Читать книгу galactic design - fritz roth - Страница 4

a theory of slavery


a free society can never work long as any one with any inteligence can plainly see ! any time he will be looking at this world ! because if any idiot > can be any idiot > any idiocracy then the population can only fail > soon after ! if the darwinian selction are in place if any dodo can be bragging about what kind of nusiance he can be ! at the future > at any humans demise the end can be predicted > as any one can see clearly and any idiot will know > there will be > freak outs and no one can stop them since the whole thing is an afront to any humanity ! to any higher inteligence so ...... galactic design ....... should be for humans not for frustrating them .... until they are fighting back ! the right nurishment .... and enough rest is the key to a heathy population ! and only a heathy human ... will have a heathy mind ..... having the capacity to design a future for all eternity !

galactic design

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