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Types of Study and their Purpose


We can place types of study along a continuum from general light reading to serious, point by point study. Don’t get the idea from the word “light” or “serious” that we think one end of the spectrum is better than the other. We think Bible study needs to involve a variety of activities, from reading long passages quickly, to careful examination of every grammatical detail of a verse.

Your preparation will relate to what you’re trying to do. When you set out to do some light reading of lengthy passages, select an easy to read Bible version and sit down in a place that is comfortable for you and just read. You don’t have to concentrate constantly in this case; the process is very similar to that of reading a novel. This will allow you to get an overview of whole books or blocks of books. For example, you can read Luke and Acts together in this way, trying to complete both books at one sitting. Other large blocks are Joshua through Kings, Chronicles along with Ezra and Nehemiah, or the entire Pentateuch (or just the narrative portions of it). Just remember to prepare for the type of study you intend to do.

Learning and Living Scripture

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