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ICHI, ITSU, hito-, hito(tsu), one
一月 ichigatsu, January
一番 ichiban, first, best
一冊 issatsu, one (book, magazine)
✓ 5
NI, futa(tsu), two
二月 nigatsu, February
二か月 nikagetsu, two months
二回 nikai, twice
✓ 5
SAN, mi-, mit(tsu), three
三月 sangatsu, March
三人 sannin, three people
三日 mikka, three days, the third day
✓ 5
SHI, yon, yo-, yot(tsu), yo(tsu), four
四月 shigatsu, April
四日 yokka, four days, the fourth day
四十 shijū, yonjū, forty
✓ 5
✓= AP #= JLPT
GO, itsu(tsu), five
五月 gogatsu, May
五人 gonin, five people
五十 gojū, fifty
✓ 5
ROKU, mut(tsu), mu(tsu), six
六月 rokugatsu, June
六か月 rokkagetsu, six months
六十 rokujū, sixty
✓ 5
SHICHI, nana(tsu), nana, seven
七月 shichigatsu, July
七ヶ月 nanakagetsu, seven months
七十 shichijū, nanajū, seventy
✓ 5
HACHI, yat(tsu), ya(tsu), eight
八月 hachigatsu, August
八か月 hachikagetsu, eight months
八十 hachijū, eighty
✓ 5
KYŪ, KU, kokono(tsu), nine
九月 kugatsu, September
九十 kujū, kyūjū, ninety
九時 kuji, nine o’clock
✓ 5
JŪ, tō, ten
十月 jūgatsu, October
十日 tōka, ten days, the tenth day
十回 jikkai, ten times
✓ 5
HYAKU, hundred
二百 nihyaku, two hundred
三百 sanbyaku, three hundred
百貨店 hyakkaten, department store
✓ 5
SEN, chi, thousand
千円 sen’en, a thousand yen
三千 sanzen, three thousand
五千 gosen, five thousand
✓ 5
NICHI, JITSU; hi, day, sun; ~ka, suffix for counting days
日曜日 nichiyōbi, Sunday
昨日 sakujitsu, kinō, yesterday
朝日 asahi, morning sun
✓ 5
GETSU, GATSU; tsuki, month, moon
月曜日 getsuyōbi, Monday
来月 raigetsu, next month
三日月 mikazuki, new moon
✓ 5
KA; hi, fire
火曜日 kayōbi, Tuesday
火ばち hibachi, charcoal brazier
火事 kaji, fire, conflagration
✓ 5
SUI; mizu, water
大水 ō-mizu, flood, inundation
水力 suiryoku, water power
水兵 suihei, sailor
✓ 5
BOKU, MOKU; ki, tree, wood
木曜日 mokuyōbi, Thursday
材木 zaimoku, lumber
木製 mokusei, made of wood
✓ 5
KIN, KON, gold; kane, money
金曜日 kin’yōbi, Friday
お金 o-kane, money
金魚 kingyo, goldfish
✓ 5
DO, TO; tsuchi, earth, soil
土曜日 doyōbi, Saturday
土地 tochi, ground, plot of land
土人 dojin, native
✓ 5
NEN; toshi, year
六年生 rokunensei, sixth-grade pupil
年寄り toshiyori, old person
青年 seinen, youth
✓ 5
SA; hidari, left
左派 saha, leftist (political), left wing
左側 sasoku, hidarigawa, left side
左手 hidarite, left hand
✓ 5
U, YŪ; migi, right
左右 sayū, left and right
右派 uha, right wing (political)
右側 usoku, migigawa, right side
✓ 5
JŌ; ue, top, above, on; kami, upper; nobo(ru), to go up, to go toward Tōkyō; a(geru), to raise; a(garu), to rise
上流 jōryū, upstream, upper class
海上 kaijō, on the sea, maritime
川上 kawakami, upstream
✓ 5
KA, GE; shita, bottom, under, beneath; moto, base; shimo, lower; kuda(ru), to go down, to go away from Tōkyō; sa(geru), to hang (v.t.), to lower; sa(garu), to hang down; kuda(saru), to bestow
川下 kawashimo, downstream
下品 gehin, vulgar, coarse
地下鉄 chikatetsu, subway
✓ 5
DAI, TAI; ō(kii), big, large, great
大学 daigaku, university, college
大変 taihen, tremendous, serious
大広間 ō-hiroma, grand hall
✓ 5
CHŪ; naka, middle, within, inside; JŪ, throughout
中学校 chūgakkō, middle school
中心 chūshin, center, heart (of a city, etc.)
