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List of Illustrations
Оглавление1 Chapter 2Figure 2.1 Mare in estrus (i.e., teasing in heat). Note the base‐wide stance...Figure 2.2 Mare in diestrus (i.e., out of heat) on far side of teasing wall....
2 Chapter 3Figure 3.1 Gauze tail wrap with tail hairs flipped up to prevent sliding of ...Figure 3.2 Gauze tail wrap twisted 360 degrees on the dorsum of the tail whi...Figure 3.3 Elastic tail wrap encompassing the entire tail.Figure 3.4 Tail wrap tied to the mare with quick release knots.Figure 3.5 Tail wrap using a sock and secured with medical tape.Figure 3.6 Tail wrap using a plastic bag and secured with rubber tubing and ...Figure 3.7 Wrapped tail held out of the way using an elastic cord.Figure 3.8 Bucket with liner to provide clean water for washing mares. All m...Figure 3.9 Bucket with liner closed to prevent dirt from contaminating water...Figure 3.10 Washing the perineum with a gloved hand.Figure 3.11 Rinsing the perineum with a gloved hand and a gentle shower spra...
3 Chapter 4Figure 4.1 The running end of the rope (short end) is laid across the tail h...Figure 4.2 The tail hairs are flipped upward and over the rope.Figure 4.3 The running end of the rope is passed under the tail and over the...Figure 4.4 A bight (loop) from the running end of the rope is tucked under t...Figure 4.5 The standing part of the rope (longer end) is pulled to tighten t...Figure 4.6 The standing part of the rope is passed over the mare’ back to he...Figure 4.7 The mare’s wrapped tail is encompassed by a stretchy cord such as...Figure 4.8 The bungee cord is hooked to a loop of twine attached to the stoc...
4 Chapter 5Figure 5.1 Normal conformation with two thirds of the vulvar opening lying b...Figure 5.2 Mare with a purulent vaginal discharge and dried discharge on the...Figure 5.3 Normal chalky white discharge on the ventral labia from urination...Figure 5.4 Mare with a positive Windsucker test. The arrow points at the ope...
5 Chapter 6Figure 6.1 A thick hymen grasped with sponge forceps. A small hole was creat...Figure 6.2 The incision is enlarged with Metzenbaum scissors and a circular ...
6 Chapter 7Figure 7.1 Palpation of the ovary (white arrow) as it is trapped against the...Figure 7.2 Manual palpation of a large follicle (arrow) within an ovary.Figure 7.3 Corpus hemorrhagicum (arrow) within an ovary. Reproduced with per...Figure 7.4 Corpus luteum (arrow) within an ovary.Figure 7.5 Parovarian cyst (arrow) adjacent to an ovary.Figure 7.6 Palpation of the uterine horn using a cupped‐hand technique. Note...
7 Chapter 8Figure 8.1 Technique for ultrasound examination of the mare reproductive tra...Figure 8.2 Ovarian follicles. The larger follicle is developing a thickened ...Figure 8.3 Corpus hemorrhagicum (arrow). The interior of the former follicul...Figure 8.4 Mature corpus luteum (arrow) consisting of a solid structure of u...Figure 8.5 Regressing corpus luteum (arrow).Figure 8.6 Hemorrhagic anovulatory follicle. The distinguishing feature was ...Figure 8.7 Echogenic strands within a follicular lumen early in the progress...Figure 8.8 A pair of luteinized anovulatory follicles.Figure 8.9 Parovarian cyst. The cystic structure (arrow) is adjacent to the ...Figure 8.10 Granulosa cell tumor consisting of multiple cysts within an enla...Figure 8.11 Normal ovary contralateral to the ovary with a granulosa cell tu...Figure 8.12 Echogenic fluid within the uterine lumen (arrow).
8 Chapter 9Figure 9.1 Pattern of endometrial edema relative to ovulation.
9 Chapter 10Figure 10.1 Use of a glass vaginal speculum.Figure 10.2 Inserting a tri‐valve Polansky (Caslick) speculum.Figure 10.3 Turning the wing nut to open the tri‐valve Polansky (Caslick) sp...Figure 10.4 Discharge through the external os of the cervix in a mare with a...Figure 10.5 Urine in the cranial vaginal vault.Figure 10.6 Adhesions covering the cervix of a mare secondary to a dystocia....
10 Chapter 12Figure 12.1 Kalayjian swab in the open position.Figure 12.2 McCullough swab in the open position.Figure 12.3 Uterine brush in the open position.Figure 12.4 Tip of a uterine culture instrument broken off in the uterine lu...Figure 12.5 Transport device for uterine cultures.
11 Chapter 13Figure 13.1 Pattern of bacterial streaking on a Mueller Hinton II agar plate...Figure 13.2 Antimicrobial susceptibility test. This bacterial organism was s...
12 Chapter 14Figure 14.1 Inoculation of a streak plate for cultivation of microbial organ...Figure 14.2 Culture of Streptococcus equi subspecies zooepidemicus on a quad...Figure 14.3 Culture of Escherichia coli on a quad plate with TSA with 5% she...Figure 14.4 Culture of Pseudomonas aeruginosa on a quad plate with TSA with ...Figure 14.5 Culture of Klebsiella pneumoniae on a quad plate with TSA with 5...
13 Chapter 15Figure 15.1 Gram‐positive cocci in chains (Streptococcus equi subspecies zoo...Figure 15.2 Gram‐negative rods (Escherichia coli).
14 Chapter 16Figure 16.1 Example of an amplification curve detecting fungal DNA in a clin...
15 Chapter 17Figure 17.1 Ciliated tall columnar epithelial cells normally found in non‐in...Figure 17.2 A raft of normal endometrial epithelial cells in an equine uteri...Figure 17.3 Inflammatory uterine cytology with quiescent macrophage (large a...Figure 17.4 A lymphocyte (arrow) in a uterine cytology sample.Figure 17.5 A pair of macrophages (solid arrows) in a uterine cytology sampl...Figure 17.6 An eosinophil (arrow) in a uterine cytology sample along with ne...Figure 17.7 Chains of cocci (arrow) in a uterine cytology sample collected f...Figure 17.8 Gram‐negative rods (arrow) in a uterine cytology sample collecte...Figure 17.9 Yeast organisms (Candida albicans) (arrow) in a uterine cytology...Figure 17.10 Aspergillus fumigatus organisms in a mare with fungal endometri...Figure 17.11 Yeast (large arrow) and hyphae (small arrow) with neutrophils i...
