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Table of Contents

[4] Evelyn’s Diary, Oct. 27, 1664; Pepys’s Diary, May 3, 1664, April 21, 1669.

[5] Roger North’s Life of Guilford, p. 226.

[6] Dictionary of National Biography; Malloch’s Finch and Baines.

[7] Anne, Viscountess Conway—a very learned lady and a very odd. There is a notice of her in the Dict. of Nat. Biog., where her father’s name is given wrongly as “Henry.”

[8] Malloch’s Finch and Baines, p. 54.

[9] Calendar of State Papers, Domestic, 1667-68, pp. 258-9.

[10] Malloch’s Finch and Baines, p. 59.

[11] Finch to Arlington, Dec. 23, 1672, S.P. Turkey, 19.

[12] Rycaut’s Present State, p. 404.

[13] Winchilsea to Secretary Nicholas, March 18-28, 1660-61, June 12, 1661, S.P. Turkey, 17.

[14] Instructions for Sir John Finch, Cl. 6. See Appendix I.

[15] Sir Thomas Baines, May 25, 1674, S.P. Turkey, 19.

[16] See Appendix III.

[17] Register, 1668-1710, p. 22; S.P. Levant Company, 145.

[18] Winchilsea to Nicholas, March 4, 1660-61, Nov. 11-21, 1661, S.P. Turkey, 17; Rycaut’s Memoirs, p. 68; J. von Hammer’s Histoire de l’Empire Ottoman, vol. xi. p. 111. Winchilsea mentions only the “six thousand Bashaws and great men,” whom Mohammed put to death “partly by his own hands and by his commands.” Rycaut gives the total of the Vizir’s victims as “thirty-six thousand persons.” Hammer, though he does not consider this statement excessive, is content with an estimate of “trente mille personnes,” or an average of 500 executions a month—figures which, even if reduced by a nought, would still appear respectable.

[19] Winchilsea to Nicholas, May 20, 1662, S.P. Turkey, 17.

[20] Harvey to Arlington, Jan. 31, 1669 [-70], S.P. Turkey, 19.

[21] See Appendix IV.

[22] For illustrations of this timorous attitude see Winchilsea to Nicholas, March 4, 1660-61, Feb. 11, 1661-62; the Same to Arlington, March 26, 1668; Rycaut to Arlington, July 18, 1668; Letters from Messrs. Thomas Dethick & Co., Smyrna, Feb. 7, March 1, 1667-68; Harvey to Arlington, June 19, 1669, S.P. Turkey, 17 and 19.

[23] Harvey to Arlington, Aug. 18, 1669, S.P. Turkey, 19.

[24] See Appendix V.

[25] Harvey to Arlington, Jan. 24, March 15, 1671-72, S.P. Turkey, 19.

[26] “A Relation of the Damage rec. by me, Thomas Parker, Master of the Lyon pinke from a Corsair near the Island of Delos. Smyrna, 9 Dec. 1671,” ibid.

[27] Register, p. 39, S.P. Levant Company, 145.

[28] Ibid. pp. 40-41. This letter, written in Latin, is dated “ex pallatio nostro Westmonasteriensi, Quarto die Augusti, Anno Doñi 1673, Regni nostri 25o.”

[29] Sir John Finch’s own Narrative, Sept. 24, 1680, S.P. Turkey, 19.

[30] Rycaut’s Memoirs, p. 312.

[31] Finch to Arlington, May 25, 1674 (with Inclosure), Coventry Papers.

[32] Sir Thomas Baines to Conway, May 25, 1674, S.P. Turkey, 19. The letter, though unsigned and unaddressed, carries within it conclusive proof of its authorship and destination.

Under the Turk in Constantinople: A record of Sir John Finch's Embassy, 1674-1681

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