Читать книгу The history of Russian chest craft (19th – early 20th centuries). Collection of scientific articles - Глеб Пудов - Страница 3

From the author


The Russian chest is a wonderful artistic phenomenon. However, it is not well studied. There are many lacunae related to one or another particular chest production.

The proposed book consists of 15 scientific articles devoted to different aspects of the chest craft. What is the peculiarity of this collection? Firstly, not all of the author’s works on the history of the production of chests were included in it, but only those characterizing any aspects of it. Secondly, the articles are arranged not according to the time of writing, but according to the chronology of the chest production in Russia and the importance of one or another center for the general history of the craft. Thirdly, it took into account where the paper was published. Preference was given to less accessible to the reader works (for example, from collections of regional museums or universities). All articles have been corrected and supplemented in accordance with the current level of knowledge of Russian chest production, some are published in abbreviations.

It is unlikely that the author managed to avoid repetitions. There is a certain range of sources on the history of the chest craft of one or another region today. Addressing them inevitably leads to repetitions of certain facts, surnames, statistical information, etc. The author expresses the hope that the reader will duly understand it.

The history of the Russian chest has not been written yet. This publication is, in a sense, a preparatory work for a large generalizing book on the history of chest production in Russia. It only outlines the main points and sets the main accents. Perhaps, this will serve as a support for future researchers.

I’m grateful to Anna Kuznetskaya, a teacher and a linguist, for the assistance.

The history of Russian chest craft (19th – early 20th centuries). Collection of scientific articles

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