16 Chapter 18Figure 18.1 Low volume lavage supplies, including a uterine catheter, single...Figure 18.2 Infusion of sterile saline into the uterus by gravity flow for l...Figure 18.3 Recovery of fluid from the uterus during a low volume lavage pro...
17 Chapter 19Figure 19.1 Endometrial biopsy instrument passed into the uterus of the mare...Figure 19.2 Endometrial biopsy from a mare with endometritis. Note the lymph...Figure 19.3 Endometrial biopsy (grade III) from a mare with severe fibrosis....Figure 19.4 Biofilm (bracket) adhered to the endometrial surface of a mare w...
18 Chapter 20Figure 20.1 Intrauterine adhesions in a mare viewed through an endoscope.Figure 20.2 Endometrial cups viewed through an endoscope in a mare that lost...Figure 20.3 Normal mare’s cervix viewed by endoscopy.Figure 20.4 Hysteroscopic view of a normal mare’s uterine bifurcation.Figure 20.5 Hysteroscopic view of a normal mare’s uterine horn.Figure 20.6 Hysteroscopic view of a normal mare’s utero‐tubal papilla (arrow...Figure 20.7 Marble within the uterine lumen viewed by an endoscope.Figure 20.8 Tip of a uterine culture instrument in the uterine lumen viewed ...
19 Chapter 21Figure 21.1 Two ultrasound images of endometrial cysts of 2.5 and 2.6 cm dia...Figure 21.2 Lymphatic cysts removed using a snare. The snare is to the right...Figure 21.3 Uterine cyst viewed through a videoendoscope.
20 Chapter 22Figure 22.1 A semiconfluent horse fibroblast cell culture showing many divid...Figure 22.2 A G‐banded metaphase spread of a normal male horse; magnificatio...Figure 22.3 G‐banded chromosomes of a normal male horse arranged into a kary...Figure 22.4 A C‐banded metaphase spread of a male horse; distinct C‐bands of...Figure 22.5 Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) (a) with horse X chrom...
21 Chapter 24Figure 24.1 Sites for insertion of trocars (arrows) in the paralumbar fossa ...Figure 24.2 Collection of an ovarian biopsy.Figure 24.3 Removal of an ovarian biopsy sample.
22 Chapter 25Figure 25.1 Mammary gland of a mare. Note the two teat orifices visible on t...Figure 25.2 Enlargement of the right rear quarter of a mare secondary to mas...Figure 25.3 Edema cranial to the udder in a mare with mastitis.Figure 25.4 Enlargement of the entire udder in a mare with galactorrhea seco...Figure 25.5 Thick inflammatory fluid expressed from the udder of a mare with...Figure 25.6 Cytologic evaluation of mammary fluid from a mare with mastitis....
23 Chapter 29Figure 29.1 Landmarks for instrument portals: 1 is the laparoscopic portal; ...
24 Chapter 30Figure 30.1 Application of PGE2 gel (small arrow) onto surface of the oviduc...
25 Chapter 32Figure 32.1 Hysteroscopic view of hydrotubation of the uterine tubes. The gu...Figure 32.2 Hysteroscopic view of the hydrotubation procedure with the cathe...
26 Chapter 33Figure 33.1 Self‐contained transvaginal ultrasound probe (a), custom modifie...Figure 33.2 Biopsy device tip with sample notch exposed (arrows) revealing a...
27 Chapter 34Figure 34.1 Lavage solution hung next to a mare with the uterine lavage tubi...Figure 34.2 Double‐ended “Christmas tree” adapter attached to the uterine la...Figure 34.3 Inflated air cuff on the end of the uterine lavage tubing.Figure 34.4 Uterine lavage of a mare post‐breeding with “Y” tubing. The lava...Figure 34.5 Cloudy uterine lavage return solution.
28 Chapter 35Figure 35.1 Intrauterine ends of various types of pipettes. From left to rig...Figure 35.2 Ends of pipettes to which a syringe is attached. From left to ri...
29 Chapter 38Figure 38.1 Diagnostic and treatment protocol for the use of bActivate.
30 Chapter 40Figure 40.1 Rope wrapped around the pastern and forearm. The free ends of th...Figure 40.2 Rope wrapped around the pastern and forearm. One end is tied to ...Figure 40.3 Mare with hobbles and tail wrap in preparation for breeding.
31 Chapter 41Figure 41.1 Stallion (left) gathering his harem of mares.Figure 41.2 Stallion mating a mare with a foal at her side. The mare was par...
32 Chapter 42Figure 42.1 Evaluation of a mare for live‐cover breeding using a teaser stal...Figure 42.2 Mare wearing a neck apron and kick boots while restrained with a...Figure 42.3 Live cover of a mare by a stallion.
33 Chapter 43Figure 43.1 Schematic of a breeding stitch (arrow) encircling a region just ...Figure 43.2 Breeding stitch (arrow) just placed in a Thoroughbred mare after...
34 Chapter 45Figure 45.1 Placement of an insemination pipette into the hand for placement...Figure 45.2 External cervical os. The cervical canal is located in the cente...Figure 45.3 Introduction of an artificial insemination pipette along the ind...Figure 45.4 Vertical orientation of the syringe during insemination to allow...
35 Chapter 46Figure 46.1 Viewing the cervix through a disposable speculum during insemina...Figure 46.2 Position of the speculum prior to passage of the insemination pi...
36 Chapter 47Figure 47.1 End of the stylet that will be inserted into the straw inside th...Figure 47.2 The cone on the stylet shaft that will catch the semen straw. Up...Figure 47.3 Semen remaining in the syringe if semen is drawn into the syring...
37 Chapter 48Figure 48.1 Bending of an artificial insemination pipette after removing fro...Figure 48.2 Bend that remains in the pipette after curling. This bend aids i...
38 Chapter 49Figure 49.1 Catheter used to deposit semen on the utero‐tubular junction. Th...Figure 49.2 Uterine bifurcation as viewed through a videoendoscope.Figure 49.3 A dilated uterine horn as viewed through a videoendoscope.Figure 49.4 Utero‐tubal junction (arrow) viewed through a videoendoscope.
39 Chapter 50Figure 50.1 A sterile controlled flushing set is spiked into a pre‐warmed ba...Figure 50.2 Positioning the TVA handle encasing the ultrasound probe per vag...Figure 50.3 (a) Lab equipment (dissecting microscope with heated stage, 150 ...Figure 50.4 Pre‐warmed 75 μm embryo filtration cup with contents of immature...Figure 50.5 (a) Image of maturing oocyte recovered from a hormone‐stimulated...
