Читать книгу The World According to Gogglebox - Gogglebox - Страница 3


Published in Great Britain in 2014 by Canongate Books Ltd, 14 High Street,

Edinburgh EH1 1TE


This digital edition first published in 2014 by Canongate Books

Text and photography © Studio Lambert

Programme and format © Studio Lambert

Foreword © Craig Cash and Caroline Aherne, 2014

The moral right of the author has been asserted

Design © Unreal Ltd, 2014

Illustrations © Quinton Winter

Additional photography

Page 208 © Shutterstock

Page 231 © Jason Hazeley

Page 232 © BBC Photo Library

Page 234 © Tony Larkin/Rex

Endpaper artwork © @goggleblox (Fiona Evans)

British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available on request from the British Library.

ISBN 978 1 78211 489 5

Export ISBN 978 1 78211 598 4

eISBN 978 1 78211 491 8

The World According to Gogglebox

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