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This Ragge of Death, which thou shalt see, Consider it; And Pious bee.


Table of Contents

Illvstr. VIII. Book 1.

WHy, silly Man! so much admirest thou

Thy present Fortune? overvaluing so

Thy Person, or the beauty of thy Brow?

And Cloth'd, so proudly, wherefore dost thou goe?

Why dost thou live in riotous Excesse?

And Boast, as if thy Flesh immortall were?

Why dost thou gather so? Why so oppresse?

And, o're thy Fellow-creatures, Domineere?

Behold this Emblem; such a thing was hee

Whom this doth represent as now thou art;

And, such a Fleshlesse Raw-bone shalt thou bee,

Though, yet, thou seeme to act a comelier part.

Observe it well; and marke what Vglinesse

Stares through the sightlesse Eye-holes, from within:

Note those leane Craggs, and with what Gastlinesse,

That horrid Countenance doth seeme to grin.

Yea, view it well; and having seene the same

Plucke downe that Pride which puffs thy heart so high;

Of thy Proportion boast not, and (for shame)

Repent thee of thy sinfull Vanity.

And, having learn'd, that, all men must become

Such bare Anatomies; and, how this Fate

No mortall Powre, nor Wit, can keepe thee from;

Live so, that Death may better thy estate.

Consider who created thee; and why:

Renew thy Spirit, ere thy Flesh decayes:

More Pious grow; Affect more Honestie;

And seeke hereafter thy Creatours praise.

So though of Breath and Beauty Time deprive thee,

New Life, with endlesse Glorie, God will give thee.

A Collection of Emblemes, Ancient and Moderne

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