Читать книгу Intelligent Data Analytics for Terror Threat Prediction - Группа авторов - Страница 32 Network Observation
ОглавлениеIn rumor source identification, network structure plays an important role. When structure of network is known, it is easy to find how a rumor is spread in network using diffusion models such as SI, SIS, SIR and SIRS. If back track these diffusion models then rumor source can be detected easily. To know the structure of network another model is used called network observation, which provides information about states of each node present in network at particular time. Those states are in a susceptible node—able to being infected, infected node—that can widen the rumor more while recovered node—that is alleviates and no longer infected [10]. If information of each node likely is susceptible, infected or recovered is observed then it is easy to generate structure of network from that knowledge. Network observation can be done in three ways: complete observation, snapshot observation and monitor observation.