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Business Success Basics; What It Truly Takes to Be Successful in Business

Before everything else, getting ready is the secret to success.” ~ Henry Ford

Before you can be successful in any business venture, you have to adopt the right attitude—you must believe in yourself and your team. Before all of the business plans, financials, marketing strategies, and technicalities are created, you must prepare yourself on a mental and emotional level for success. Success comes with hard work, and you have to be in a state of mind to handle whatever comes at you.

People are going to knock you down. That’s a given. They’ll tell you that you can’t do this and you can’t do that. Your positive attitude has to be cultivated to counteract the negative outlooks of others. Remember, 20 percent of the people make 80 percent of the money. We’ll go into the 80/20 principle later in the book, but the point for now is that most people are not proactively chasing their goals. In fact, 80 percent have just fallen into their current job and situation. You can be part of the 20 percent who make their own way and who live on their terms. When others see that you are defining your success rather than adapting to the success of others, their first instinct will be to put you down. Therefore, get your mind fixed, and don’t waver from your post. Be indifferent to their concerns for they are not yours.

So many times, people are excited and passionate in the beginning of a venture but lose steam over time. This stems from a change in attitude. Either they’ve stopped believing in themselves, gave up when circumstances became challenging, or their results weren’t exactly what they planned. Essentially, the endeavor loses its novelty. So in the beginning, you have to be firm and disciplined with a positive belief system. One shred of doubt or ounce of negativity is enough to pollute a company and destroy it from the inside, either immediately or over time.

So the immediate goal is to get on board with your idea, with your business, with your vision. Make it clear in your mind what you’re setting out to do. It helps to write this out. Your vision needs to be well-articulated and unambiguous. If you look at a lot of companies’ visions or mission statements, they are vague and cliché. A clear vision with your unique goals laid out is what is going to set you apart from the pack.

From the outset, you need to know that there is no such thing as luck. Successful people aren’t lucky. Unsuccessful people aren’t unlucky. Luck is a choice, and you can choose to be lucky by making your own luck.

However, the truth is you don’t want luck. Think about it. If you’re an amazing comedian and have just given the most amazing performance of your career, receiving cheers and fan mail and more gigs seemingly out of nowhere, some might call you lucky. If you were truly only lucky, you should be petrified to get back on that stage. Why? Being lucky means that you don’t know what you did to get a positive result, hence you wouldn’t know how to create that again. That’s why the saying “luck runs out” is so true. It’s unidentifiable and therefore unable to be replicated. That’s not a good starting point for achieving success.

There’s no such thing as a lucky businessperson. Successful entrepreneurs don’t bend the way the wind blows and expect to land on firm ground because they’re on a lucky streak. A successful businessperson calculates and carries out his or her actions. He looks at what works and what doesn’t and when he finds something that works, he replicates it. Because he knows how to replicate this seemingly good “luck,” he appears “lucky” to the naked eye. In reality, luck played no part. When you even entertain the possibility of luck, you give up your control of the situation. The outcome is no longer up to you and is not directly related to any action that you take. So how would you be able to take any logical action to create and maintain success?

Luck is not “being at the right place at the right time.” Rather, luck is “putting yourself in the right place at the right time.” Luck is setting the goals, making the plans, doing the work, and meeting up with success on your own terms. Success will not find you, but it is easy to find if you know where to look.

Only when you believe in yourself and know that there is no such thing as luck are you ready to get down to business.

But what is business and how do you start?

Key Points from Chapter 1

Adopt the right attitude

Believe in yourself and your team

Maintain a positive belief system

Get on board with your idea

Develop a clear vision

Look at what does and doesn’t work and make that your luck

Put yourself in the right place at the right time

Principles of Business Success

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