Читать книгу Blood Orbits - Ger Killeen - Страница 19
Оглавление3. Frimaire
You are received, shown
in out of the night air.
Drawing room jammed with family
things: the walls hard-finished a shy blue,
the woodwork, blue, a rich carpet
of yellows, greens and blues in tendrils looping
through golden spaces, a large, round
mahogony table in the center of the room,
with a blue cloth on it, with a thin layer
of books in smart bindings, a tea-colored leather
sofa against one wall, against another
a row of four black walnut chairs
with horsehair seats, hung on a third,
between the street windows, a gilt mirror,
and, beneath, a black marble-topped
console table; also, a triangular stand
for china shepherdesses and farm animals;
also, on the walls, various prints
including peasants praying the Angelus,
and a still-life with lemons; a piano
strewn with sheet music for Field’s Nocturnes,
a very tall clock from which on
the quarter hour issues an arresting
set of chimes and a flat figure
of Orpheus chasing a flat figure of Eurydice,
an enormous chandelier,
heavy ochre curtains and an open
fireplace with a white marble mantlepiece
against the chill.
A sumptuous
light mitres each and every
object nouns have shrivelled to a shadow of.
You, however, hypocrite voyeur,
are a spectral inconvenience in
the domestic schedule, (one alarming sickle
of the open-ended parentheses
between dinner-time and bedtime. The entire
ménage is worried for the safety
of the children because every sentence
addressed to you you repeat back
several times with very different
intonations, and your almost grimy
calling-card is hand-written with
milk me sugar in greenish ink.
That could spell the end
of your future presence
in the better houses.