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ON; warm; atata(kai), warm (to the touch); atata(maru), to warm oneself; atata(meru), to heat

温度 ondo, temperature

温泉 onsen, hot spring

体温 taion, body temperature

✓ 2

KA, influence; KE; ba(keru), to take the form of; ba(kasu), to bewitch

変化 henka, change, variation, alteration

化学 kagaku, chemistry

化粧 keshō, make-up

✓ 3

KA; ni, a load, burden

荷物 nimotsu, baggage

荷船 nibune, freighter

荷作り nizukuri, packing

✓ 2

KAI, world

世界 sekai, world

世界一 sekai-ichi, best in the world

限界 genkai, boundary, limits

✓ 4

KAI; hira(ku), to open (v.t. & i.); a(keru) (v.t.), to open; hira(keru), to be civilized, to open; a(ku) (v.i.) to be open

開会 kaikai, opening a meeting

満開 mankai, full bloom

開発 kaihatsu, development, exploitation

✓ 4

KAI, story of a building, floor, grade

階段 kaidan, stairs, stairway

階級 kaikyū, class, caste

三階 sangai, 3rd floor

✓ 2

KAN, the coldest season of the year; samu(i), cold

極寒 gokkan, bitter cold

寒中 kanchū, cold season

寒流 kanryū, cold current

✓ 3

KAN, feeling, thought

感想 kansō, thoughts, impressions

感心 kanshin, admiration

感覚 kankaku, sensation


KAN, China; ~kan, suffix for “man”

漢字 kanji, Chinese character

漢文 kanbun, Chinese composition

悪漢 akkan, villain, crook

✓ 4

KAN, building, hall; yakata, mansion

図書館 toshokan, library

映画館 eigakan, movie theater

旅館 ryokan, inn, hotel

✓ 4

GAN; kishi, bank, shore

海岸 kaigan, seashore

岸壁 ganpeki, quay, wharf

川岸 kawagishi, riverbank


KI; o(kiru), to rise, to get up; o(kosu), to raise, to awaken (v.t.); o(koru), to occur, to develop

早起き hayaoki, early rising

起原 kigen, origin

起重機 kijūki, crane, derrick

✓ 4

KI, GO, period, term

学期 gakki, school term

期待 kitai, expectation

時期 jiki, the times, season

✓ 3

KYAKU, KAKU, guest, visitor, customer

お客さん o-kyaku-san, guest

客車 kyakusha, railroad passenger car

客船 kyakusen, passenger boat


KYŪ, study; kiwa(meru), to study thoroughly

研究 kenkyū, research

研究会 kenkyūkai, research society

研究家 kenkyūka, researcher

✓ 4

KYŪ; iso(gu), to hurry

急病 kyūbyō, sudden illness

急行 kyūkō, express

大急ぎ ō-isogi, great haste

✓ 4

KYŪ, rank, grade

学級 gakkyū, school class

上級 jōkyū, high class

同級生 dōkyūsei, classmate


KYŪ, GŪ, KU; miya, shrine, prince (of the blood)

宮殿 kyūden, palace

神宮 jingū, Shintō shrine

宮様 miya-sama, royal prince


KYŪ, sphere, globe; tama, ball

野球 yakyū, baseball

地球 chikyū, the earth, the globe

電球 denkyū, electric light bulb


KYO, KO, past; sa(ru), to leave, to depart

去年 kyonen, last year

過去 kako, the past, past tense

✓ 4

KYŌ; hashi, bridge

桟橋 sanbashi, pier

土橋 dobashi, earthen bridge

鉄橋 tekkyō, iron bridge

✓ 2

GYŌ, occupation, business, industry, studies; GŌ, karma; waza, act, deed

職業 shokugyō, occupation, profession

産業 sangyō, industry

工業 kōgyō, industry, manufacturing industry

✓ 4

KYOKU, melody; ma(garu), to bend, to twist, to turn, (v.i.); ma(geru), to bend, to twist, to turn (v.t.)

