Читать книгу Darwiniana; Essays and Reviews Pertaining to Darwinism - Gray Asa - Страница 13

ARTICLE XII DURATION AND ORIGINATION OF RACE AND SPECIES PART I.—Do Varieties in Plants wear out, or tend to wear out?—The Question considered in the Light of Facts, and in that of the Darwinian Theory.—Conclusion that Races sexually propagated need not die of Old Age.—This Conclusion inferred from the Provisions and Arrangements in Nature to secure Cross-Fertilization of Individuals.— Reference to Mr. Darwin's Development of this View PART II.—Do Species wear out, and, if not, why not?—Implication of the Darwinian Theory that Species are unlimited in Existence.—Examination of an Opposite Doctrine maintained by Naudin.—Evidence that Species may die out from Inherent Causes only indirect and inferential from Arrangements to secure Wide Breeding—Physiological Import of Sexes—Doubtful whether Sexual Reproduction with Wide Breeding is a Preventive or only a Palliative of Decrepitude in Species.— Darwinian Hypothesis must suppose the Former ARTICLE XIII EVOLUTIONARY TELEOLOGY


The Opposition between Morphology and Teleology reconciled by Darwinism, and the Latter reinstated—Character of the New Teleology.—Purpose and Design distinguished—Man has no Monopoly of the Latter.—Inference of Design from Adaptation and Utility legitimate; also in Hume's Opinion irresistible—The Principle of Design, taken with Specific Creation, totally insufficient and largely inapplicable; but, taken with the Doctrine of the Evolution of Species in Nature, applicable, pertinent, and, moreover, necessary.—Illustrations from Abortive Organs, supposed Waste of Being, etc.—All Nature being of a Piece, Design must either pervade or be absent from the Whole.—Its Absence not to be inferred because the Events take place in Nature—Illustration of the Nature and Province of Natural Selection.—It picks out, but does not originate Variations; these not a Product of, but a Response to, the Environment; not physical, but physiological—Adaptations in Nature not explained by Natural Selection apart from Design or Final Cause—Absurdity of associating Design only with Miracle—What is meant by Nature.—The Tradition of the DIVINE in Nature, testified to by Aristotle, comes down to our Day with Undiminished Value

Darwiniana; Essays and Reviews Pertaining to Darwinism

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