40 Chapter 51Figure 51.1 Two examples of isothermic containers utilized for shipment of o...
41 Chapter 52Figure 52.1 Equine oocyte held in place with suction from a holding pipette ...
42 Chapter 53Figure 53.1 Grasping the dorsal commissure of the vulva in preparation for s...Figure 53.2 Placement of skin staples in the vulvar labia for staple vulvopl...Figure 53.3 Finished temporary vulvoplasty.Figure 53.4 Trimming mucosa from the inner labia.Figure 53.5 Suturing the labia together.Figure 53.6 Placement of fingers for the removal of the vulvoplasty.Figure 53.7 Cutting the co‐joined mucosa to remove the vulvoplasty.
43 Chapter 54Figure 54.1 Culture of the central clitoral sinus using an ultrafine culture...Figure 54.2 Culture of the clitoral fossa.Figure 54.3 Flushing the central clitoral fossa using a curved tip syringe....Figure 54.4 Packing the clitoris with 0.2% nitrofurazone antibiotic ointment...Figure 54.5 Culture locations on the distal penis: urethral sinus (thin arro...
44 Chapter 55Figure 55.1 Mare in box stall with a fluorescent light overhead.Figure 55.2 Mare wearing a mask emitting a blue light into one eye.
45 Chapter 57Figure 57.1 Insertion of an Ovuplant™ implant (arrow) in the vulvar mucosa....
46 Chapter 59Figure 59.1 Unsterilized 35 mm glass ball.Figure 59.2 Ultrasound image of an intrauterine glass ball. The arrow points...Figure 59.3 Disassembled iUPODTM applicator: outer tube (A), applicator plun...Figure 59.4 Disassembled iUPODTM magnetic retriever and applicator: applicat...Figure 59.5 Ultrasound image of an iUPODTM (arrow) in the uterus. Note the a...Figure 59.6 Ultrasound image of a 16‐day embryonic vesicle (black arrow) adj...
47 Chapter 61Figure 61.1 Ovaries (small arrow) in a plastic bag are placed into the cente...
48 Chapter 62Figure 62.1 Non‐surgical embryo collection procedure.Figure 62.2 Embryo collection setup. The media bag is connected by “Y” tubin...Figure 62.3 Flush media passing through an embryo filter (open system).Figure 62.4 Flush media passing through an embryo filter (closed system).Figure 62.5 Straw (0.25 ml), connector and 1.0 ml syringe for handling small...Figure 62.6 Petri dish (35 mm) with holding medium (left side). Washing an e...
49 Chapter 63Figure 63.1 Morula stage embryo (grade 1). Note the thick zona pellucida and...Figure 63.2 Early blastocyst stage embryo (grade 1). Note the thinner zona p...Figure 63.3 Blastocyst stage embryo (grade 1). Note the thin zona pellucida,...Figure 63.4 Expanded blastocyst stage embryo (grade 1). The zona pellucida h...Figure 63.5 Unfertilized oocytes. Note the thick zona pellucida and lack of ...Figure 63.6 Grade 2 early blastocyst stage embryo. Note the extruded blastom...Figure 63.7 Measurement of embryo diameter using an eye piece micrometer.
50 Chapter 64Figure 64.1 Aspiration biopsy of an equine blastocyst embryo.
51 Chapter 65Figure 65.1 Left to right, 50 ml conical tube, 5 ml vial, and Parafilm® for ...Figure 65.2 Sealing the 5 ml vial with Parafilm®. Pull the Parafilm® so that...Figure 65.3 Placing the small 5 ml vial containing the embryo inside the lar...Figure 65.4 The 50 ml conical tube sealed with Parafilm® with a sealed 5 ml t...Figure 65.5 Loading the 50 ml conical tube into a passive cooling system for...
52 Chapter 66Figure 66.1 Petri dish prepared for vitrification of an embryo. VS1, solutio...Figure 66.2 Thermos with a cane holding a goblet with the top suspended abov...Figure 66.3 Straw placed into a goblet that is suspended above liquid nitrog...Figure 66.4 Embryo plunged into liquid nitrogen.
53 Chapter 67Figure 67.1 Embryo in a column of holding medium (large arrow) inside a 0.25...
54 Chapter 68Figure 68.1 A filly successfully born from an in vitro produced embryo trans...Figure 68.2 A mature oocyte from an autotransfer donor undergoing the ICSI p...Figure 68.3 A 14‐day embryonic vesicle (yellow dotted circle) (a) following ...
55 Chapter 69Figure 69.1 Palpation of a uterine specimen demonstrating the technique for ...
56 Chapter 70Figure 70.1 Ultrasonographic image of a 12‐day pregnancy.Figure 70.2 Ultrasonographic image of a 16‐day pregnancy.Figure 70.3 Ultrasonographic image of a 25‐day pregnancy.Figure 70.4 Ultrasonographic image of a 35‐day pregnancy.Figure 70.5 Ultrasonographic image of twin pregnancies, with the embryonic v...Figure 70.6 Ultrasonographic image of twin pregnancies, with the embryos tou...Figure 70.7 Ultrasonographic image of a 25‐day pregnancy examination showing...Figure 70.8 Ultrasonographic image of a 25‐day pregnancy (arrow) and adjacen...Figure 70.9 Ultrasonographic image of an empty trophoblastic vesicle 28 days...Figure 70.10 Ultrasonographic image of multiple supplementary (accessory) co...
57 Chapter 71Figure 71.1 Cervix of a pregnant mare viewed through a speculum (day 45 of g...
58 Chapter 72Figure 72.1 Location and appearance of the genital tubercle (arrow) in a mal...Figure 72.2 Location and appearance of the genital tubercle (arrow) in a fem...Figure 72.3 Directions of ultrasound imaging for fetal sexing (planes I, II,...Figure 72.4 Genital tubercle (arrows) of a 68‐day‐old male equine fetus in p...Figure 72.5 (a–c) Genital tubercle (arrows) of a 65‐day‐old female equine fe...Figure 72.6 Ultrasound image of an equine fetus in plane III at day 100 of g...Figure 72.7 Ultrasound image of a male equine fetus in plane II at 95 days o...Figure 72.8 Female equine fetus at 112 days of gestation showing the hyperec...Figure 72.9 Ultrasound image of a female equine fetus at 125 days of gestati...Figure 72.10 Ultrasound image of a mammary gland (red arrow) and teats (blue...Figure 72.11 Ultrasound image of the mammary gland of a female equine fetus ...Figure 72.12 Glans penis (blue arrow) within the prepuce of a male equine fe...Figure 72.13 Gonads (testes) of a male equine fetus at 130 days of gestation...Figure 72.14 Gonads (ovaries) of a female equine fetus.
