Читать книгу Peter and Alexis - Frank J. Morlock - Страница 6




The apartment of the Tsarevitch.

It is small, furnished with icons and various decorations of a religious nature. Alexis is seated in an armchair. He has a hangover, and is still dressed in a dressing gown and slippers even though it is late in the day. Larion Dokoukin, an elderly man, shabbily dressed, is speaking. Alexis is about twenty-five; his keen intelligence is somewhat dulled by drink and sleep. He is thin, aesthetic, and somewhat weak-looking.


Antichrist is coming. He, the last of the devils, is not yet come himself; but the world is teeming with his progeny. They twist everything to suit his plans. He will appear in his own due time, when all is prepared and smoothed. (fervently) He is already at the door. Soon he will enter.

Alexis (sharply)

And how do you know all this? Of that day it is written “Neither the son nor the angels know.” How is it you know?

(Dokoukin remains silent.)

Alexis (yawning)

Are you a heretic or a Raskolnik?


I am a clerk in the Arsenal. An informer reported me for taking bribes.


Did you?


I did. I was not compelled to, neither did I do it for the sake of extortion, but in all fairness and with a clean conscience, being satisfied with whatever was given me freely for the clerk work I did.

(Alexis laughs at his naiveté.)


People had for years been wont to give me trifling sums—in all two hundred and fifteen rubles. I have nothing wherewith to repay the sum. I am poor, old, sad, wretched, disabled, and destitute. Merciful Highness—protect a defenseless old man. I beseech you, Tsarevitch Alexis Petrovitch.

Alexis (warily)

Are you sure you’re not simply an impostor?

Dokoukin (simply)

No, Your Majesty. (hesitating) There was yet another reason for my coming.

Alexis (impatiently)



Nowadays, we of the old religion are hunted from house to house; we are insulted and outraged. We have shaved our heads and our beards, we have been basely defiled. We have accepted strange Western ways. We have mingled with foreign heretics and schismatics. The heart is troubled. (passionately) It is dangerous to speak, but impossible to remain silent. O secret martyrs! fear not, rise valiantly and arm yourselves with the cross to repel the power of Antichrist.

Alexis (suspiciously)

What is your purpose in telling me all this?


A little while ago, I dropped a letter like this in the Cathedral. (showing a letter and giving it to Alexis who reads it) But those who found it, simply burned it. Today, I shall nail a petition to the Cathedral door so that the Tsar himself will be informed. I write and speak so that the Tsar will come to himself again and amend his ways.


Are you aware, old man, that it is my duty, as a citizen and as my father’s son, to report this type of sedition?


It is for you to decide, Tsarevitch.


Are you aware that the penalty for sedition is death?


For myself, I am willing to suffer for Christ’s sake.


Are you in your right senses? Think what you are about. Once in the torture chamber, you will be hanged by the ribs and roasted to death like Gregory of Talitsa who called my father Antichrist.


We must all die once. Today. Tomorrow. What difference? With God’s help I am prepared to give up my life.

Alexis (sizing him up)

Listen, old man, I will not report you. I see that you are honest; I trust you. (pause) Tell me, do you wish me well?


With all my heart.


If you do, then banish all this nonsense from your head. Never think of writing seditious petitions. This is not the time for them. If it were known I had seen you, I too should fare ill. My father spares no one. Go, God be with you! Don’t come again. I’ll put in a word for you. You shall be exonerated. Now, go—no, wait. Give me your handkerchief. (filling it with gold) Take this for your journey back to Moscow. On your return have a mass said for God’s servant, Alexis. Only be careful you don’t know who this Alexis is.

(Dokoukin stands with bowed head, in deep respect, before Alexis.)


What else can one do but obey you? Who but you can aid us against your terrible father? Fair child of the Church...Russia’s hope.


Enough, enough, old man. Am I blind and deaf? Does not my heart ache for you? Should God grant me once to rule this country, I will do all I can to ease the people’s lot. Nor will I forget you. Now, goodbye, Dokoukin. We shall meet someday, God willing.

(Dokoukin goes out with profound but clumsy reverence.)

(A slight pause and Afanassief, Alexis’ aged valet, enters.)


It is time to be going. Would you like to get ready?

Alexis (musing)

I’m not going.


As you please. The order was for everyone to be present. Your father will be in a passion.


All right, all right. But, bring me some liquor, my head is splitting from last nights drinking—

Afanassief (bowing)

Yes, Tsarevitch.

Peter and Alexis

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