集中 shūchū, concentration
✓ 5
SHŌ; ko, o-, chii(sai), small, minor
小学校 shōgakkō, primary school
小屋 koya, hut
小説 shōsetsu, novel (fiction)
✓ 5
NYŪ; iri, entering, attendance; i(reru), to put in; hai(ru), to enter
入学 nyūgaku, entering school
輸入 yunyū, importation
入口 iriguchi, entrance
✓ 5
SHUTSU, SUI; de(ru), to come out, to go out; da(su), to put out, to take out, to bring out, to draw out
出発 shuppatsu, setting out, departure, starting
出版 shuppan, publishing
出口 deguchi, exit
✓ 5
MOKU, BOKU; me, eye; also used as an ordinal suffix
横目 yokome, side glance
目的 mokuteki, purpose
目標 mokuhyō, mark, target
✓ 4
KEN; mi(ru), to see, to look; mi(eru), to be visible, to be able to see; mi(seru), to show, to display
見事 migoto, splendid
見物 kenbutsu, sightseeing
見本 mihon, sample
✓ 5
JI; mimi, ear
早耳 hayamimi, keen of hearing
耳鳴り miminari, ringing in the ears
耳が遠い mimi ga tōi, deaf
ON, IN; ne, oto, sound
音楽 ongaku, music
発音 hatsuon, pronunciation
母音 boin, vowel
✓ 4
KŌ, KU; kuchi, mouth
口ひげ kuchihige, mustache
入口 iriguchi, entrance
口論 kōron, dispute
✓ 4
SHU; te, hand
握手 akushu, handshake
手袋 tebukuro, gloves
手紙 tegami, letter
✓ 4
SOKU; ashi, foot, leg; ta(riru), to be sufficient; ta(su), to add, to supplement
足跡 ashi-ato, footprint
満足 manzoku, satisfaction
不足 fusoku, insufficiency
✓ 4
RITSU, RYŪ; ta(tsu), (v.i.), to stand; ta(teru) (v.t.), to erect, to set up
独立 dokuritsu, independence
役立つ yakudatsu, useful
立場 tachiba, standpoint
✓ 4
RYOKU, RIKI; chikara, strength, power
力持 chikaramochi, strong person
協力 kyōryoku, co-operation
努力 doryoku, endeavor
✓ 4
JIN, NIN; hito, person
人類 jinrui, human race
人間 ningen, human being
人口 jinkō, population
✓ 5
SHI, SU; ko, child
子ども kodomo, child, children
原子 genshi, atom
様子 yōsu, the state of things, appearance
✓ 5
JO, NYO; me, female; onna, woman, girl
女中 jochū, maid
少女 shōjo, maiden
女王 joō, queen
✓ 5
DAN, NAN; otoko, man, male
男性 dansei, male sex, male
男子 danshi, male, boy
長男 chōnan, eldest son
✓ 5
SEN; saki, previous, ahead
先生 sensei, teacher
先日 senjitsu, the other day
行き先 yukisaki, destination
✓ 5
SEI, SHŌ, birth, life; u(mareru), to be born; u(mu), to give birth; i(kiru), to live; ki, pure, genuine; nama, raw; ha(eru), to grow, to spring up
一生 isshō, one’s (whole) life
生活 seikatsu, livelihood
大学生 daigakusei, college student
✓ 5
GAKU, learning, science; mana(bu), to learn
学校 gakkō, school
医学 igaku, medicine
科学 kagaku, science
✓ 5
KŌ, school; to correct, to investigate, to compare, to think
校正 kōsei, proofreading
校舎 kōsha, school building
校友 kōyū, alumnus
✓ 5
Ō, king
王様 ōsama, king
王子 ōji, prince
王国 ōkoku, kingdom, monarchy
GYOKU; tama, jewel, round object
水玉 mizutama, drop of water
目玉 medama, eyeball
宝玉 hōgyoku, gem
kai, sea shell
貝殻 kaigara, shell
貝拾い kaihiroi, shell gathering
真珠貝 shinjugai, pearl oyster
EN, circle, yen (Japanese monetary unit); maru(i), round
円満 enman, perfection, satisfaction
千円札 sen’ensatsu, thousand-yen bill
円盤 enban, disc
✓ 5
SEKI, SHAKU; aka, aka(i), red; aka(rameru) (v.t.), to color up, to add blush; aka(ramu), to turn red, to blush
赤ちゃん akachan, baby, infant
赤十字 sekijūji, Red Cross
赤銅 shakudō, alloy of copper and gold
✓ 4
SEI, SHŌ; ao, ao(i), blue, green, inexperienced
青年 seinen, youth
青白い aojiroi, pale
青空 aozora, blue sky
✓ 4
HAKU, BYAKU; shiro, shiro(i), white
白人 hakujin, Caucasian
白状 hakujō, confession
白鳥 hakuchō, swan
✓ 5
SEKI; yū, evening
夕方 yūgata, evening
夕飯 yūhan, supper
夕風 yūkaze, evening breeze
✓ 4
MEI, MYŌ, name, fame; na, name
名まえ namae, name
有名 yūmei, famous, well-known
名人 meijin, an expert
✓ 5
SŌ; haya, haya(i), early, fast
早口 haya-kuchi, quick speaking
早春 sōshun, early spring
手早い tebayai, quick, nimble
✓ 4
SŌ; kusa, grass, vegetation
草原 kusahara, sōgen, grassy plain
草案 sōan, draft (of a manuscript)
草取り kusatori, weeding
SAN; yama, mountain
山道 sandō, yamamichi, mountain path
山脈 sanmyaku, mountain range