59 Chapter 73Figure 73.1 Portable pump sprayer for application of alcohol prior to ultras...Figure 73.2 Transabdominal ultrasonography of a late‐term pregnant mare.Figure 73.3 Transrectal ultrasonography of placental edema in a near‐term no...
60 Chapter 74Figure 74.1 Color Doppler ultrasound image demonstrating the uterine branch ...Figure 74.2 Ultrasound measurement of the combined thickness of the uterus a...Figure 74.3 Average combined thickness of the uterus and placenta in normal ...Figure 74.4 Ultrasound image of a placenta exhibiting increased thickness an...Figure 74.5 Ultrasound image showing separation (arrows) of the chorioallant...
61 Chapter 75Figure 75.1 Milk secretions in a mare with precocious mammary development.Figure 75.2 A late‐term mare with purulent vaginal discharge.Figure 75.3 A late‐term mare with purulent discharge in the ventral tail hai...Figure 75.4 Measurement of the combined thickness of the uterus and placenta...Figure 75.5 An area of separation of the chorioallantois from the uterine wa...
62 Chapter 76Figure 76.1 Pulsed Doppler used to obtain the heart rate during a transabdom...Figure 76.2 Color Doppler image of the cranial cervix and caudal uterus obta...Figure 76.3 (a) Upper transabdominal image demonstrating potential placental...
63 Chapter 77Figure 77.1 A graph of the maximum height (mm) of the embryonic vesicle vers...Figure 77.2 Aortic root diameter measurement of 22 mm in a mare 10 months’ p...Figure 77.3 Per rectum measurement of fetal eye diameter showing a vertical ...
64 Chapter 78Figure 78.1 Two embryonic vesicles at 12 days post‐ovulation located in clos...Figure 78.2 Irregular 14‐day embryonic vesicle just after manual disruption....Figure 78.3 Two embryos adjacent to each other prior to separation and reduc...
65 Chapter 79Figure 79.1 Hand, uterus, and transvaginal probe orientation for aspiration....Figure 79.2 Needle extended from the needle guide (small arrow). Needle exte...
66 Chapter 80Figure 80.1 Position of fingers for side to side manipulation for the disrup...Figure 80.2 Position of fingers to cause dislocation of the cranium from the...Figure 80.3 Placenta from a mare after cranio‐cervical dislocation to elimin...
67 Chapter 81Figure 81.1 (a) Static image captured from a transrectal ultrasound video sh...
68 Chapter 82Figure 82.1 Ultrasound needle guide made with a shortened 14 gauge catheter ...Figure 82.2 Transabdominal fetal cardiac puncture. The light white line depi...Figure 82.3 (a) Heart chambers (black arrows) filled with hyperechoic penici...
69 Chapter 84Figure 84.1 Abortion due to a twin pregnancy.Figure 84.2 Twisted umbilical cord as a cause of abortion in a mare. Note ed...
70 Chapter 85Figure 85.1 Reproductive physiology of the pregnant mare. CL, corpus luteum;...Figure 85.2 Concentrations of equine chorionic gonadotropin (pregnant mare s...
71 Chapter 86Figure 86.1 Mare with numerous varicose veins (arrows) near the vestibulo‐va...Figure 86.2 Mare with numerous varicose veins in the inner aspect of the ves...Figure 86.3 Laser endoscopic ablation of varicose veins surrounding the vest...Figure 86.4 The same mare shown in Figures 86.3 and 86.4, 1.5 years after la...
72 Chapter 87Figure 87.1 Palpation of the mare once recumbent to reorientate the location...Figure 87.2 Start of the rolling procedure with one or two people standing o...Figure 87.3 Rolling of the mare from right lateral recumbency to left latera...
73 Chapter 88Figure 88.1 Two fingers placed inside the vulva to separate the labia in pre...Figure 88.2 Metzenbaum scissors can be used to open a Caslick vulvoplasty.Figure 88.3 Final milk calcium levels in 120 mares prior to foaling.Figure 88.4 Relationship between the number of foalings and time of day. Mos...
74 Chapter 89Figure 89.1 Collection of mammary secretions.Figure 89.2 Titration instrument immersed in milk with dye. Gentle pushing o...Figure 89.3 Milk calcium content of 125 ppm using a milk titration test kit....Figure 89.4 Milk titration test kit results from a mare over 11 days startin...Figure 89.5 Dipping a test strip into a glass vial of diluted milk to evalua...Figure 89.6 All five boxes have changed color (upper strip) indicating a hig...
75 Chapter 90Figure 90.1 pH indicator strips (range 5.5 to 8.0) that may be used to deter...Figure 90.2 pH meter being used to determine the pH of a milk sample.Figure 90.3 Comparison of pH and calcium carbonate levels in the mammary flu...
76 Chapter 91Figure 91.1 Hard‐wired black and white camera monitoring a foaling stall.Figure 91.2 Web‐cam on a foaling stall as viewed on a smart phone.Figure 91.3 Mounted video camera.
77 Chapter 92Figure 92.1 Base receiver (left) and auto dialer (right) along with blue and...Figure 92.2 Foalert® device in a mare at 300 days’ gestation with a pur...Figure 92.3 Foalert® device; the pregnant mare partially rubbed out the...
78 Chapter 93Figure 93.1 Breeder Alert® system with a main unit and autodialer, repe...Figure 93.2 Mare wearing a Breeder Alert® transmitter (arrow).Figure 93.3 Breeder Alert® transmitter.
79 Chapter 94Figure 94.1 Mare lifting her tail after the administration of oxytocin to in...Figure 94.2 Mare sweating after the administration of oxytocin to induce lab...Figure 94.3 Mare in stage 2 of parturition with the amnion presented at the ...
80 Chapter 95Figure 95.1 Ventral edema plaque in a later term pregnant mare.Figure 95.2 Mare in stage 1 of labor. Note the extended stance and steam ris...Figure 95.3 Mare in stage 1 labor. The mare is flagging her tail up and down...Figure 95.4 Mare in stage 2 of parturition with the amnion presented at the ...Figure 95.5 Mare in stage 2 labor. The first foot appears covered by amnion....Figure 95.6 Mare in stage 2 labor. The foal’s right front foot (small black ...Figure 95.7 Mare in stage 2 labor. (a) The foal’s nose is about even with th...Figure 95.8 Mare in stage 2 labor. Note that the foal’s chest has passed the...Figure 95.9 Mare in stage 2 labor. The foal is completely delivered with the...
