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ОглавлениеA PREPOSITION to this Frontispiece .
The Occasion, Intention , and use of the Foure Lotteries adjoyned to these foure Books of Emblems .
The Avthors Meditation upon sight of his Pictvre .
By Knowledge onely, Life wee gaine, All other things to Death pertaine.
The Man that hath true Wisdome got, Continues firme , and wavers not.
The Law is given to direct ; The Sword , to punish and protect .
Occasions-past are sought in vaine; But, oft, they wheele-about again.
By Labour , Vertue may be gain'd; By Vertue , Glorie is attain'd.
Though Fortune prove true Vertues Foe, It cannot worke her Overthrowe.
A fickle Woman wanton growne, Preferres a Crowd , before a Crowne .
This Ragge of Death , which thou shalt see, Consider it; And Pious bee.
Before thou bring thy Workes to Light, Consider on them, in the Night .
An Innocent no Danger feares, How great soever it appeares.
A Foole , in Folly taketh Paine, Although he labour still in vaine.
As, to the World I naked came, So, naked -stript I leave the same.
To him a happy Lot befalls That hath a Ship , and prosp'rous Gales .
Though he endeavour all he can, An Ape , will never be a Man .
I pine , that others may not perish, And waste my Selfe , their Life to cherish.
When to suppresse us, Men intend, They make us higher to ascend .
Till God hath wrought us to his Will, The Hammer we shall suffer still.
From thence, where Nets and Snares are layd, Make-hast ; lest els you be betray'd.
When thou a Dangerous-Way dost goe, Walke surely , though thy pace be slowe .
A Sive , of shelter maketh show; But ev'ry Storme will through it goe.
Death no Losse , but rather, Gaine ; For wee by Dying , Life attaine.
When Vice and Vertue Youth shall wooe, Tis hard to say, which way 'twill goe.
By Paine , on Pleasures we doe seize; And, we by Suff'rance , purchase Ease .
Who by good Meanes , good things would gaine, Shall never seeke , nor aske in vaine.
Oft Shooting , doth not Archers make; But, hitting right the Marke they take.
With Patience , I the Storme sustaine; For, Sun-shine still doth follow Raine .
Where Hellen is, there, will be Warre ; For, Death and Lust , Companions are.
No Inward Griefe , nor outward Smart , Can overcome a Patient-Heart .
By many Strokes , that Worke is done, Which cannot be perform'd at One .
Afflictions Fire consumeth Sinne ; But, Vertue taketh Life therein.
Hee, over all the Starres doth raigne, That unto Wisdome can attaine.
A Princes most ennobling Parts, Are Skill in Armes , and Love to Arts .
True-Lovers Lives, in one Heart lye, Both Live , or both together Dye
When Two agree in their Desire , One Sparke will set them both on Fire .
He that delights to Plant and Set , Makes After-Ages in his Debt .
To Have , and not to Vse the same; Is not our Glory , but our Shame .
He, that his Course directly Steeres, Nor Stormes , nor Windy-Censures feares.
A sudden Death , with Shame , is due To him, that, sweares What is untrue .
Where strong Desires are entertain'd, The Heart 'twixt Hope , and Feare , is pain'd.
Those Fooles whom Beauties Flame doth blinde, Feele Death , where Life they thought to finde.
Let him, that at Gods Altar stands, In Innocencie , wash his Hands.
No Heart can thinke, to what strange ends, The Tongues unruely Motion tends.
The Minde should have a fixed Eye On Objects, that are plac'd on High.
Those Fields , which yet appeare not so, When Harvest comes, will yellow grow.
As soone, as wee to bee , begunne; We did beginne, to be Vndone .
Though very small , at first, it be, A Sprout , at length, becomes a Tree .
When we above the Crosse can rise, A Crowne , for us, prepared lies.
In Death , no Difference is made, Betweene the Scepter , and the Spade .
What cannot be by Force attain'd, By Leisure , and Degrees , is gain'd.
