Читать книгу A Manual of English Literature - George Lillie Craik - Страница 4
ОглавлениеPAGE | |
Song of Canute. | 87 |
Archbishop Aldred’s Curse | 87 |
St. Godric’s Hymn | 87 |
St. Godric’s Sister’s Rhyme | 88 |
St. Godric’s Hymn to St. Nicholas | 88 |
Rhyme of Flemings and Normans (1173) | 88 |
Hugh Bigott’s Boast | 88 |
The Here Prophecy | 88 |
Layamon’s Brut:—Part of Introduction | 92 |
The Ormulum:—Part of Dedication | 96 |
The Ormulum:— Injunction as to Spelling | 98 |
The Ancren Riwle:—Eating and Fasting | 101 |
Robert of Gloucester’s Chronicle:—French Language in England | 105 |
Minot; First Invasion of France by Edward III. | 108 |
Vision of Piers Ploughman:—Commencement | 113 |
Piers Ploughman’s Creed:—Description of Piers | 118 |
Chaucer:—House of Fame; Eagle’s Address to Chaucer | 138 |
Chaucer:—House of Fame; Notice of Fire-arms | 140 |
Chaucer:—House of Fame; Old Mechanical Artillery | 141 |
Chaucer:—Canterbury Tales; The Prioress (from the Prologue) | 142 |
Chaucer:—Canterbury Tales; The Mendicant Friar (from the Prologue) | 143 |
Chaucer:—Canterbury Tales; Emily (from the Knight’s Tale) | 145 |
Chaucer:—Canterbury Tales; Temple of Mars (from the Knight’s Tale) | 146 |
Chaucer:—Canterbury Tales; Passages relating to the Host | 148 |
Chaucer:—Canterbury Tales; Part of the Clerk’s Tale of Griselda | 153 |
Barbour:—The Bruce; Eulogy on Freedom | 162 |
Mandevil:—Travels; part of Prologue | 164 |
Chaucer (Prose):—Canterbury Tales; Pride in Dress, etc. | 166 |
Bishop Pecock:—Repressor; Midsummer Eve | 170 |
Fortescue:—Difference, etc.; French King and People | 171 |
Malory:—Morte Arthur; Death of Lancelot | 173 |
Wyntoun:—Chronicle | 177 |
Blind Harry:—Wallace; his Latin Original | 181 |
Blind Harry:—Wallace; The same subject | 181 |
Blind Harry:—Wallace; Commencement of the Poem | 181 |
Blind Harry:—Wallace; Part of Battle of Shortwoodshaw | 182 |
Blind Harry:—Wallace; L’Envoy | 183 |
Sir Thomas More:—Letter to his Wife | 185 |
Udall:—Ralph Roister Doister | 204 |
Spenser:—Fairy Queen; Belphœbe | 234 |
Warner:—Albion’s England; Old Man and his Ass | 241 |
Warner:—Albion’s England; Fall of Richard the Third | 241 |
Warner:—Albion’s England; Fair Rosamund and Queen Eleanor | 242 |
Daniel:—Musophilus; Defence of Poetry | 244 |
Drayton:—Polyolbion; Stag-hunt | 246 |
Drayton:— Nymphidia; Queen of the Fairies | 248 |
Sylvester:—Divine Weeks and Works; Praise of Night | 250 |
Donne:—Song | 256 |
Cleveland:—Epitaph on Ben Jonson | 290 |
Cleveland:—Eulogy on Jonson | 290 |
Wither:—Amygdala Britannica; Prophecy | 293 |
Wither:—Songs and Hymns; Thanksgiving for Seasonable Weather | 295 |
Wither:—Songs and Hymns; Thanksgiving for Victory | 296 |
Fuller:—Worthies; Shakespeare and Ben Jonson | 304 |
Fuller:—Worthies; Philemon Holland | 304 |
Milton:—College Exercise; His Native Language | 313 |
Waller:—His Last Verses | 324 |
Marvel:—The Picture of T. C. | 326 |
Mandeville:—Fable of the Bees; Anticipation of Adam Smith | 360 |
Burke:—Speech on Nabob of Arcot; Devastation of the Carnatic | 414 |
Burke:—Reflections on French Revolution; Hereditary Principle | 415 |
Burke:—Letter to Mr. Elliot; True Reform | 417 |
Burke:—Letters on a Regicide Peace; Right Way of making War | 419 |
Cowper:—Table Talk; National Vice | 432 |
Cowper:—Truth; Voltaire | 432 |
Cowper:—Conversation; Meeting on the Road to Emmaus | 433 |
Cowper:—Lines on his Mother’s Picture | 434 |
Darwin:—Botanic Garden; “Flowers of the Sky” | 439 |
Darwin:—Botanic Garden; The Compass | 439 |
Burns:—To a Mouse | 442 |
Burns:—To a Mountain Daisy | 444 |
Burns:—Epistle to a Young Friend | 446 |
Burns:—The Vision (part) | 449 |
Burns:—Highland Mary | 453 |
Burns:—Verses from various Songs | 453 |
Wordsworth:—The Fountain, a Conversation | 463 |
Wordsworth:—The Affliction of Margaret | 465 |
Wordsworth:—“Her Eyes are wild” | 467 |
Wordsworth:—Laodamia | 469 |
Coleridge:—“Maid of my Love” | 475 |
Coleridge:—Time, Real and Imaginary | 476 |
Coleridge:—Work without Hope | 477 |
Coleridge:—Youth and Age | 477 |
Coleridge:—“Yes, yes! that boon!” | 479 |
Coleridge:—Love, Hope, and Patience, in Education | 480 |
Scott:—Marmion; The Battle (part) | 484 |
Campbell:—Adelgitha | 491 |
Campbell:—Theodric; Letter of Constance | 491 |
Crabbe:—Tales of the Hall; Story of the Elder Brother (part) | 492 |
Moore:—Lalla Rookh; Calm after Storm | 495 |
Shelley:—Ode to a Skylark | 499 |
Keats:—Ode to a Nightingale | 503 |
Hunt:—The Sultan Mahmoud | 505 |
Hunt:—The Fancy Concert | 507 |
Mrs. Browning:—A Child’s Grave at Florence | 514 |
Mrs. Browning:—Aurora Leigh; Pictures of England | 518 |
Mrs. Browning:—Aurora Leigh; Paris | 519 |
Mrs. Browning:—Aurora Leigh; Her Mother’s Picture | 520 |
Tennyson:—The Lord of Burleigh | 522 |
Tennyson:—Wellington | 524 |
R. Browning:—The Pied Piper of Hamelin (part) | 526 |
Hood:—The Death-bed | 531 |