81 Chapter 96Figure 96.1 Amnion protruding through the vulva during a normal foaling.Figure 96.2 Intact chorioallantoic membrane protruding through the vulva, in...Figure 96.3 Another example of premature placental separation. The brick‐red...Figure 96.4 Ultrasound showing slight separation of the chorioallantoic memb...Figure 96.5 Ultrasound showing massive separation of the chorioallantoic mem...
82 Chapter 97Figure 97.1 Premature placental separation (“red bag”) with the intact chori...Figure 97.2 Applying traction to a fetus in a mare exhibiting uterine inerti...Figure 97.3 Elevation of the hind end of a mare to facilitate examination an...
83 Chapter 98Figure 98.1 Elbow lock. Note the retained right front leg of the foal with t...Figure 98.2 Grasping the foal by the orbital rims using the thumb and middle...Figure 98.3 Grasping the foal by the nostrils using the thumb and middle fin...Figure 98.4 Grasping the inter‐mandibular space behind the incisors to hold ...Figure 98.5 Proper placement of a head snare over the poll, behind the ears,...Figure 98.6 Placement of a snare over the lower jaw.Figure 98.7 Congenital contracted tendons leading to dystocia in a mare.Figure 98.8 Retention of both fore limbs in an equine dystocia.
84 Chapter 99Figure 99.1 Fetotomy equipment: A, Krey hook; B, dystocia chains; C, obstetr...Figure 99.2 Head of a fetotome demonstrating a loop of fetotomy wire passed ...Figure 99.3 Handle end of the fetotome with a wire threader pulling the feto...Figure 99.4 Curved wire introducer. This model has a weighted head that scre...Figure 99.5 Wire handles in a closed position holding a fetotomy wire in bet...Figure 99.6 Embryotomy knife held in an open position. The thumb would be pl...Figure 99.7 Krey hook in an open position with an obstetrical chain attached...Figure 99.8 Placement of the fetotome for removal of the head and neck. The ...Figure 99.9 Fetotomy cut through the mid‐carpal region.Figure 99.10 Fetotomy cut through the mid‐tarsal region.Figure 99.11 Placement of the fetotome for removal of the front limb. The he...Figure 99.12 Placement of the fetotome for removal of a hind limb. The head ...
85 Chapter 100Figure 100.1 Location for the placement of an epidural. While raising and lo...Figure 100.2 Hanging drop technique – notice the drop in the hub of the need...Figure 100.3 Administration of the epidural.
86 Chapter 101Figure 101.1 A hand‐held manual milking device for mares (Ultimate Ez Milker...
87 Chapter 102Figure 102.1 Foal wearing a muzzle to prevent nursing. The mare was positive...
88 Chapter 103Figure 103.1 Components of the colostrometer design 1. The arrow is pointing...Figure 103.2 Floating the colostrometer design 1 inside a graduated cylinder...Figure 103.3 Reading the specific gravity of the colostrum using the colostr...Figure 103.4 Colostrometer design 2 floating in a graduated cylinder full of...Figure 103.5 Detailed view of the colostrometer design 2 floating in distill...
89 Chapter 104Figure 104.1 Brix refractometer.Figure 104.2 Placing a drop of colostrum on the prism of a Brix refractomete...Figure 104.3 View through the refractometer. The Brix score for this colostr...
90 Chapter 105Figure 105.1 Manual collection of colostrum into a plastic measuring cup. No...Figure 105.2 Collection of colostrum using an inverted 60 ml syringe.Figure 105.3 Straining colostrum through a cotton gauze filter.
91 Chapter 106Figure 106.1 Hand milking a mare.Figure 106.2 Use of a hand‐made milk pump.Figure 106.3 A hand‐held manual milking device for mares (Ultimate Ez Milker...
92 Chapter 107Figure 107.1 Placenta with the chorionic surface visible. A hippomane (arrow...Figure 107.2 Placenta with the allantoic surface visible.Figure 107.3 Close‐up showing the difference in thickness between the “pregn...Figure 107.4 Equine placenta in which the entire “non‐pregnant” horn (upper ...Figure 107.5 Cervical star area of the chorionic surface.Figure 107.6 Allantoic pouches from an equine placenta.Figure 107.7 Amnionic plaques from an equine placenta.Figure 107.8 Twisted umbilical cord from an aborted fetus.Figure 107.9 An ossified yolk sac remnant (arrow) from an equine placenta.Figure 107.10 Infected region of the chorionic surface in a mare with ascend...Figure 107.11 Placenta inflated with water.
93 Chapter 108Figure 108.1 Most of the chorioallantois can be delivered from the uterus wi...Figure 108.2 ‘Burns technique’ – pumping water into the allantoic cavity of ...Figure 108.3 Stallion catheter, hose connector (sweeper nozzle), and hose fl...Figure 108.4 Assembled hose connector, hose flow control valve, and hose.Figure 108.5 A small incision is made into an umbilical vein or artery using...Figure 108.6 A stallion catheter is threaded up the umbilical vessel until r...Figure 108.7 Water is slowly infused into the umbilical vessel using the flo...Figure 108.8 Plastic jug containing approximately 1 liter of water attached ...Figure 108.9 Placenta laid out in an “F” shape demonstrating that both uteri...Figure 108.10 Chorioallantois in which the entire non‐pregnant horn had been...Figure 108.11 Allantoic surface of the placenta. Matching vessels on the all...
94 Chapter 110Figure 110.1 Uterine prolapse.Figure 110.2 Elevation of a prolapsed uterus with a thick plastic garbage ba...
95 Chapter 111Figure 111.1 End of a Buhner needle with Buhner tape threaded through the ey...Figure 111.2 Buhner needle exited through dorsal incision, threaded, and abo...Figure 111.3 Buhner needle exited through same dorsal incision, threaded, an...Figure 111.4 Buhner tape tied ventral to the vulva.
96 Chapter 113Figure 113.1 Mare positioned in front of a phantom across a teasing wall to ...Figure 113.2 Stallion teasing an estral mare in stocks in close approximatio...Figure 113.3 Estral mare in hobbles positioned on the opposite side of a pha...Figure 113.4 Placement of an artificial vagina on the glans penis to stimula...Figure 113.5 Stallion mounted on a phantom with an extra person pushing the ...
97 Chapter 114Figure 114.1 Adapter cap, collection bottle (center), baby bottle liner (bel...Figure 114.2 Components put together and attached to the cone end of a Misso...Figure 114.3 Fully assembled Missouri artificial vagina.Figure 114.4 White dressing tape on the bottle and liner.Figure 114.5 Massage of the glans penis through the rubber cone to enhance s...
