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"The Art of Gathering"


We have beautiful hardwood floors in our kitchen. The downside is that the floor has a dark stain and it has V-grooves between the planks. Once again; a beautiful floor, but it’s kind of a maintenance nightmare. Furthermore, every crumb shows up and screams out "look at me, look at me!” I hate that. I am constantly getting down on the floor to pick up the crumbs, Constantly. I hate that too! As odd as it might seem, after food preparation and serving meals, the crumb situation only gets worse. Why is that?

You would think that wiping off the countertops or table is a no-brainer kind of task - but not so fast - my friend, - think again. When done improperly, someone wiping carelessly, back and forth, in an attempt to clean the counter, while all the time thinking they’re doing a good job are mistaking, and making things worse. They are only flinging crumbs and more crumbs onto the floor that already has too many crumbs, just adding to my pain.

Cleaning and wiping the countertop is actually a two part process - the first and most important part is "The Gathering". One simply starts with a clean damp cloth and begins the process at the corner of the counter and moves methodically along the edge to the other corner, then making the equivalent of a U - turn, and continuing in a forward and backward motion, all the time "gathering", making certain to cover every square inch of the countertop. When the "gathering" has been completed, one pulls the cloth to the edge and carefully removes the cloth full of crumbs into ones hand and then proceeds to the sink to rinse out the cloth. Repeat this process, carefully “gathering” in the opposite direction. Rinse out the cloth again.

Now, part two. When all the crumbs have been "gathered", the anxious wiper can then wipe the countertop furiously, in any direction, back and forth to their hearts content, shining and polishing the countertop, knowing for certain that no crumb flinging will occur. I like that.

You should try this at home. It may take a little practice, but you can do it. Remember, a clean floor is a happy floor. I like that too!

A Compound Life

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