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Table of Contents

Song of Canute. 87
Archbishop Aldred’s Curse 87
St. Godric’s Hymn 87
St. Godric’s Sister’s Rhyme 88
St. Godric’s Hymn to St. Nicholas 88
Rhyme of Flemings and Normans (1173) 88
Hugh Bigott’s Boast 88
The Here Prophecy 88
Layamon’s Brut:—Part of Introduction 92
The Ormulum:—Part of Dedication 96
The Ormulum:— Injunction as to Spelling 98
The Ancren Riwle:—Eating and Fasting 101
Robert of Gloucester’s Chronicle:—French Language in England 105
Minot; First Invasion of France by Edward III. 108
Vision of Piers Ploughman:—Commencement 113
Piers Ploughman’s Creed:—Description of Piers 118
Chaucer:—House of Fame; Eagle’s Address to Chaucer 138
Chaucer:—House of Fame; Notice of Fire-arms 140
Chaucer:—House of Fame; Old Mechanical Artillery 141
Chaucer:—Canterbury Tales; The Prioress (from the Prologue) 142
Chaucer:—Canterbury Tales; The Mendicant Friar (from the Prologue) 143
Chaucer:—Canterbury Tales; Emily (from the Knight’s Tale) 145
Chaucer:—Canterbury Tales; Temple of Mars (from the Knight’s Tale) 146
Chaucer:—Canterbury Tales; Passages relating to the Host 148
Chaucer:—Canterbury Tales; Part of the Clerk’s Tale of Griselda 153
Barbour:—The Bruce; Eulogy on Freedom 162
Mandevil:—Travels; part of Prologue 164
Chaucer (Prose):—Canterbury Tales; Pride in Dress, etc. 166
Bishop Pecock:—Repressor; Midsummer Eve 170
Fortescue:—Difference, etc.; French King and People 171
Malory:—Morte Arthur; Death of Lancelot 173
Wyntoun:—Chronicle 177
Blind Harry:—Wallace; his Latin Original 181
Blind Harry:—Wallace; The same subject 181
Blind Harry:—Wallace; Commencement of the Poem 181
Blind Harry:—Wallace; Part of Battle of Shortwoodshaw 182
Blind Harry:—Wallace; L’Envoy 183
Sir Thomas More:—Letter to his Wife 185
Udall:—Ralph Roister Doister 204
Spenser:—Fairy Queen; Belphœbe 234
Warner:—Albion’s England; Old Man and his Ass 241
Warner:—Albion’s England; Fall of Richard the Third 241
Warner:—Albion’s England; Fair Rosamund and Queen Eleanor 242
Daniel:—Musophilus; Defence of Poetry 244
Drayton:—Polyolbion; Stag-hunt 246
Drayton:— Nymphidia; Queen of the Fairies 248
Sylvester:—Divine Weeks and Works; Praise of Night 250
Donne:—Song 256
Cleveland:—Epitaph on Ben Jonson 290
Cleveland:—Eulogy on Jonson 290
Wither:—Amygdala Britannica; Prophecy 293
Wither:—Songs and Hymns; Thanksgiving for Seasonable Weather 295
Wither:—Songs and Hymns; Thanksgiving for Victory 296
Fuller:—Worthies; Shakespeare and Ben Jonson 304
Fuller:—Worthies; Philemon Holland 304
Milton:—College Exercise; His Native Language 313
Waller:—His Last Verses 324
Marvel:—The Picture of T. C. 326
Mandeville:—Fable of the Bees; Anticipation of Adam Smith 360
Burke:—Speech on Nabob of Arcot; Devastation of the Carnatic 414
Burke:—Reflections on French Revolution; Hereditary Principle 415
Burke:—Letter to Mr. Elliot; True Reform 417
Burke:—Letters on a Regicide Peace; Right Way of making War 419
Cowper:—Table Talk; National Vice 432
Cowper:—Truth; Voltaire 432
Cowper:—Conversation; Meeting on the Road to Emmaus 433
Cowper:—Lines on his Mother’s Picture 434
Darwin:—Botanic Garden; “Flowers of the Sky” 439
Darwin:—Botanic Garden; The Compass 439
Burns:—To a Mouse 442
Burns:—To a Mountain Daisy 444
Burns:—Epistle to a Young Friend 446
Burns:—The Vision (part) 449
Burns:—Highland Mary 453
Burns:—Verses from various Songs 453
Wordsworth:—The Fountain, a Conversation 463
Wordsworth:—The Affliction of Margaret 465
Wordsworth:—“Her Eyes are wild” 467
Wordsworth:—Laodamia 469
Coleridge:—“Maid of my Love” 475
Coleridge:—Time, Real and Imaginary 476
Coleridge:—Work without Hope 477
Coleridge:—Youth and Age 477
Coleridge:—“Yes, yes! that boon!” 479
Coleridge:—Love, Hope, and Patience, in Education 480
Scott:—Marmion; The Battle (part) 484
Campbell:—Adelgitha 491
Campbell:—Theodric; Letter of Constance 491
Crabbe:—Tales of the Hall; Story of the Elder Brother (part) 492
Moore:—Lalla Rookh; Calm after Storm 495
Shelley:—Ode to a Skylark 499
Keats:—Ode to a Nightingale 503
Hunt:—The Sultan Mahmoud 505
Hunt:—The Fancy Concert 507
Mrs. Browning:—A Child’s Grave at Florence 514
Mrs. Browning:—Aurora Leigh; Pictures of England 518
Mrs. Browning:—Aurora Leigh; Paris 519
Mrs. Browning:—Aurora Leigh; Her Mother’s Picture 520
Tennyson:—The Lord of Burleigh 522
Tennyson:—Wellington 524
R. Browning:—The Pied Piper of Hamelin (part) 526
Hood:—The Death-bed 531

A Manual of English Literature

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