登山 tozan, mountain climbing
✓ 5
SEN; kawa, river
谷川 tanigawa, mountain stream
川端 kawabata, riverside
川口 kawaguchi, mouth of a river
✓ 5
DEN; ta, rice field
田園 den’en, fields and gardens, rural districts
稲田 inada, rice field
田植 taue, rice planting
✓ 4
CHŌ; machi, town
町外れ machihazure, outskirts of a town
町内 chōnai, the neighborhood
町長 chōchō, mayor of a town
✓ 4
SON; mura, village
村民 sonmin, villager
村長 sonchō, village mayor
農村 nōson, a farm village
✓ 2
SHA; kuruma, wheel, vehicle
自動車 jidōsha, automobile
自転車 jitensha, bicycle
発車 hassha, departure of a vehicle
✓ 5
RIN; hayashi, woods
植林 shokurin, reforestation
密林 mitsurin, thick forest
農林 nōrin, agriculture and forestry
✓ 2
SHIN; mori, forest, grove
森林 shinrin, forest
森閑 shinkan, silent
森厳 shingen, solemn, awe-inspiring
✓ 2
KŪ, sora, sky; a(ku), to become empty; a(keru), to vacate; kara, emptiness
青空 aozora, blue sky
空気 kūki, air
空港 kūkō, airport
✓ 4
TEN, ame, sky, heaven
天気 tenki, weather
天井 tenjō, ceiling
天才 tensai, genius
✓ 5
KI, spirit, energy, mind; KE
天気 tenki, weather
元気 genki, good spirits, health
病気 byōki, sickness
✓ 5
U; ame, rain
大雨 ō-ame, heavy rain
雨戸 amado, rain door, shutter
梅雨 baiu, tsuyu, rainy season of early summer
✓ 5
KA; hana, flower
花屋 hanaya, flower shop, florist
花瓶 kabin, vase
花火 hanabi, fireworks
✓ 4
CHIKU; take, bamboo
竹やぶ takeyabu, bamboo grove
竹細工 takezaiku, bamboo ware
竹かご takekago, bamboo basket
SEKI, KOKU, SHAKU; ishi, stone
小石 ko-ishi, pebble
石炭 sekitan, coal
磁石 jishaku, magnet
✓ 3
KEN; inu, dog
小犬 ko-inu, puppy
番犬 banken, watchdog
狂犬病 kyōkenbyō, rabies
✓ 4
CHŪ; mushi, insect, bug, worm
害虫 gaichū, harmful insect
虫歯 mushiba, decayed tooth
昆虫 konchū, insect, bug
SHI; ito, thread
毛糸 keito, woolen yarn
糸口 itoguchi, clue
糸巻 itomaki, spool for thread
HON, book, suffix for counting long, slender objects; moto, basis, essence, (tree) root
一本 ippon, one (bottle, rod, etc.)
本箱 honbako, bookcase
日本 Nihon, Nippon, Japan
✓ 5
BUN, writings, a sentence; MON, old unit of money; fumi, letter, book
文化 bunka, culture
文学 bungaku, literature
文句 monku, complaint; phrase
✓ 4
JI, letter, mark; aza, section (of a village)
字引 jibiki, dictionary
文字 moji, monji, letter, character, ideograph
数字 sūji, number, numeral
✓ 4
SEI, SHŌ; tada(shii), correct, right; tada(su), to correct, to rectify; masa(ni), surely, truly
正直 shōjiki, honesty
正方形 seihōkei, square (geometrical figure)
正月 shōgatsu, New Year’s
✓ 4
KYŪ; yasu(mi), rest, vacation; yasu(mu), to rest
休憩 kyūkei, rest, intermission
休日 kyūjitsu, holiday
休養 kyūyō, relaxation, recreation
✓ 5
IN; hiki, pulling; hi(ku), to pull, to draw
福引き fukubiki, lottery
引用 in’yō, quotation, citation
引き立て hikitate, favor, patronage
✓ 3
U; hane, ha, feather, plumage; -wa, counter for birds, and rabbits
羽毛 umō, feathers, plumage
一羽 ichiwa, one (bird)
羽織 haori, haori coat
UN; kumo, cloud
雲状 unjō, cloudlike, nebulous
入道雲 nyūdōgumo, gigantic clouds
星雲 seiun, nebula
EN; sono, garden
公園 kōen, public park
花園 hanazono, flower garden
動物園 dōbutsu-en, zoo
✓ 3
EN, ON; tō(i), far, distant
遠足 ensoku, excursion, long walk
遠方 enpō, long distance
永遠 eien, eternity
✓ 3
KA; nani, what, how many (interrogative prefix)
何人 nannin, how many people?
何時間 nanjikan, how much time?
何時 nanji, what time?
✓ 5
KA, course, branch
学科 gakka, a school subject
教科書 kyōkasho, textbook
科学 kagaku, science
✓ 3
KA; natsu, summer
夏休み natsuyasumi, summer vacation
初夏 shoka, early summer
真夏 manatsu, midsummer
✓ 4
KA, KE; ie, ya, house
家主 yanushi, owner of a house, landlord
家族 kazoku, family
農家 nōka, farmhouse
✓ 4
KA; uta, song; uta(u), to sing
国歌 kokka, national anthem
歌劇 kageki, opera
歌手 kashu, singer
✓ 4
GA, a picture; KAKU, stroke of a Japanese character
図画 zuga, a drawing
映画 eiga, moving picture
計画 keikaku, plan
✓ 4
KAI, a turn; mawa(su), to turn (v.t.); mawa(ru), to turn (v.i.)
何回 nankai, how many times?
