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Proposal format and evaluation


Submitting authors are required to use the following template for their proposals. Text may be cut and paste into the [link to form used by submitting authors]

1 Statement of purpose: identify the research questions that will guide the study and provide ample motivation/justification for them (max 200 words)

2 Description of context: describe the context for the research and general approach (e.g., reflection on recent CAE project; proactive guidance for upcoming CAE project) (max 300 words)

3 Specification of method: provide details about intended sampling, instrumentation, data collection and analysis procedures, and adherence to standards of data quality assurance (max 300 words)

4 Identification of contribution: outline what is seen as the primary contribution of the field study. In what ways will it be likely to benefit the ongoing development and validation of the CAE principles?

The foregoing categories form the basis of the criteria to be used by the core editorial team in evaluating proposals for manuscripts.

Collaborative Approaches to Evaluation

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