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Your phone rings and you immediately recognize the caller ID. You think: “lf this guy is calling me one more time with grief, I am going to reach through the phone, grab him by the throat and squeeze until his eyeballs pop out!”

Sound familiar? If you are in any kind of business, I am sure you can relate to this. It’s that one client who will not go away. The one who seems to just want to pull the chain of your team and staff, complaining and demanding about either the most mundane things or the most outrageous requests.

There are even some who seem to “know” how to implant enough truth into their demands that you actually begin to feel like you did something wrong! Now do you know what I mean?

For over 25 years, I have coached, trained and supported thousands of entrepreneurs all over the world. I know as an entrepreneur you want to serve the world, reach as many people as you can, provide an amazing product and service and make a lot of money doing it. Yet in that quest to reach the world, it turns out that you end up reaching some who you would rather not. Ones that can never be satisfied, ones that stress your entire team, or ones that just want you to know they are always around.

Unfortunately, it comes with the territory.

Eighty percent of your good business comes from twenty percent of your clients. And eighty percent of your problems, stress and angst come from another twenty percent. But that is only part of the problem.

Just as problematic is that you could be getting rave reviews from most of your customers, kicking butt all over the market and feeling great about you and your team. But when that one Toxic Client activates their spell on you or your team, all your focus is on that one customer.

It’s our natural instinct to focus on the problems. We want them fixed. Yet is it actually healthy to fixate 80% of your energy on those handfuls of thorny issues and clients? Or is it better to take your good energies, intentions and strengths and drive the growth and prosperity of your business?

What if you could spend most of your day growing your business rather than running in circles dealing with problems that are...well...really not that big of a problem?

This book, Toxic Client by my friend Garrett Sutton, is better therapy for you than a team of psychologists. It will free your mind, lift the vague guilt and allow you to focus on your strengths rather than being distracted by the overly “squeaky wheels.” In a market that looks more like a blizzard, the Toxic Client succeeds in making their presence known. They give us decent feedback from time to time, but if they win the focus of your attention, they have crippled you.

You must have a commitment to excellence. Let it be your strength and not the Achilles Heel that others can prey upon. You must learn to avoid and dismiss the Toxic Client. This book will show you how.

Be awesome.

Blair Singer

Global Training Entrepreneur and Rich Dad Advisor,

Bestselling author of SalesDogs,

Team Code of Honor and

Little Voice Mastery

Toxic Client

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