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"Yes, surrendered. Haven't you sent for money? Haven't you given up? Aren't you trying to run away?"
Ed's innocent suggestion of a house-cleaning was taken by Fergus as a deadly affront
John Bass's blacksmith shop
He pictured himself sitting in the quiet study of the minister, looking sad, sad …
What a thing is youth! That sunny morning in Hempfield Nort thought that he was drinking the uttermost dregs of life—and yet, somehow, he was able to stand a little aside and enjoy it all
"Well!" exclaimed Nort, drawing a long breath, "I never imagined it would feel so good to be orfunts"
She turned around quickly—but there was no one there to see
After that she opened her heart more and more to me—a little here, a little there
"David, I saw a face looking in at that window"

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