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the meaning of a human life


is to work out a decent way of life realize it > live it > guarantee it for all ! because only then .... you are a human being ! and therefore there is no meaning here on this world ! as there is no human order because humans want to live decently can be > must be ! otherwise they will be dissatisfied with themselves until they can live as humans ! so to achieve this > the meaning in life of each person is to make just this happen ! until then ... they feel like losers indeed they are .... in reality ! only by their conceit procurement this is presented as a success coming to such perverse ideas like to enslave others they condemn to forced labor working to create > the upturn in delusions ! walk around with trained predators make their children to .... wolf children ! produce all these artifices > all these arts because the reality ... their existence being so unbearable ! and they measured against this delusional insanity this reality can not improve > may > want to ! otherwise they will be excluded and may no longer be helping >>> squander their planetary resources flip their climate > contaminate their environment ! meaning ... the final victory over every intelligent life ! reminded that they may not represent any homo sapiens way of life that they have failed .... all of them ! which consequently will lose not only their best potentials but will lose their whole world ! before the universe is blinking with the eye ... only if these masses of insanity would understand that they should go to improve the reality not their insanity would a continued existence on this world be secured !

galactic design

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