回転 kaiten, revolution, rotation
回数 kaisū, number of times, frequency
✓ 3
KAI, meeting; a(u), to meet; E
会場 kaijō, place of meeting, site
会長 kaichō, president (of a society), chairman (of a committee)
会話 kaiwa, conversation
✓ 4
KAI; umi, sea, ocean
海岸 kaigan, seacoast, seaside
海水浴 kaisuiyoku, sea bathing
海外 kaigai, overseas, abroad
✓ 4
KAI; E, picture
浮世絵 ukiyoe, Japanese print
絵葉書 ehagaki, picture postcard
挿し絵 sashie, illustration
✓ 3
GAI, GE, outside, foreign; hoka, other; soto, outside
外国 gaikoku, foreign country
外国人 gaikokujin, foreigner
外科 geka, surgery
✓ 5
KAKU, angle; tsuno, horn of an animal; kado, corner
三角 sankaku, triangle
四角 shikaku, square
角度 kakudo, angle
GAKU, music; RAKU, comfort, ease; tano(shii), pleasant
楽しみ tanoshimi, pleasure
音楽会 ongakukai, concert, musical
気楽 kiraku, ease, comfort
✓ 4
KATSU, energy
生活 seikatsu, life
活動 katsudō, activity
活字 katsuji, printer’s type
✓ 3
KAN, KEN; aida, interval, space; ma, interval, room, time
時間 jikan, time
二時間 nijikan, two hours
昼間 hiruma, daytime
✓ 5
GAN; maru, round (n.); maru(i), round (adj.); -maru, suffix in ship names; maru(meru), to make (something) round
丸薬 gan’yaku, pill
日の丸 hinomaru, national flag of Japan
丸太 maruta, log (of timber)
GAN; iwa, rock, crag
花こう岩 kakōgan, granite
岩石 ganseki, rock
岩屋 iwaya, cavern
GAN; kao, face
顔面 ganmen, face
顔色 kao-iro, complexion
顔付 kaotsuki, face, look, countenance
✓ 3
KI, steam, vapor
汽車 kisha, steam-driven train
汽笛 kiteki, steam whistle
汽船 kisen, steamship, steamboat
KI, chronicle; shiru(su), to write down
日記 nikki, diary
記念 kinen, remembrance, souvenir
記者 kisha, journalist
✓ 3
KI; kae(ru), to return, to leave
帰り道 kaerimichi, (on) one’s way back
帰化人 kikajin, naturalized person
帰国 kikoku, return to one’s native country
✓ 4
KYŪ; yumi, bow, archery
弓道 kyūdō, Japanese archery
弓弦 yumizuru, bowstring
弓状 kyūjō, arch, bow shape
GYŪ; ushi, cow, bull
小牛 ko-ushi, calf
牛乳 gyūnyū, milk
牛肉 gyūniku, beef
✓ 4
GYO; uo, sakana, fish
金魚 kingyo, goldfish
魚市場 uo-ichiba, fish market
魚釣り uotsuri, fishing
✓ 4
KYŌ, capital; KEI, ten quadrillion
東京 Tōkyō, capital of Japan
京都 Kyōto, ancient capital of Japan
上京 jōkyō, going to Tōkyō
✓ 4
KYŌ, GŌ; tsuyo(i), strong; tsuyo(meru) (v.t.), to reinforce, to emphasize; shi(ite), by force; shii(ru), to force, to urge
勉強 benkyō, study
強弱 kyōjaku, strength and weakness
強情 gōjō, obstinacy
✓ 4
KYŌ; oshi(eru), to teach
教室 kyōshitsu, classroom
教育 kyōiku, education
教会 kyōkai, church
✓ 4
KIN; chika(i), near
近道 chikamichi, shortcut
近所 kinjo, neighborhood
最近 saikin, recently
✓ 4
KEI, KYŌ; ani, older brother
兄弟 kyōdai, brothers (and sisters)
父兄 fukei, guardians (of pupils)
✓ 4
KEI, GYŌ; katachi, ~gata, shape, form
人形 ningyō, doll
長方形 chōhōkei, rectangle
半円形 han’enkei, semicircle
✓ 3
KEI; haka(ru), to measure; haka(rau), to arrange, to discuss
合計 gōkei, sum, total
寒暖計 kandankei, weather thermometer
体温計 taionkei, clinical thermometer
✓ 4
GEN, GAN; moto, beginning, foundation
根元 kongen, nemoto, root, origin, source
元来 ganrai, originally, primarily
元日 ganjitsu, New Year’s
✓ 4
GEN, GON, speech, statement; koto, word, speech, expression; i(u), to say
方言 hōgen, dialect
無言 mugon, silence, muteness
言葉 kotoba, word, language
✓ 4
GEN, original; hara, field, meadow
原因 gen’in, cause
高原 kōgen, plateau
草原 sōgen, kusahara, grassy plain
KO; to, door
戸外 kogai, outdoors
木戸 kido, gate, door
江戸 Edo, old name for Tōkyō
KO; furu(i), old, ancient
古代 kodai, ancient times
古今 kokon, past and present
考古学 kōkogaku, archeology
✓ 4
GO, noon
午前 gozen, morning, A.M.
午後 gogo, afternoon, P.M.