曲線 kyokusen, curved line

作曲 sakkyoku, musical composition

曲がり道 magarimichi, crooked road, winding lane


KYOKU, bureau, board, office, department

放送局 hōsōkyoku, broadcasting station

編集局 henshūkyoku, editorial department

郵便局 yūbinkyoku, post office

✓ 3

GIN, silver

銀行 ginkō, bank

銀色 gin’iro, silver color

銀貨 ginka, silver coin


KU, ward, section

区別 kubetsu, distinction, classification

地区 chiku, area

区画 kukaku, boundary, block, division


KU, pain, anxiety; kuru(shii), painful; niga(i), bitter

苦労 kurō, troubles, toil

苦心 kushin, pains, hard work

苦戦 kusen, hard fighting


GU, tool, utensil; ingredients

道具 dōgu, tool, utensil, instrument

具合 guai, condition, state

具体的 gutaiteki, concrete, definite


KUN, Mister, Master; kimi, you (familiar form)

佐藤君 Satō-kun, Mr. Satō

貴君 kikun, you (lit., masc.)

諸君 shokun, gentlemen, ladies and gentlemen, you


KEI; kakari, charge, duty, in charge (of); kaka(ru), to affect, to concern

係員 kakari-in, clerk in charge

関係 kankei, relation, connection, participation, implication

記録係 kirokugakari, person in charge of records, recorder

✓ 3

KEI; karu, karu(i), light (in weight), slight, easy; karo(yaka), airy, light

軽卒 keisotsu, rashness, hastiness

軽音楽 kei-ongaku, light music

気軽 kigaru, light-hearted

✓ 2

KETSU; chi, blood

血液 ketsueki, blood

出血 shukketsu, bleeding, hemorrhage

血管 kekkan, blood vessel


KETSU; ki(maru), to be decided; ki(meru), to decide

決心 kesshin, making up one’s mind

決定 kettei, decision

解決 kaiketsu, solution

✓ 3

KEN, study; to(gu), to sharpen, to wash (rice)

研究 kenkyū, study, research

研究室 kenkyūshitsu, laboratory

研究所 kenkyūjo, research institute


KEN, prefecture

県道 kendō, prefectural road

県庁 kenchō, prefectural office

県知事 kenchiji, prefectural governor


KO, warehouse

書庫 shoko, library

倉庫 sōko, warehouse

冷蔵庫 reizōko, icebox, refrigerator


KO; mizu-umi, lake

湖水 kosui, lake

湖岸 kogan, shore of a lake

湖畔 kohan, border of a lake


KŌ; mu(ku), to turn toward, to be suited for; mu(kau), to face, to head for; mu(kō), the opposite side, beyond

向こう mukō, opposite

向こう側 mukōgawa, opposite side

方向 hōkō, direction, course

✓ 3

KŌ; saiwa(i), blessings, good luck, happiness, fortune; sachi, happiness, luck; shiawa(se), happiness, good fortune

不幸 fukō, unhappiness, misfortune

幸福 kōfuku, happiness

幸運 kōun, good fortune


KŌ; minato, harbor

港町 minatomachi, port town

入港 nyūkō, entry into port

空港 kūkō, airport

✓ 3

GŌ, number, issue (of a magazine)

番号 bangō, number

記号 kigō, symbol

信号 shingō, signal, code

✓ 3

KON, root (math.), perseverance; ne, root

根気 konki, patience, perseverance

大根 daikon, giant white radish

根本 konpon, basis


SAI; matsu(ri), festival; matsu(ru), to deify, to worship as a god, to offer prayers for the sake of

村祭り muramatsuri, village festival

祭日 saijitsu, national holiday

文化祭 bunkasai, cultural festival

✓ 2

sara, plate, dish, bowl

皿洗い sara-arai, dishwashing

皿洗い機 sara-araiki, dishwasher

灰皿 haizara, ashtray


SHI, JI, work; tsuka(eru), to serve

仕事 shigoto, work

給仕 kyūji, office boy, waiter

仕方 shikata, way of doing

✓ 4

SHI, death; shi(nu), to die

死体 shitai, corpse

死傷者 shishōsha, dead and injured, casualties

必死 hisshi, certain death, desperation


SHI; tsuka(u), to use

使い tsukai, errand, messenger

使命 shimei, mission, errand

使用 shiyō, use

✓ 4

SHI; haji(maru), to begin (v.i.); haji(meru), to begin (v.t.)