Of Little-Gaines , let Care be had; For, of small Eares , great Mowes are made.
TO THE HIGH AND MIGHTY Prince, CHARLES , Prince of Wales , &c.
TO THE MOST HIGH-BORNE and hopeful Prince JAMES, Duke of Yorke , &c.
We best shall quiet clamorous Thronges , When, we our selves, can rule our Tongues .
When wee by Hunger , Wisdome gaine, Our Guts , are wiser then our Braine .
Though Musicke be of some abhor'd, She , is the Handmaid of the Lord .
Marke, what Rewards , to Sinne , are due, And, learne, uprightnesse to pursue.
That Kingdome will establish'd bee, Wherein the People well agree.
From that, by which I somewhat am, The Cause of my Destruction came.
By Guiltines , Death entred in, And, Mischiefe still pursueth Sinne .
When wee have greatest Griefes and Feares , Then, Consolation sweet'st appeares.
To brawle for Gaine , the Cocke doth sleight; But, for his Females , he will fight.
If Safely , thou desire to goe, Bee nor too swift , nor overflow .
They that in Hope , and Silence , live, The best Contentment , may atchive.
Let none despaire of their Estate, For, Prudence , greater is, than Fate .
Their Friendship firme will ever bide, Whose hands unto the Crosse are tide.
A Candle that affords no light , What profits it, by Day, or Night?
The Sacrifice , God loveth best, Are Broken-hearts , for Sin , opprest.
A King , that prudently Commands, Becomes the glory of his Lands .
By Studie , and by Watchfulnesse , The Jemme of Knowledge , we possesse.
When Mars , and Pallas , doe agree, Great workes, by them, effected bee.
They, after suffring , shall be crown'd , In whom, a Constant-faith , is found.
Love , a Musician is profest, And, of all Musicke , is the best.
Thy seeming-Lover , false will bee, And, love thy Money , more than Thee .
Give Credit ; but, first, well beware, Before thou trust them, who they are .
Hee, that on Earthly-things , doth trust, Dependeth, upon Smoake , and Dust .
I beare, about mee, all my store; And, yet, a King enjoyes not more.
To Learning , J a love should have, Although one foot were in the Grave .
Good-fortune , will by those abide, In whom, True-vertue doth reside.
The Gospel , thankefully imbrace; For, God , vouchsafed us, this Grace .
The Bees , will in an Helmet breed; And, Peace , doth after Warre , succeed.
The Heart of him, that is upright , In Heavenly-knowledge , takes delight.
Where, Labour , wisely, is imploy'd, Deserved Glory , is injoy'd.
Behold, you may, the Picture , here, Of what, keepes Man , and Childe , in feare.
Death's one long-Sleepe ; and, Life's no more, But one short-Watch , an houre before.
What ever God did fore-decree , Shall, without faile, fulfilled be .
My Fortune , I had rather beare; Then come, where greater perills are.
The more contrary Windes doe blow, The greater Vertues praise will grow.
Even as the Smoke doth passe away; So, shall all Worldly-pompe decay.
Death , is unable to divide Their Hearts, whose Hands True-love hath tyde.
False Weights , with Measures false eschew, And, give to ev'ry man, their Due .
He needs not feare, what spight can doe, Whom Vertue friends, and Fortune , too.
Time , is a Fading-flowre , that's found Within Eternities wide round .
When great Attempts are undergone, Ioyne Strength and Wisedome , both in one.
The Ground brings forth all needfull things; But, from the Sunne , this vertue springs.
No passage can divert the Course , Of Pegasus , the Muses Horse.
The Husbandman , doth sow the Seeds; And, then, on Hope , till Harvest , feeds.
Things, to their best perfection come, Not all at once; but, some and some .
Affliction , doth to many adde More value , then, before, they had.
Though Fortune , hath a powerfull Name , Yet, Vertue overcomes the same.
A Life , with good-repute , Jle have, Or, winne an honourable Grave .