正午 shōgo, noon
✓ 5
GO, KŌ; ushi(ro), behind; nochi, after; ato, the rear, after, the remainder
食後 shokugo, after a meal
最後 saigo, last
前後 zengo, before and after, context
✓ 5
GO, word, speech; katari, narration; kata(ru), to tell, to speak
外国語 gaikokugo, foreign language
英語 eigo, English language
物語 monogatari, tale
✓ 5
KŌ, KU, worker, construction
工夫 kōfu, workman; kufū, device
工事中 kōjichū, under construction
工学 kōgaku, engineering
✓ 4
KŌ; ōyake, public
主人公 shujinkō, hero, heroine
公園 kōen, public park
公転 kōten, revolution, turning
✓ 4
KŌ; hiro(i), wide; hiro(geru), to spread (v.t.); hiro(garu), to spread (v.i.); hiro(maru), to be spread
広場 hiroba, open space, plaza
広告 kōkoku, advertisement
広大 kōdai, vast
✓ 4
KŌ; ma(jiru), to be mixed; maji(waru), to associate with; ka(wasu), to exchange
交際 kōsai, intercourse, association
交番 kōban, police box
交通 kōtsū, traffic
KŌ; hikari, light, ray; hika(ru), to shine
光年 kōnen, light-year
光波 kōha, light wave
観光 kankō, sightseeing
KŌ; kanga(e), thought, idea, opinion; kanga(eru), to think
参考 sankō, reference
考案 kōan, idea, plan, scheme
考査 kōsa, examination
✓ 4
KŌ, GYŌ, AN; i(ku), yu(ku), to go; oko(nau), to hold, to conduct
行列 gyōretsu, procession, queue
急行 kyūkō, express
銀行 ginkō, bank
✓ 5
KŌ; taka(i), high, costly; taka(maru), to rise, to be elevated; taka(meru), to lift, to boost
高等学校 kōtōgakkō, high school
最高 saikō, highest
高台 takadai, elevated land
✓ 5
KŌ, Ō; ki, yellow
黄色 ki-iro, yellow
黄金 ōgon, gold
黄熱病 ōnetsubyō, yellow fever
GŌ; a(u), to be together, to fit; a(waseru), to join, to combine
合図 aizu, signal, sign
都合 tsugō, circumstances, convenience
組合 kumiai, union
✓ 3
KOKU; tani, valley
谷間 tanima, valley
谷底 tanizoko, bottom of a ravine
渓谷 keikoku, gorge
KOKU; kuni, country
国語 kokugo, national language (Japanese)
国会 kokkai, the National Diet
全国 zenkoku, national
✓ 5
KOKU; kuro, kuro(i), black
黒人 kokujin, negro
黒板 kokuban, blackboard
暗黒 ankoku, darkness, blackness
✓ 4
KON, KIN; ima, now, the present
今月 kongetsu, this month
今度 kondo, next time
今夜 kon’ya, tonight
✓ 5
SAI, talent, suffix for counting age
十六才 jūroku-sai, sixteen years old
天才 tensai, genius
才能 sainō, talent
SAI; hoso(i), slender, narrow; koma(kai), minute, fine, detailed
細道 hosomichi, narrow road
細工 saiku, work, craftsmanship
細菌 saikin, bacillus, germ
SAKU, SA; tsuku(ru), to make
作文 sakubun, (literary) composition
名作 meisaku, masterpiece
作曲 sakkyoku, musical composition
✓ 4
SAN, reckoning
算数 sansū, arithmetic, calculation
計算 keisan, computation, figuring
予算 yosan, budget
SHI; to(maru), to stop (v.i.); to(meru), to bring to a stop; tome, stop
中止 chūshi, discontinuation
禁止 kinshi, prohibition
通行止 tsūkōdome, suspension of traffic
✓ 4
SHI, city; ichi, market
市役所 shiyakusho, city office
市場 ichiba, shijō, market
都市 toshi, cities
✓ 3
SHI; ya, arrow
矢印 yajirushi, arrow(-sign)
弓矢 yumiya, bow and arrow
一矢 isshi, retort, shot in return
SHI; ane, elder sister
姉妹 shimai, ane-imōto, sisters
姉娘 anemusume, elder daughter
姉婿 anemuko, elder sister’s husband
✓ 4
SHI; omo(u), to think, to recall
思想 shisō, thought, idea
不思議 fushigi, strange
思い出 omoide, remembrance, recollection
✓ 4
SHI; kami, paper
ボ一ル紙 bōrugami, cardboard
表紙 hyōshi, cover, binding
紙くず kamikuzu, wastepaper
✓ 4
JI; tera, temple
寺院 ji-in, Buddhist temple
山寺 yamadera, mountain temple
寺子屋 terakoya, small private school in Edo era
✓ 2
JI, SHI; mizuka(ra), self, in person
自分 jibun, self
自信 jishin, confidence
自由 jiyū, freedom
✓ 4
JI; toki, time
時々 tokidoki, sometimes
時計 tokei, watch, clock
時代 jidai, period, epoch
✓ 5
SHITSU, room; muro, storeroom, cave
教室 kyōshitsu, classroom
室内 shitsunai, indoors
温室 onshitsu, hothouse, greenhouse
✓ 4
SHA, a company; yashiro, Shintō shrine
社会 shakai, society, the world, the community
会社 kaisha, (business) company
神社 jinja, shrine
✓ 4
JAKU; yowa(i), weak; yowa(ru), to grow weak, to be perplexed; yowa(meru) (v.t.), to weaken
弱虫 yowamushi, weakling
弱音 yowane, complaints
貧弱 hinjaku, scantiness, meagerness
SHU; kubi, neck
首輪 kubiwa, collar (dog)
手首 tekubi, wrist
首府 shufu, capital
SHŪ; aki, fall, autumn
初秋 shoshū, early autumn
秋風 akikaze, autumn breeze
秋分 shūbun, autumnal equinox
✓ 4
SHŪ, week
週刊誌 shūkanshi, weekly magazine
来週 raishū, next week
今週 konshū, this week
✓ 4
SHUN; haru, spring
春風 harukaze, spring breeze
青春 seishun, springtime of life
晩春 banshun, late spring
✓ 4
SHO; ka(ku), to write
辞書 jisho, dictionary
書物 shomotsu, book, volume
教科書 kyōkasho, textbook
✓ 5
SHŌ; suko(shi), suku(nai), few, little, scarce
少年 shōnen, boy, lad
多少 tashō, more or less, somewhat
少佐 shōsa, major (army), lieutenant commander (navy)
✓ 4
JŌ; ba, place
工場 kōjō, kōba, factory
場所 basho, place
仕事場 shigotoba, place of work
✓ 4
SHOKU, SHIKI; iro, color
顔色 kao-iro, complexion
天然色 tennenshoku, natural color, technicolor
