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Table of Contents

[70] Finch to Coventry, Jan. 11-21, 1674-75, Coventry Papers.

[71] Harvey to Arlington, July 1, 1672. Cp. Rycaut to the Same, June 29, 1671, S.P. Turkey, 19.

[72] Nointel to Finch, A Tripoly le 12 Juillet 1674; Consul Gamaliel Nightingale to the Same, Aleppo, July 10, 1674; Finch to Arlington, July 27, S.N., 1674, Coventry Papers.

[73] A. Vandal, Les Voyages du Marquis de Nointel, p. 155.

[74] Rycaut to Nointel (in French), Smirne ce 31 Décembre 1674; the Same to the Same (in Italian) 8, 4-14 Jennaro, 1674-75, with Nointel’s reply (in Italian); the Same to Joseph Williamson, March 8, 1674-75, S.P. Turkey, 19. Finch to Coventry, Feb. 1-11, 4-14; the Factory of Smyrna to Finch, Jan. 19, 1674-75, Coventry Papers.

[75] The exact date of his Excellency’s arrival can scarcely be a matter of deep concern to any man now living; yet, as an example of the discrepancies which beset the path of the historical student, the following may be of some interest: “The French Amb.: the Marquis de Nointell arrivd’ here the 13th at breake of day.” Finch to Coventry, Feb. 5-15; “His Excellcy: arrivd’ here Saturday Febr. the 15-25.” Same to Same, Feb. 24-March 6; “Le 20 février 1675, Nointel rentrait à Constantinople,” Vandal, p. 175.

[76] Finch to Coventry, Feb. 5-15, Feb. 24/March 6, March 1-11, 1674-75, Coventry Papers.

[77] Finch to Coventry, Jan 11-21, 1674-75, enclosing letter from Consul Nathaniel Bradley, dated Tripoli di Barbaria, Nov. 23, 1674, Coventry Papers. Cp. Rycaut to Arlington, Smyrna, Nov. 21, 1674, S.P. Turkey, 19.

[78] Winchilsea to Nicholas, March 4, 1660-61; Aug. 20, Oct. 19, Nov. 11-21, 1661; Jan. 13, 1661-62; May 24, 1662; Harvey to Arlington, Aug. 18, 1669; Jan. 31, 1669-70; April 30, 1672, S.P. Turkey, 17 and 19.

[79] Finch to Narbrough, May 24: S V. 1675, Coventry Papers.

[80] Finch to Coventry, Feb. 24/March 6, 1674-75, Coventry Papers.

[81] Finch to Coventry, Feb. 24/March 6, 1674-75, Coventry Papers.

[82] Finch to Coventry, Sept. 9, 1675, Coventry Papers.

Under the Turk in Constantinople: A record of Sir John Finch's Embassy, 1674-1681

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