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The Philippine Archipelago, in which I include the Sulu group, lies entirely within the northern tropic; the southernmost island of the Tawi-tawi group called Sibutu reaches down to 4° 38′ N., whilst Yami, the northernmost islet of the Batanes group, lies in 21° 7′ N. This gives an extreme length of 1100 miles, whilst the extreme breadth is about 680 miles, measured a little below the 8th parallel from the Island of Balábac to the east coast of Mindanao.

Various authorities give the number of islands and islets at 1200 and upwards; many have probably never been visited by a white man. We need only concern ourselves with the principal islands and those adjacent to them.

From the hydrographic survey carried out by officers of the Spanish Navy, the following areas have been calculated and are considered official, except those marked with an asterisk, which are only estimated.

Sq. Miles. Sq. Miles.
Luzon 42,458
Babuyanes Islands 272
Batanes Islands 104
Mindoro 4,153
Catanduanes 721
Marinduque 332
Polillo 300
Buriás 116
Ticao. 144
Masbate 1,642
—— 7,784
Total Luzon and adjacent islands 50,242
Visayas, etc.
Panay 4,898
Negros 3,592
Cebú 2,285
Bohol 1,226
Leyte 3,706
Samar 5,182
—— 20,889
Mindanao 34,456
Palawan and Balabac 5,963
Calamianes Islands 640
Area of principal islands 112,190

The Spanish official estimate of the area of the whole Archipelago is 114,214 square miles1 equivalent to 73,000,000 acres, so that the remaining islands ought to measure between them something over 2000 square miles.

The Inhabitants of the Philippines

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