色彩 shikisai, color, hue
✓ 4
SHOKU, food; ta(beru), to eat; ku(u), to eat
食物 shokumotsu, food, edibles
食堂 shokudō, dining hall
食事 shokuji, a meal
✓ 5
SHIN; kokoro, spirit, heart, mind
心持ち kokoromochi, mood, feeling, sensation
真心 magokoro, sincerity, devotion
一心 isshin, whole-heartedness
✓ 4
SHIN; atara(shii), new; ara(tani), newly, afresh; nii-, first, new
新聞 shinbun, newspaper
新年 shinnen, the New Year
新学期 shingakki, new school term
✓ 4
SHIN; oya, parent; shita(shimu), to make friends with, to take kindly to; shita(shii), intimate, familiar
両親 ryōshin, parents
親切 shinsetsu, kindness
親類 shinrui, relative, relation
✓ 4
ZU, drawing, plan; TO; haka(ru), to devise
図画 zuga, drawing, a picture
地図 chizu, map
図書館 toshokan, library
✓ 4
SŪ; kazu, number; kazo(eru), to count
数字 sūji, figure, numeral
数学 sūgaku, mathematics
人数 ninzū, the number of people
✓ 3
SEI, SAI; nishi, west
西洋 seiyō, the West, the Occident
大西洋 Taiseiyō, Atlantic Ocean
東西 tōzai, east and west, Orient and Occident
✓ 5
SEI, SHŌ; koe, voice
泣き声 nakigoe, crying voice
音声学 onseigaku, phonetics
声帯 seitai, the vocal cords
SEI, JŌ; hoshi, star
星座 seiza, constellation
火星 kasei, Mars
明星 myōjō, Venus
SEI; ha(re), fine weather; ha(reru), to clear (weather), to be dispelled; ha(rasu), to clear away, to dispel (doubts)
秋晴れ akibare, clear autumn weather
晴れ着 haregi, one’s best clothes
晴天 seiten, fine weather
✓ 3
SETSU, SAI; ki(ru), to cut; ki(reru), to be sharp, to snap, to break, to run out, to expire
一切れ hitokire, one slice
親切 shinsetsu, kindness
一切 issai, all, everything
✓ 4
SETSU; yuki, snow
雪だるま yukidaruma, snowman
雪解け yukidoke, thaw
積雪 sekisetsu, snowdrift
✓ 3
SEN; fune, funa, boat, ship
渡し watashi-bune, ferry
船員 sen’in, sailor
汽船 kisen, steamboat, steamship
SEN, line, track, wire, string
地平線 chiheisen, horizon (on land)
光線 kōsen, light, beam, ray
直線 chokusen, straight line
✓ 2
ZEN; mae, before, in front of, previous
午前 gozen, morning, A.M.
前後 zengo, before and after, context
以前 izen, ago, since, before
✓ 5
SO; kumi, class, group, set; ku(mu), to join, to unite
組み立て kumitate, construction, structure
一組 hitokumi, one set, one class
番組 bangumi, program
✓ 3
SŌ; hashi(ru), to run
競走 kyōsō, race, running match
走り書き hashirigaki, hasty writing
走り去る hashirisaru, to run away
✓ 4
TA; ō(i), many, much, abundant
多数 tasū, large number
多分 tabun, perhaps
多量 taryō, great quantity
✓ 4
TAI, TA; futo(i), big, deep (voice), bold (lines), shameless; futo(ru), to grow fat
太陽 taiyō, sun
丸太 maruta, log
太平洋 Taiheiyō, Pacific Ocean
✓ 3
TAI, TEI, body; karada, the body, health
体育 tai-iku, physical education
団体 dantai, a group
車体 shatai, body of a vehicle
✓ 4
DAI, TAI; a stand
台風 taifū, typhoon
舞台 butai, stage
燈台 tōdai, lighthouse
✓ 4
CHI, JI, earth, ground
地上 chijō, on the ground
地下 chika, underground
地面 jimen, surface of the earth
✓ 4
CHI; ike, pond, lake
電池 denchi, electric cell, battery
池畔 chihan, side of a pond, around a pond
用水池 yōsuichi, reservoir
✓ 2
CHI; shi(ru), to know; shi(raseru), to inform
知識 chishiki, knowledge
知人 chijin, an acquaintance
承知 shōchi, assent, agreement
✓ 4
CHA, SA, tea, tea plant
茶色 cha-iro, light brown
茶の湯 cha-no-yu, tea ceremony
茶わん chawan, teacup, rice bowl
✓ 4
CHŪ; hiru, noon, daytime
昼間 hiruma, daytime
昼夜 chūya, day and night
昼食 chūshoku, noon meal, lunch
✓ 4
CHŌ, head of an institution or organization; naga(i), long
細長い hosonagai, long and narrow
長ぐつ nagagutsu, boots
校長 kōchō, principal of a school
✓ 5
CHŌ; tori, bird
鳥類 chōrui, birds (as a species)
小鳥 kotori, small bird
渡り鳥 wataridori, migratory bird
✓ 4
CHŌ; asa, morning
朝刊 chōkan, morning paper
朝食 chōshoku, breakfast
毎朝 mai-asa, every morning
✓ 4
CHOKU, upright, honest, cheap; JIKI, direct; tada(chini), immediately; nao(su), to repair, to put right, to convert; nao(ru), to be repaired, to change for the better
直角 chokkaku, right angle
正直 shōjiki, honesty
素直 sunao, gentle, obedient
TSŪ; tō(ru), to go along, to pass; tō(su), to let pass, to continue; kayo(u), to go back and forth, to commute
大通り ō-dōri, main street
通信 tsūshin, correspondence, communication
通訳 tsūyaku, interpreter
✓ 4
TEI, DAI; otōto, younger brother
兄弟 kyōdai, brothers
弟妹 teimai, younger brothers and sisters
✓ 4
TEN; mise, store
店番 miseban, tending a store
商店 shōten, store (shop)
売店 baiten, stand, stall
✓ 4
TEN, point, marks, dot
点数 tensū, merit marks
点字 tenji, braille points
決勝点 kesshōten, goal
✓ 3
DEN, lightning, electricity
電気 denki, electricity
電話 denwa, telephone
電報 denpō, telegram
✓ 5
TŌ; katana, sword
小刀 kogatana, pocketknife
大刀 daitō, long sword
軍刀 guntō, sabre
TŌ; fuyu, winter
冬休み fuyuyasumi, winter vacation
冬眠 tōmin, hibernation
冬期 tōki, winter season
✓ 4
TŌ; a(taru), to hit, to be equal to, to win (v.i.); a(teru), to hit, to apply, to guess (v.t.)