98 Chapter 115Figure 115.1 Colorado model artificial vagina and collection cover.Figure 115.2 Assembly stand with a Colorado model artificial vagina after in...Figure 115.3 Insertion of the latex liner into the artificial vagina case; n...Figure 115.4 Collection bottle attached to the latex liner.Figure 115.5 Collection bottle attached to a disposable collection liner wit...
99 Chapter 116Figure 116.1 Roanoke artificial vagina with a rubber liner. Note the large r...Figure 116.2 Hand position for holding the Roanoke artificial vagina during ...Figure 116.3 Roanoke artificial vagina with a disposable liner and collectio...
100 Chapter 117Figure 117.1 Hannover artificial vagina assembled with an inner disposable l...Figure 117.2 Hannover artificial vagina assembled with only an inner rubber ...
101 Chapter 118Figure 118.1 Teaser stallion wearing a leather apron during a test jump.
102 Chapter 119Figure 119.1 Washing a stallion’s penis with warm water and gloved hands to ...Figure 119.2 Hand position to stimulate the stallion’s penis. One hand is cu...Figure 119.3 Proper body position for standing semen collection. A Roanoke m...Figure 119.4 Stallion thrusting into a Roanoke model artificial vagina. A ha...
103 Chapter 120Figure 120.1 An open‐ended artificial vagina prior to semen collection.Figure 120.2 Attempting to place a disposable cup against the open end of th...
104 Chapter 121Figure 121.1 Crushing imipramine tablets prior to oral administration.Figure 121.2 Collection of chemically ejaculated semen using a pole and atta...Figure 121.3 Collection of chemically ejaculated semen using a collection cu...
105 Chapter 122Figure 122.1 Tail wrap prior to live cover or semen collection.Figure 122.2 Washing the perineum of a mare prior to live cover or semen col...Figure 122.3 Mare prepared for natural cover, with protective boots on the r...
106 Chapter 123Figure 123.1 The penis is cleaned from the base towards the glans using wate...Figure 123.2 The penis is dried from the glans toward the base using disposa...Figure 123.3 The penis is washed/rinsed using a disposable cup.Figure 123.4 Manual stimulation with one hand cupped over the glans penis an...Figure 123.5 Stallion kicking in response to washing of the penis with warm ...
107 Chapter 124Figure 124.1 Stallion rearing in response to being stopped on the way to the...Figure 124.2 Stallion kicking in response to washing of the penis with warm ...
108 Chapter 125Figure 125.1 Allowing the mare to express natural receptive behavior, especi...
109 Chapter 126Figure 126.1 Preferred full side and rear video views for evaluating ejacula...
110 Chapter 127Figure 127.1 The 590B Densimeter model with a dispensing bottle of formalin‐...Figure 127.2 The 590B and 591B Densimeter models.Figure 127.3 Minitube photometer. The arrow is pointing at the tray that the...Figure 127.4 Minitube Photometer SDM 1 microcuvette. Semen is loaded into th...Figure 127.5 Minitube Photometer SDM 1 microcuvette showing the cuvette prop...
111 Chapter 128Figure 128.1 Thrombo‐TIC® kit used to achieve a 1:100 dilution: prefill...Figure 128.2 Hemocytometer being filled with a mechanical pipette.Figure 128.3 Central hemocytometer grid. All spermatozoa within the 25 mediu...
112 Chapter 129Figure 129.1 Semen dilution chart for the NucleoCounter®. The most comm...Figure 129.2 How to dilute stallion semen according to dilution factor (DF) ...Figure 129.3 Loading the SP1 cassette with sperm diluted in the lysis/diluti...Figure 129.4 Placing the loaded SP1 cassette into the NucleoCounter®.Figure 129.5 Display of sperm concentration on the NucleoCounter®.
113 Chapter 130Figure 130.1 Light microscope with slide warmer.
114 Chapter 131Figure 131.1 Screen image from the monitor of a Hamilton‐Thorne® CASA m...Figure 131.2 Screen image from the monitor of a MiniTube SpermVision® C...Figure 131.3 Spermatozoal motility measurements as assessed by CASA. Centroi...
115 Chapter 132Figure 132.1 A drop of eosin‐nigrosin stain is placed on a slide with a drop...Figure 132.2 The end of an additional slide is dipped into the two drops. Th...Figure 132.3 The upward slide may be dipped into a semen drop placed behind ...Figure 132.4 The upward slide is then laid into the line of stain and pushed...Figure 132.5 The upward slide may be lifted and placed ahead of the mixed st...Figure 132.6 Stallion spermatozoa with a bent midpiece (thin arrow) and prox...Figure 132.7 Stallion spermatozoa. Note the detached head (large arrow) and ...
116 Chapter 133Figure 133.1 (a) Stallion sperm consists of a head, neck, and tail. The tail...Figure 133.2 (a–d) The appearance of the knobbed acrosome defect varies from...Figure 133.3 (a) The distal midpiece reflex is a common defect that appears ...
117 Chapter 134Figure 134.1 Total number of sperm (mean ± 95% confidence intervals) in the ...
118 Chapter 135Figure 135.1 Measurement of total scrotal width using calipers.Figure 135.2 Measurement of testicular width using ultrasonography.Figure 135.3 Ultrasound image of a testis showing measurement of testicular ...Figure 135.4 Relationship between testicular volume and daily sperm output i...
119 Chapter 136Figure 136.1 Stallion spermatozoa with a normal spermatozoon (medium arrow),...Figure 136.2 Stallion spermatozoa with a normal spermatozoon (large arrow), ...Figure 136.3 Stallion spermatozoa with proximal cytoplasmic droplet (large a...
120 Chapter 137Figure 137.1 Stallion spermatozoa stained with Diff‐Quik® stain. Note t...Figure 137.2 Stallion spermatozoa stained with Diff‐Quik® stain with di...
121 Chapter 138Figure 138.1 Transmission electron micrographs of equine spermatozoa showing...Figure 138.2 Transmission electron micrograph of a cross‐section of the prin...Figure 138.3 Transmission electron micrographs of exfoliated degenerative ep...
122 Chapter 139Figure 139.1 Sites for the collection of culture samples from the penis (lar...Figure 139.2 Glans penis of a stallion after teasing, demonstrating pre‐ejac...
123 Chapter 140Figure 140.1 Measurement of pH of a sample of stallion raw semen.Figure 140.2 Measurement of osmolality of a sample of stallion semen.
