Читать книгу The Osage tribe, two versions of the child-naming rite (1928 N 43 / 1925-1926 (pages 23-164)) - Francis la Flesche - Страница 36



72. Verily, at that time and place, it has been said, in this house,

73. They spake to one another, saying: Give heed, my younger brothers,

74. You will go forth to make further search,

75. Then, even as these words were spoken, they hastened

76. To the friable stone,

77. And, standing close to him,

78. Spake, saying: O, grandfather, the little ones have nothing of which to make their bodies.

79. The friable stone replied: O, my little ones,

80. You say the little ones have nothing of which to make their bodies.

81. The little ones shall make of me their bodies.

82. When they make of me their bodies,

83. They shall cling to me as one who can produce the heat by which their bodies can be purified.

The Osage tribe, two versions of the child-naming rite (1928 N 43 / 1925-1926 (pages 23-164))

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