見当 kentō, guess
手当 teate, treatment, allowance
当然 tōzen, justly, naturally
TŌ; higashi, east
東側 higashigawa, east side
東洋 tōyō, the East, the Orient
北東 hokutō, northeast
✓ 5
TŌ; kota(e), answer; kota(eru), to answer
答案 tōan, examination paper
問答 mondō, questions and answers 解答 kaitō, answer, solution
✓ 4
TŌ, ZU; atama, head, top, brain; kashira, head, top, leader
先頭 sentō, leader, head
教頭 kyōtō, head teacher
頭痛 zutsū, headache
✓ 3
DŌ; ona(ji), same
同時 dōji, the same time
同情 dōjō, sympathy
一同 ichidō, all (of us, them), all the persons concerned
✓ 4
DŌ; michi, road, path
水道 suidō, waterworks
道具 dōgu, tool
鉄道 tetsudō, railroad
✓ 4
DOKU, TOKU; yo(mu), to read
読者 dokusha, reader (person)
読書 dokusho, reading
読み返す yomikaesu, to reread
✓ 5
NAI, DAI; uchi, inside, home, within, during, among, between
案内 annai, guidance, invitation
内海 uchiumi, naikai, inland sea
内容 naiyō, contents
✓ 3
NAN; minami, south
南部 nanbu, southern part
南極 Nankyoku, South Pole
西南 seinan, southwest
✓ 5
NIKU, meat, flesh
牛肉 gyūniku, beef
筋肉 kinniku, muscles
肉屋 nikuya, butcher, butcher shop
✓ 5
BA; uma, horse
馬車 basha, carriage
競馬場 keibajō, race track
BAI; u(ri), sale; u(ru), to sell
売り出し uridashi, opening sale, bargain sale
商売 shōbai, business
発売 hatsubai, sale
✓ 4
BAI; ka(u), to buy, to purchase
売買 baibai, purchase and sale, buying and selling
買い物 kaimono, shopping
買い手 kaite, buyer
✓ 4
BAKU; mugi, barley, wheat
麦わら mugiwara, (barley) straw
麦刈り mugikari, mowing barley
小麦 komugi, wheat
HAN; naka(ba), half
半分 hanbun, half
一時半 ichiji-han, one-thirty, half-past one
半島 hantō, peninsula
✓ 5
BAN, number, guard, order, (one’s) turn
番組 bangumi, program
交番 kōban, police-box
順番 junban, order, one’s turn
✓ 3
FU; chichi, father
父兄会 fukeikai, parents’ association
祖父 sofu, grandfather
父母 fubo, parents
✓ 5
FŪ; kaze, wind
風景 fūkei, scenery
台風 taifū, typhoon
南風 minamikaze, south wind
✓ 4
BUN, BU, part, share; FUN, a minute; wa(keru) (v.t.), to divide; wa(kareru), to be separated, to branch off; wa(karu), to know, to understand
自分 jibun, self
二分 nifun, two minutes
十分 jippun, ten minutes
✓ 5
BUN; ki(ku), to hear, to listen to, to ask, to obey; ki(koeru), to be heard
新聞 shinbun, newspaper
新聞社 shinbunsha, newspaper office
見聞 kenbun, information, experience
✓ 5
BEI, America, rice; MAI, rice; kome, rice
米国 Beikoku, America, the United States
米作 beisaku, rice-growing (crop)
白米 hakumai, polished rice
HO, BU; ayu(mu), aru(ku), to walk, to step
第一歩 dai-ippo, the first step
進歩 shinpo, progress
散歩 sanpo, a walk, a stroll
✓ 4
BO; haha, mother
母の日 Haha-no-hi, Mother’s Day
母国 bokoku, mother country
母親 haha-oya, mother
✓ 5
HŌ, direction, side; kata [gata], side, way of ~ing, person
両方 ryōhō, both sides
作り方 tsukurikata, way of making
夕方 yūgata, evening
✓ 4
HOKU; kita, north
北極 Hokkyoku, North Pole
南北 nanboku, north and south
北風 kitakaze, north wind
✓ 5
MAI, every (prefix)
毎日 mainichi, every day
毎朝 mai-asa, every morning
毎週 maishū, every week
✓ 5
MAI; imōto, younger sister
弟妹 teimai, younger brothers and sisters
姉妹 shimai, sisters
✓ 4
MAN, ten thousand; BAN
万年筆 mannenhitsu, fountain pen
万一 man’ichi, if by any chance
万国 bankoku, all countries
✓ 5
MEI, MYŌ, bright; aka(rui), light, bright; aki(raka), bright; a(keru), to dawn, to break (day); a(kasu), to disclose (a secret), to pass the night
夜明け yoake, dawn
説明 setsumei, explanation
発明 hatsumei, invention
✓ 4
