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It sat there in its garden and watched with mild interest the hasty world go by
A very lonely little girl, sitting at a certain place on the third step from the bottom of the stairs
The home of her girlhood seemed dreadfully shabby, small, and old-fashioned
I soon found that every one else in the office, Anthy included, had begun to be interested in Nort
"I tell you, Miss Doane," said Nort, explosively, "the only way to make a success of the Star is to publish the truth about Hempfield——"
"Practical!" he exploded. "You are a blackguard, sir! You are a scoundrel, sir!"
The old Captain was perfect. He was a very pattern of gallantry
"Toys! Mere circus tricks to take in fools!"
"I couldn't stay away another minute. I had to know what the old Captain said and did when the flying machine came to Hempfield"
Fergus stuck his small battered volume of Robert Burns's poems in his pocket—and going out of the back door struck out for the hills

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