Читать книгу The Beautiful and Damned / Прекрасные и обреченные. Уровень 4 - Френсис Скотт Фицджеральд, Френсис Фицджеральд - Страница 18

Scott Fitzgerald
The Beautiful And Damned
Book One
Chapter III


Anthony had had the hardest blow of his life. He reached home in misery, dropped into an armchair without even removing his overcoat, and sat there for over an hour. She had sent him away! Instead of seizing the girl and holding her by strength until she became passive to his desire, he had walked, defeated and powerless, from her door. And she had nearly loved him! He was not so much in love with Gloria as mad for her. Unless he could have her near him again, kiss her, hold her close and acquiescent, he wanted nothing more from life.

She was beautiful – but especially she was without mercy. He must own that strength that could send him away.

About midnight he began to realize that he was hungry. He went down into Fifty-second Street, where it was so cold that he could scarcely see. Anthony turned over toward Sixth Avenue, so absorbed in his thoughts as not to notice that several passers-by had stared at him. His overcoat was wide open.

After a while a fat waitress spoke to him.

“Order, please!”

Her voice, he considered, was unnecessarily loud. He looked up resentfully.

“Will you order or not?”

“Of course,” he protested.

“Well, I asked you three times. This isn’t a rest-room.”

He glanced at the big clock and discovered with a start that it was after two.

“Give me some bacon and eggs[20] and coffee, please.”

The waitress hurried away.

God! Gloria’s kisses had been such flowers. Misery struck at him again. He had lost her. It was true – no denying it, no softening it. Anthony was in love, profoundly and truly in love.


bacon and eggs – яичница с беконом

The Beautiful and Damned / Прекрасные и обреченные. Уровень 4

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