Читать книгу Principles of Business Success - Gino Yazdinian - Страница 3



“Success is something you attract by the person you become.” - Jim Rohn

This book offers 26 principles for business success designed to inspire entrepreneurs to follow their dreams.

If you’re reading this book, you’re looking for something. You either have big goals with little idea how to implement them, or you know exactly what sort of steps you want to take but are unsure of exactly where you are going. Maybe you just want to brush up on your business skills and are hoping to learn something that you didn’t already know. If that’s the case, congratulations. One of the traits of a successful entrepreneur is craving constant information; therefore, it is wise to glean knowledge from every possible source.

Whatever your reason for reading Principles of Business Success, I commend you for taking this first step. There’s nothing worse than unused talent, and this book aims to uncover yours and help you put it to use in the business venture of your choice. Once you understand the principles in the book, you’ll be able to apply them to any business you undertake.

Success doesn’t come overnight. It’s a journey that you’re meant to enjoy despite the challenges, setbacks, and surprises you will encounter along the way. This book is here to guide you through the tenets of a successful business. It will help you define what success means to you and position you on the path to realizing those dreams.

Success is not a concrete concept. There is not a landing point that has the word “success” written across it. Success is the slaying of obstacles and overcoming of hardships on a never-ending journey. The satisfaction comes from seeing what you can create and knowing you can create more.

Only you know exactly what success is for you, and this book is going to challenge you to define it and set out to achieve it. When you integrate the thoughts and philosophies outlined here into your daily business practices and align your mindset with your deepest ambitions, you’ll be amazed at what you can accomplish.

How to Use This Book

This book is laid out in a specific order designed for the businessperson who is starting from ground zero. It progresses from chapters dedicated to helping you establish firm foundations to more complicated principles that involve solving unique problems, adapting to situations, and making tough decisions.

I recommend that you read it cover-to-cover because you will learn lessons in some chapters that you wouldn’t expect. But if that isn’t feasible for you, the comprehensive table of contents will help you locate any specific area in which you feel challenged.

The main points of each chapter are outlined again for you at the end of each section. There is also a list of recommended reading and further resources included at the back of the book.

I hope you find this book a valuable resource, and I wish you unbounded success in your business.

Principles of Business Success

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