Shee shall increase in glory, still, Vntill her light , the world, doth fill.
True Vertue is a Coat of Maile , 'Gainst which, no Weapons can prevaile.
TO THE MOST ILLVSTRIOVS Princesse, FRANCIS , Dutchesse Dowager of Richmond , and Lennox , &c.
TO THE HIGH AND MIGHTY Prince, JAMES , Duke of Lennox , &c.
If well thou dost, and well intend, Thou shalt be crowned, in the end.
A little Wit , may stand in stead, When Strength doth faile, in time of need.
To Kings , both Sword and Mace pertaine; And, these they doe not beare in vaine.
He, that concealed things will finde, Must looke before him, and behinde .
Good Fortune will with him abide, That hath true Vertue , for his guide.
When prosperous our Affaires doe growe; God's Grace it is, that makes them so.
If thou thy Duties truely doe, Of thy Reward , be hopefull too.
By Wisedome , things which passe away, Are best preserved from decay.
Good Hopes , we best accomplish may, By lab'ring in a constant-Way .
Ere thou a fruitfull-Cropp shalt see, Thy ground must plough'd and harro'wd be.
True Knowledge is a constant Friend , Whose Friendship , never shall have end.
By Studiousnesse , in Vertue's waies Men gaine an universall-praise .
Above thy Knowledge , doe not rise, But, with Sobrietie, be wise ,
When each man keepes unto his Trade , Then, all things better will be made.
A Shepherd carefull of the Sheepe, At all times, faithfull Watch doth keepe.
Our Dayes, untill our Life hath end, In Labours , and in Hopes , wee spend.
Man's life, no Temper , more doth blesse, Then Simple-prudent-harmelessenesse .
Where er'e we dwell, the Heav'ns are neere; Let us but fly , and wee are there.
His Pace , must wary be, and slow , That hath a Slippery-way to goe.
Our Pelican , by bleeding, thus, Fulfill'd the Law , and cured Vs .
Bee Iust ; for, neither Sea nor Land , Shall hide thee from the Royall-hand .
Take wing, my Soule , and mount up higher; For, Earth , fulfills not my Desire .
Through many spaces, Time doth run, And, endeth , where it first begun .
Each Day a Line , small tasks appeares: Yet, much it makes in threescore Yeares.
Our outward Hopes will take effect, According to the King's aspect.
The Right-hand way , is Vertues Path, Though rugged Passages it hath.
I was erected for a Bound , And I resolve to stand my ground .
Where Lovers fitly matched be, In mutuall-duties , they agree.
When Law , and Armes , together meet, The World descends, to kisse their feet.
Faire-shewes , we should not so much heed, As the Vprightnesse of the Deed .
My Substance , and my Light , are spent, In seeking other mens content.
The safest Riches , hee shall gaine, Who alwayes Faithfull doth remaine.
Poore-Theeves, in Halters we behold, And, great-Theeves , in their Chaines of gold .
Whil'st thou dost, here, injoy thy breath, Continue mindfull of thy Death .
Doe not the golden Meane , exceed, In Word , in Passion , nor in Deed .
Wee then have got the surest prop , When God , alone, becomes our Hope .
True Vertue , firme, will alwayes bide, By whatsoever suffrings tride.
Truth , oft oppressed , wee may see, But, quite supprest it cannot bee.
They, who but slowly-paced are, By plodding on, may travaile farre.
Vncertaine, Fortunes Favours, bee, And, as the Moone , so changeth Shee .
Vntill the Steele , the Flint shall smite, It will afford nor Heat , nor Light .
My Wit got Wings , and, high had flowne; But, Povertie did keepe mee downe.
A Mischiefe , hardly can be done, Where many-pow'rs are knit in one.
They, best injoy their Hearts desires, In whom, Love , kindles mutuall-fires .
Where many-Forces joyned are, Vnconquerable-pow'r , is there
The Hearts of Kings are in God's Hands; And, as He lists, He Them commands.