124 Chapter 142Figure 142.1 The tube on the left is from a stallion with a normal ejaculate...Figure 142.2 Evaluation of urea nitrogen in semen samples from a stallion us...Figure 142.3 A urospermic stallion’s ejaculate after centrifugation. The spe...
125 Chapter 143Figure 143.1 (a) Blood exiting the urethra of a stallion with hemospermia an...Figure 143.2 (a, b) Small lesions (arrows) on the glans penis resulting in h...Figure 143.3 (a) Lesion on the distal urethral process (arrow) and (b) squam...Figure 143.4 (a, b) Rents in the proximal urethra of two stallions with hemo...
126 Chapter 144Figure 144.1 Two types of extenders commonly used to dilute equine semen.
127 Chapter 145Figure 145.1 Addition of extender to semen.
128 Chapter 146Figure 146.1 A Whirl‐Pak® labeled with the stallion’s name and date of ...Figure 146.2 Heat‐sealed bag. Notice that the bag was sealed twice (arrows) ...Figure 146.3 Technique for removal of air from bag. The bag is draped over a...Figure 146.4 Two Equitainer® freezer cans ready to be loaded into an Eq...Figure 146.5 Equitainer® freezer cans should be stored in the freezer a...Figure 146.6 Loading the freezer cans into the Equitainer®.Figure 146.7 This insulated isothermalizer cup is designed to hold semen pac...Figure 146.8 Insulated isothermalizer cup being loaded on top of coolant can...Figure 146.9 This isothermalizer cup is designed to hold two 50 ml conical t...Figure 146.10 Include documentation that identifies the semen donor and the ...Figure 146.11 An Equitainer® sealed and ready for shipment.Figure 146.12 One dose of semen loaded into a labeled, air‐tight syringe.Figure 146.13 One dose of semen packaged into an air‐tight syringe and loade...Figure 146.14 Disposable shipper loaded with the ice pack in place.Figure 146.15 Disposable shipper with the lid in place.
129 Chapter 148Figure 148.1 Measuring the rotating radius of a centrifuge from the center o...Figure 148.2 Nomograph for calculating the g force from known revolutions pe...
130 Chapter 149Figure 149.1 Balancing centrifuge tubes on a scale.Figure 149.2 Location of centrifuge tubes opposite each other to balance the...Figure 149.3 Sperm pellet after centrifugation of 1.0 billion spermatozoa di...Figure 149.4 Aspiration of the supernatant after centrifugation using a pipe...Figure 149.5 Use of a sink aspiration unit to remove the supernatant after c...Figure 149.6 Pellet (arrow) from a stallion with urospermia after centrifuga...
131 Chapter 150Figure 150.1 Sperm pellet (arrow) between the supernatant of seminal plasma/...Figure 150.2 Aspiration of the cushion below the sperm pellet using a tomcat...
132 Chapter 151Figure 151.1 EquiPure™ and AndroCollTM equine products for single layer cent...Figure 151.2 Layering of extended semen (yellow layer) over a density gradie...Figure 151.3 Pellet (arrow) formed after centrifugation through a density gr...
133 Chapter 152Figure 152.1 Equipment for semen filtration (SpermFilter*)Figure 152.2 Sperm is placed on a surface with a 30‐degree inclination.Figure 152.3 Sperm concentrated on the filter.Figure 152.4 Washing the filter membrane for sperm recovery using a semen ex...
134 Chapter 153Figure 153.1 Sperm pellet (arrow) between the cushion (the clear layer at th...Figure 153.2 Aspirate the supernatant above the sperm pellet after centrifug...Figure 153.3 Label the straws with the stallion’s name, date, extender, faci...Figure 153.4 Loading five 0.5 ml straws using a manual straw‐filling device....Figure 153.5 Automated straw‐filling machine loading straws with extended se...Figure 153.6 Removal of a small amount of extended semen from 0.5 ml straws ...Figure 153.7 Sealing the open end of loaded semen straws with straw sealant....Figure 153.8 Loading straws of extended semen onto a floating rack prior to ...Figure 153.9 Racks of loaded straws in a refrigerator for pre‐cooling prior ...Figure 153.10 Straws on a rack placed in a freezing box above liquid nitroge...
135 Chapter 154Figure 154.1 Selecting a straw to thaw while immersed in a bath of liquid ni...Figure 154.2 Loading straws onto a floating rack.
136 Chapter 155Figure 155.1 Frost line inside the neck of a semen tank (black arrow). Make ...Figure 155.2 Organizational scheme for the storage of semen showing a canist...Figure 155.3 Commercial straw cutter. Make sure to clean the internal aspect...
137 Chapter 157Figure 157.1 Filling supplies, showing thermo‐protective gloves (A), a funne...Figure 157.2 Mushroom top protective shipping container (with the vapor ship...Figure 157.3 Square protective container with a vapor shipper in place.Figure 157.4 View inside a vapor shipper demonstrating the mesh in the lower...Figure 157.5 Liquid nitrogen vapor “puff” in a charged dewar.
138 Chapter 158Figure 158.1 Frost line in a long‐term storage tank.
139 Chapter 159Figure 159.1 Frost line on a measuring stick. The level of liquid nitrogen i...Figure 159.2 Semen tank on rollers.
140 Chapter 161Figure 161.1 The vas deferens should be ligated as proximally as possible (l...
141 Chapter 162Figure 162.1 Isolated vas deferens (with hemostat attached) and tail of the ...Figure 162.2 Flushing of the vas deferens and tail of the epididymis.
142 Chapter 163Figure 163.1 Bulbo‐urethral gland ducts (arrow) viewed through a videoendosc...Figure 163.2 Seminal colliculus viewed through a videoendoscope; discharge i...Figure 163.3 Internal urethral orifice (arrow) viewed through a videoendosco...Figure 163.4 Urethral tear (arrow) in a stallion viewed through a videoendos...Figure 163.5 Cannulation of the seminal colliculus. The endoscope can be pas...
143 Chapter 164Figure 164.1 Videoendoscopic view of the seminal colliculus of a stallion wi...Figure 164.2 Cannulation of the affected seminal vesicle.
