Читать книгу Learning and Living Scripture - Geoffrey D Lentz - Страница 15

The Central Loop


The central loop is the deeper study, often repeated in many ways, of your chosen passages.

It is most closely related to meditatio, but the implementation of meditatio also includes questioning the text in a directed way. Don’t concentrate on the boundaries between one activity and the next. They are all related!

With each topic there will be an opportunity to try to think of new questions one might ask for further study. Generating new questions keeps us from getting stale. Not only do we not have all the answers; we don’t even have all the questions!

Think of a question primarily as a way to prepare your mind to hear the text. When we listen or read, we often hear what we expect to hear. If we’re listening to the radio for weather, we may miss a major discussion of politics. You can miss what God is saying to you through a Bible writer because you are looking for something else. Questioning is thus an important part of meditatio, but it also relates closely to oratio. Take your questions to God in prayer.

Learning and Living Scripture

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