MEI; na(ku), to sing (birds), to cry (animals), to howl (animals), to chirp (insects); na(ru) (v.i.), to ring, to sound; na(rasu) (v.t.), to ring (a bell), to sound (a drum), to complain, to be famous
鳴き声 nakigoe, cry (of animals)
悲鳴 himei, scream, cry of distress
鳴動 meidō, rumbling
MŌ; ke, hair
毛糸 keito, woolen thread, yarn
毛虫 kemushi, caterpillar
毛布 mōfu, blanket
MON; kado, gate
校門 kōmon, school gate
専門 senmon, specialty
門口 kadoguchi, door, entrance
✓ 2
YA; yo, yoru, evening, night
夜中 yonaka, midnight
十五夜 jūgoya, night of the full moon
今夜 kon’ya, tonight
✓ 4
YA; no, field, plain
野原 nohara, field
野球 yakyū, baseball
野外 yagai, outdoors
✓ 4
YŪ; tomo, friend
友だち tomodachi, friend
友人 yūjin, friend
友情 yūjō, friendship
✓ 5
YŌ, business; mochi(iru), to use
用意 yōi, preparation
用心 yōjin, heed, care, caution
用事 yōji, business
✓ 4
YŌ, term used for days of the week
木曜日 mokuyōbi, Thursday
土曜日 doyōbi, Saturday
水曜日 suiyōbi, Wednesday
✓ 4
RAI; ku(ru), to come; kita(ru), to arrive, next; kita(su), to cause, to induce
来年 rainen, next year
以来 irai, since, from that time
将来 shōrai, the future
✓ 5
RI, Japanese linear unit (2.44 miles); sato village, country, one’s native home (usually as viewed by a woman married into another family)
郷里 kyōri, one’s native place, home
村里 murazato, village
一里 ichiri, one ri
RI, reason, logic
理解 rikai, understanding
整理 seiri, arrangement, adjustment
料理 ryōri, cooking
✓ 4
WA; hanashi, story; hana(su), to speak
世話 sewa, aid
電話 denwa, telephone
会話 kaiwa, conversation
✓ 5
AKU, badness, evil; waru(i), bad, evil
悪口 warukuchi, evil talk, gossip
悪人 akunin, bad man, villain
悪路 akuro, bad road
✓ 4
AN; yasu(i), cheap, inexpensive
安心 anshin, peace of mind
安全 anzen, safe
不安 fuan, uneasiness
✓ 4
AN; kura(i), dark
真っ暗 makkura, pitch dark
暗号 angō, code, cryptograph
暗記 anki, memorization
✓ 3
I, to heal, to cure
医者 isha, physician, doctor
医学 igaku, medical science
医院 i-in, medical practitioner’s office
✓ 4
I; yuda(neru), to entrust with
委員 i-in, committee, delegate
委員長 i-inchō, chairman of a committee
委任 i-nin, charge, trust, commission
I, mind, heart, attention, care
注意 chūi, care, attention
意見 iken, opinion, admonition
意味 imi, meaning
✓ 4
IKU; haguku(mu), brood over (one’s chicks), soda(teru), to bring up, to educate, to raise; soda(tsu), to grow up
教育 kyōiku, education
体育 tai-iku, physical education
育児 ikuji, upbringing of a child
✓ 3
IN, member, official, personnel
満員 man’in, no vacancy, full house
一員 ichi-in, (one) member
職員 shokuin, staff, personnel
✓ 4
IN, temple, academy, board, suffix for “institution”
病院 byōin, hospital
美容院 biyōin, beauty shop
下院 ka-in, House of Representatives, Lower House
✓ 4
IN; no(mu), to drink
飲料水 inryōsui drinking water
飲み水 nomimizu, drinking water
飲み物 nomimono, drinks
✓ 4
UN, luck; hako(bu), to carry, to transport
運良く un’yoku, luckily
運動 undō, exercise, motion
運命 unmei, fate
✓ 4
EI; oyo(gu), to swim
水泳 suiei, swimming
平泳ぎ hira-oyogi, breast stroke
水泳大会 suiei taikai, swimming meet
✓ 3
EKI, station
駅前 ekimae, in front of the station
駅長 ekichō, station master
駅員 eki-in, station employee
✓ 4
Ō, center, middle
中央 chūō, center
中央線 Chūō-sen, the Chūō Line (electric railway in Tōkyō)
震央 shin’ō, the epicenter, the center of an earthquake
Ō; yoko, the side, the width
横書き yokogaki, writing from left to right
横断 ōdan, crossing, intersection
横顔 yokogao, side view of a person’s face, profile
✓ 3
OKU, house; ya, shop, business
屋根 yane, roof
時計屋 tokeiya, watch shop
屋上 okujō, housetop, roof
✓ 4