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"But wisdom is justified of all her children."—SCOTT, ALGER: Luke, vii, 35.

[FORMULE.—Not proper, because the word wisdom begins with a small letter. But, according to Rule 10th, "The name of an object personified, when it conveys an idea strictly individual, should begin with a capital." Therefore, "Wisdom" should here begin with a capital W.]

"Fortune and the church are generally put in the feminine gender."—Murray's Gram., i, p. 37. "Go to your natural religion; lay before her Mahomet, and his disciples."—Blair's Rhetoric, p. 157: see also Murray's Gram., i, 347. "O death! where is thy sting? O grave! where is thy victory?"—1 Cor., xv, 55; Murray's Gram., p. 348; English Reader, 31; Merchant's Gram., 212. "Ye cannot serve God and Mammon."—SCOTT, FRIENDS, ET AL.: Matt., vi, 24. "Ye cannot serve God and mammon."—IIDEM: Luke, xvi, 13. "This house was built as if suspicion herself had dictated the plan."—See Key. "Poetry distinguishes herself from prose, by yielding to a musical law."—See Key. "My beauteous deliverer thus uttered her divine instructions: 'My name is religion. I am the offspring of truth and love, and the parent of benevolence, hope, and joy. That monster, from whose power I have freed you, is called superstition: she is the child of discontent, and her followers are fear and sorrow.'"—See Key. "Neither hope nor fear could enter the retreats; and habit had so absolute a power, that even conscience, if religion had employed her in their favour, would not have been able to force an entrance."—See Key.

"In colleges and halls in ancient days,

There dwelt a sage called discipline."—Wayland's M. Sci., p. 368.

The Grammar of English Grammars

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