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Frommer's Arizona and the Grand Canyon, 20th Edition

ISBN 978-1-62887-406-8 (paper), 978-1-62887-407-5 (e-book)

Editorial Director: Pauline Frommer

Editor: Holly Hughes

Production Editor: Lynn Northrup

Cartographer: Roberta Stockwell

Photo Editor: Meghan Lamb

Indexer: Maro Riofrancos

Cover Designer: Dave Riedy

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Frommer's Star Ratings System

Every hotel, restaurant and attraction listed in this guide has been ranked for quality and value. Here's what the stars mean:

Highly Recommended
A must! Don't miss!


The world is a dynamic place. Hotels change ownership, restaurants hike their prices, museums alter their opening hours, and buses and trains change their routings. And all of this can occur in the several months after our authors have visited, inspected, and written about these hotels, restaurants, museums, and transportation services. Though we have made valiant efforts to keep all our information fresh and up-to-date, some few changes can inevitably occur in the periods before a revised edition of this guidebook is published. So please bear with us if a tiny number of the details in this book have changed. Please also note that we have no responsibility or liability for any inaccuracy or errors or omissions, or for inconvenience, loss, damage, or expenses suffered by anyone as a result of assertions in this guide.

Frommer’s EasyGuide to Sedona & Central Arizona

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