Читать книгу Approaching Victimology as social science for Human rights a Spanish perspective - Gema Varona Martínez - Страница 13
Оглавление1) Please, read the following excerpt, and think about the possibilities and conditions under which the above-mentioned different trends and frameworks in Victimology can be called “objective”.
From Becker, H. S. (1967):
To have values or not to have values: the question is always with us. When sociologists undertake to study problems that have relevance to the world we live in, they had themselves caught in crossfire. Some urge them not to take sides, to be neutral and do research that is technically correct and value free. Others tell them their work is shallow and useless if it does not express a deep commitment to a value position.
This dilemma, which seems so painful to so many, actually does not exist, for one of its horns is imaginary. For it to exist, one would have to assume, as some apparently do, that it is indeed possible to do research that is uncontaminated by personal and political sympathies. I propose to argue that it is not possible and, therefore, that the question is not whether we should take sides, since we inevitably will, but rather whose side we are on (...).
What do we do in the meantime? I suppose the answers are more or less obvious. We take sides as our personal and political commitments dictate, use our theoretical and technical resources to avoid the distortions that might introduce into our work, limit our conclusions carefully, recognize the hierarchy of credibility for what is, and field as best we can the accusations and doubts that will surely be our fate (pp. 239; 247).
2) Please, considering the previous sections, try to answer and debate the following questions: