. Good night, Cinderella. Be a good girl and go to bed at nine o'clock.

[All go out, leaving Cinderella alone.]

Cinderella. Good-by!—Now they have gone and I am all alone. Oh, why couldn't I go, too! How pretty they all looked! I would not take up much room, and I don't like to be left here by myself when they are having such a good time. Oh, dear! I believe I'm going to cry, but I can't help it. [Cries.]

[Enter fairy godmother.]

Fairy Godmother. Why are you crying, Cinderella?

Cinderella. Who is that? I thought I heard some one speaking to me, but I can't see anybody.

Fairy Godmother. What is the matter, Cinderella?

Cinderella. Oh, lovely lady! who are you?

Fairy Godmother. I am your fairy godmother, my child, and I wish to know why you are crying.

Cinderella. Oh, dear! I'm crying because they have all gone to the ball; and I wanted to go, too, and they wouldn't take me!

Fairy Godmother. Never mind, my dear. Stop crying, and I will let you go.

Cinderella. Oh, dear fairy godmamma! will you, really? But how can I go in this old dress?

Fairy Godmother. You'll see. Tell me, Cinderella, have you a big yellow pumpkin in the kitchen garden?

Cinderella. Yes, I think so. I saw one there yesterday.

Fairy Godmother. Go, get it for me.

Cinderella (runs out, and returns with the pumpkin). I've found it! Here it is!

Dramatic Reader for Lower Grades

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