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On the way up to Colle Bruciata (Stage 17)


Between Colla di Casaglia and Badia Moscheta (Stage 7)

After 10 years away from the Apennine mountains, it was with great pleasure – and relief – that I discovered very little has changed on this memorable trek. Long rambles in solitude are still the flavour of the day, while a steady trickle of pilgrims on the Franciscan trails are now found in the trek’s southern parts. The forests are still vast and magical, the village inhabitants as friendly as ever and the meals thankfully mouth-wateringly delicious. The few notable differences – changes for the better – are the hugely improved waymarking and the places where the GEA has been rerouted to take in more superbly scenic ridges and summits.

Gillian Price, 2015

En route to Poggio Scali (Stage 5)

Trekking in the Apennines

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