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Fifth to Seventh Sessions
ОглавлениеThe fifth session was also concerned with discussion of the material he had brought with him. In some instances he was unable to provide a valid observer's interpretation and I had to add it. In other cases, what he wrote was fascinating. The time he was able to concentrate was progressively increasing and he had made a tentative plan for an examination. By analyzing the material with him, I had also become aware that some impairments in the psychological well-being dimensions elaborated by Marie Jahoda [8] and Carol Ryff [9] were present and I started discussing them with him. I decided to see him again in a month, to give him more time to progress on his own. The sixth session was very rich with material (a sample is included in table 4).
His observer's interpretations were increasing and rich in philosophical quotations. I explained to him, however, that the diary was not an intellectual exercise that had to be performed after the events. It could be used ‘in vivo’ while experiencing the interruption of well-being, as a way of preventing the obsessions. The obsessions continued to decrease in their frequency, intensity, and in their invalidating impact. I had not applied any cognitive restructuring directed to the obsessive thoughts, only to the thoughts interrupting well-being. I gave Tom an appointment in another month. In the interval he passed an exam very well and immediately started planning another one. After the seventh session, I decided that the end of our therapy was approaching, even though I remained a little skeptical about the stability of the results and was reluctant to see what happened as a therapeutic success. Could this be due to my Greek studies?
Table 5. Last session