A Vertue hidden, or not us'd, Is either Sloth , or Grace abus'd.
The Moone , which is decreasing now, When shee returnes , will fuller , grow.
Bee warie, wheresoe're , thou bee: For, from deceit , no place is free.
This Day , my Houre-glasse , forth is runne; Thy Torch , to Morrow , may bee done.
Whil'st I, the Sunne's bright Face may view, I will no meaner Light pursue.
The Earth is God's, and in his Hands Are all the Corners of the Lands.
By seeming other than thou art, Thou dost performe a foolish part.
Pursue thy Workes , without delay, For, thy short houres runne fast away.
Repent, or God will breake the thread, By which, thy doome hangs o're thy head.
When woe is in our selves begun, Then, whither from it, can wee run?
When Magistrates confined are, They revell, who were kept in feare.
Loe, heere is all, that bee possest, Which once was Victor of the East .
When Hopes , quite frustrate were become, The Wither'd-branch did freshly bloome.
True Vertue , whatsoere betides, In all extreames , unmoov'd abides.
The motion of the World , this day, Is mov'd the quite contrarie way.
Invincibilitie is there, Where Order , Strength , and Vnion are.
When thou art shipwrackt in Estate, Submit with patience, unto Fate .
The best, and fairest House , to mee, Is that, where best I love to bee.
The King , his pow'r from God receives: For, hee alone the Scepter gives.
Her favours, Fortune , oft imparts, To those that are of no deserts.
The best good-turnes that Fooles can doe us, Proove disadvantages unto us.
Though weaknesse unto me belong, In my Supporter , I am strong.
Be wary, whosoe're thou be, For, from Loves arrowes, none are free.
On whether side soe're I am, I, still, appeare to bee the same.
Deformitie , within may bee, Where outward Beauties we doe see.
My Hand and Heart , in one agree, What can you more desire of mee?
No Emblem , can at full declare, How fickle, Minds-unconstant are.
Hee that enjoyes a patient Minde , Can Pleasures in Afflictions finde.
All is not Gold , which makes a show; But, what the Touchstone findeth so.
Apollo shoots not ev'ry day, But, sometime on his Harpe doth play.
Live , ever mindfull of thy dying ; For, Time is alwayes from thee flying.
In ev'ry Storme , hee standeth fast, Whose dwelling, on the Rocke is plac'd.
That's Friendship , and true-love , indeed, Which firme abides, in time of need.
The Sword hath place, till War doth cease; And, usefull is, in time of Peace .
A Fortune is ordain'd for thee, According as thy Labours bee.
Let none in troublous times repine; For, after Stormes , the Sun will shine.
For whatsoever, Man doth strive, The Conquest, God alone, doth give.
Since overmuch, will over-fill, Powre am enough; but doe not spill .
They passe through many stormes , and streights , Who rise to any glorious heights .
God , ever will bee present, there, Where, of one Faith , and Mind they are.
Protect mee, if I worthy bee; If I demerit , punish mee.
The Tongue , which every secret speakes, Is like a Barrell full of leakes.
How ever thou the Viper take, A dang'rous hazzard thou dost make.
The gaining of a rich Estate, Seemes, many times, restrain'd by Fate .
In all thine Actions , have a care, That no unseemlinesse appeare .
Wee, bring the Hony to the Hive ; But, others, by our labours thrive.
God , by their Names, the Stars doth cal; And, hee is Ruler of them all.
Who, Patience tempts, beyond her strength, Will make it Fury , at the length.
Hee that is blind , will nothing see , What light soe're about him bee.
None knowes, untill the Fight be past, Who shall bee Victor , at the last.
Why should I feare the want of Bread ? If God so please, I shall bee fed .
All Flesh , is like the wither'd Hay , And, so it springs, and fades away.
Make use of Time , that's comming on ; For, that is perish'd, which is gone .
The Garland , He alone shall weare, Who, to the Goale , doth persevere.