開始 kaishi, commencement, start

始末 shimatsu, circumstances, the particulars; management

始業 shigyō, beginning of work or class

✓ 4

SHI; yubi, finger; sa(su), to point at, to indicate

親指 oyayubi, thumb

指輪 yubiwa, ring

指揮者 shikisha, conductor, commander

✓ 3

SHI; ha, tooth

虫歯 mushiba, decayed tooth

歯医者 ha-isha, dentist

歯車 haguruma, gear, cogwheel


SHI, poetry, poem

詩人 shijin, poet

詩集 shishū, anthology of poetry

叙事詩 jojishi, epic poem


JI, SHI; tsugi, next; tsu(gu), to rank next to

次第 shidai, order, reason, as soon as

次官 jikan, vice-minister

目次 mokuji, table of contents

✓ 3

JI; koto, thing, action, affair, fact

仕事 shigoto, work

用事 yōji, business

大事 daiji, great matter, serious affair, importance

✓ 4

JI; mo(chi), durability; mo(tsu), to have, to hold

気持 kimochi, feeling

持参 jisan, bringing

支持 shiji, support

✓ 4

SHIKI, ceremony, form, model; ~shiki, ~-style (suffix for “style”, “type”)

式場 shikijō, ceremonial hall

卒業式 sotsugyō-shiki, graduation ceremony, commencement

旧式 kyūshiki, old-style

✓ 3

JITSU, reality; mi, nut, fruit; mino(ru), to bear fruit

実際 jissai, actual state, reality

真実 shinjitsu, truth

果実 kajitsu, fruit

✓ 3

SHA; utsu(su), to copy, to imitate, to take (a photograph); utsu(ru), to be photographed, to be projected

写真 shashin, photograph

写生 shasei, sketch, drawing from nature

映写 eisha, projection

✓ 4

SHA; mono, person

若者 wakamono, young man

医者 isha, doctor

学者 gakusha, scholar

✓ 4

SHU, SU; nushi, master, owner; omo, main, foremost

主人 shujin, master

民主主義 minshushugi, democracy

持主 mochinushi, owner

✓ 4

SHU, SU; mamo(ru), to protect, to guard, to defend, to obey (the law), to keep (a promise); mori, mo(ri), nursemaid, baby-sitter

お守り o-mamori, amulet, charm

留守 rusu, absence

保守 hoshu, conservatism


SHU; to(ru), to take

取り出す toridasu, to take out

取材 shuzai, choice of subject

取扱い toriatsukai, treatment, handling

✓ 3

SHU; saka-, sake, rice wine, liquor

ぶどう酒 budōshu, wine

酒飲み sakenomi, drinker

酒屋 sakaya, liquor shop

✓ 3

JU; u(keru), to receive; u(karu), to pass (an exam)

受持 ukemochi, charge, matter in hand

受付 uketsuke, receptionist, information desk

受話機 juwaki, telephone receiver

✓ 3

SHŪ, province, state (U.S.A.); su, shallows, a sandbank

本州 Honshū (main island of Japan)

九州 Kyūshū (Japan’s third largest island)

ユタ州 Yuta-shū, State of Utah

✓ 2

SHŪ; JŪ, ten (used in legal documents); hiro(u), to pick up

拾い物 hiroimono, something picked up, windfall, bargain

命拾い inochibiroi, narrow escape (from death)

拾弐円 jūni-en, 12 yen


SHŪ; o(wari), end; o(waru), to come to an end; o(eru), to finish

終戦 shūsen, end of a war

終業 shūgyō, end of work

最終 saishū, the last

✓ 4

SHŪ; nara(u), to learn, to study

練習 renshū, practice

習字 shūji, penmanship

習慣 shūkan, habit, custom

✓ 4

SHŪ; atsu(meru), to collect (v.t.); atsu(maru), to gather together (v.i.); tsudo(u), to meet, to gather

編集 henshū, editing

詩集 shishū, anthology of poems

文集 bunshū, literary anthology

✓ 4

JŪ, dwelling; su(mu), to dwell, to live; su(mai), dwelling

住所 jūsho, address

衣食住 i-shoku-jū, necessities of life (clothing, food, shelter)

住宅 jūtaku, dwelling, living quarters

✓ 4

JŪ, CHŌ; omo(i), heavy; kasa(neru), to pile (things) up; kasa(naru), to be piled up; ~e, ~fold

体重 taijū, weight (of the body)

厳重 genjū, strictness

二重 futae, nijū, duplicate, double, twofold

✓ 4

SHUKU; yado, inn; yado(ru), to lodge at; yado(su), to provide shelter

宿屋 yadoya, inn

宿題 shukudai, homework

下宿 geshuku, boardinghouse

✓ 3

SHO; tokoro, place

台所 daidokoro, kitchen

場所 basho, place

近所 kinjo, neighborhood

✓ 3

SHO; atsu(i), hot

Guide to Reading and Writing Japanese

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