144 Chapter 165Figure 165.1 Anatomy of the testis, epididymis, and spermatic cord. Source: ...Figure 165.2 Testis, epididiymis, and ductus deferens (vas deferens).Figure 165.3 Normal echodenisty of an equine testicle. Testicular height can...Figure 165.4 Testicular tumor from a 21‐year‐old stallion with unilaterally ...Figure 165.5 Testicle from the stallion in Figure 165.4 demonstrating diffus...Figure 165.6 Hydrocele (large arrow) with fibrin tags (small arrow) in a sta...Figure 165.7 Stallion with a swollen scrotum, orchitis, and hydrocele (same ...Figure 165.8 Ultrasound image of a small cryptorchid testis (arrows).Figure 165.9 Cryptorchid testis after surgical removal. The coin in the figu...
145 Chapter 166Figure 166.1 Anatomy of the accessory sex glands of the stallion. Source: Fr...Figure 166.2 Sagittal (longitudinal) view of the normal ampulla denoted by t...Figure 166.3 Transverse view (cross‐section) of the normal ampulla denoted b...Figure 166.4 Sagittal (longitudinal) view of the normal vesicular gland outl...Figure 166.5 Sagittal (longitudinal) view of the normal prostate outlined by...Figure 166.6 Inspissated semen within an artificial vagina liner after the c...Figure 166.7 Inspissated semen plug after the clearance of an ampullar block...
146 Chapter 168Figure 168.1 Biopsy of a stallion testes using a Tru‐Cut® biopsy instru...
147 Chapter 169Figure 169.1 Stallion spermatozoa stained with SYBR‐14 and propidium iodide ...
148 Chapter 170Figure 170.1 Scattergram showing the distribution of sperm following evaluat...Figure 170.2 Histogram that represents the αt values from each sperm in Figu...
149 Chapter 171Figure 171.1 Normal stallion spermatozoa before the hypo‐osmotic swelling te...Figure 171.2 Normal stallion spermatozoa in a hypo‐osmotic solution of sucro...
150 Chapter 172Figure 172.1 Stallion sperm stained with propidium iodide (PI), SYBR‐14, and...
151 Chapter 173Figure 173.1 Stallion sperm stained with JC‐1. Sperm with high mitochondrial...
152 Chapter 174Figure 174.1 Transmission of equine viral arteritis (EAV) between horses. Th...
153 Chapter 177Figure 177.1 Ultrasound of the retained testis in a cryptorchid stallion sub...Figure 177.2 Post‐surgery retained testis in the cryptorchid stallion from F...
154 Chapter 179Figure 179.1 Ultrasound photo of a retained testis (arrow) within the abdome...
155 Chapter 180Figure 180.1 Cut lengths of PVC pipe and an endotracheal tube.Figure 180.2 Endotracheal tube inserted part way into the PVC pipe.Figure 180.3 Assembled probang with cotton wrapped around the end of the PVC...Figure 180.4 Assembled probang. Note that the fingers of the glove are not e...Figure 180.5 Probang device inserted into the prepuce and taped to the ventr...
156 Chapter 181Figure 181.1 Paraphimosis in a debilitated gelding. The penis is extremely e...Figure 181.2 Bottle with the bottom cut off and wrapped with cotton and tape...Figure 181.3 Bottle sling to support a penis with paraphimosis. The open end...Figure 181.4 Mesh sling to support a penis with paraphimosis. Photo courtesy...Figure 181.5 Silastic tubing tied over the back and passed between the hind ...Figure 181.6 Placement of a purse‐string suture around the preputial opening...
157 Chapter 182Figure 182.1 Securing the hind leg for positioning in lateral recumbency. (a...Figure 182.2 Securing the hind legs for positioning in dorsal recumbency. (a...
158 Chapter 183Figure 183.1 Sterile acupuncture needles.Figure 183.2 Vitamin B12.Figure 183.3 Sterile hypodermic needles.Figure 183.4 Electroacupuncture machine.Figure 183.5 Moxa.
159 Chapter 184Figure 184.1 Placement of a mask over the nose of a foal.Figure 184.2 Foal Resuscitator® (top) and Ambu bag (bottom) each attach...Figure 184.3 Oxygen tube (A) attached to a regulator (B) on an oxygen E‐tank...
160 Chapter 185Figure 185.1 Standing restraint in the foal, with the handler holding (a) th...Figure 185.2 Leading the foal. (a) Leading the foal with the handler holding...Figure 185.3 Lateral recumbency. (a) Handler positioning to lay a foal down ...
161 Chapter 186Figure 186.1 Step 1: put the rope over withers and between front limbs.Figure 186.2 Step 2: run the rope through the loop at end of the rope and sn...Figure 186.3 Step 3: begin by making the first half hitch around the chest, ...Figure 186.4 Step 4: keep the rope snug (first half hitch in place).Figure 186.5 Step 5: two half hitches in place.Figure 186.6 Step 6: stand behind the foal and begin to put tension on the r...Figure 186.7 Step 7: when the foal is lying down, keep tension on the rope f...Figure 186.8 Luggage scale with rope attached showing the suggested pressure...
162 Chapter 187Figure 187.1 The SNAP test for evaluating foal IgG levels. The large horizon...Figure 187.2 Turbidimetric immunoassay (ARS Foal‐IgG test) for evaluating fo...
163 Chapter 188Figure 188.1 Foal in sternal recumbency and properly restrained. Colostrum i...
164 Chapter 190Figure 190.1 Preparation for placing an over‐the‐needle Teflon catheter. (a)...Figure 190.2 Insertion of an over‐the‐needle Teflon catheter. (a) Holding th...Figure 190.3 Components contained in an over‐the‐wire (long‐term) venous cat...Figure 190.4 Schematic representation for over‐the‐wire catheter placement. ...
165 Chapter 191Figure 191.1 Decisional tree for plasma administration in foals with FPT.
166 Chapter 193Figure 193.1 Umbilical cord still attached to a newborn foal. The area of no...Figure 193.2 Umbilical stump after normal breakage of the cord.Figure 193.3 Umbilical clamp applied to the umbilical stump of a newborn foa...Figure 193.4 Dipping the navel of a foal with chlorhexidine solution.Figure 193.5 Newborn foal with meconium impaction straining to defecate.Figure 193.6 Administration of a sodium phosphate enema.Figure 193.7 Acetylcysteine enema treatment.
167 Chapter 194Figure 194.1 Foal nursing from a mare restrained in cross‐ties.Figure 194.2 Foal approaching a mare restrained behind a nursing chute.Figure 194.3 Fostering a foal onto a mare induced to lactate.
168 Chapter 195Figure 195.1 The foal has been introduced to the foal 15 minutes after prost...Figure 195.2 The foal has been adopted by the mare but the foal has not foun...
169 Chapter 196Figure 196.1 Entropion of the lower eyelid in a newborn foal.Figure 196.2 Direction for needle placement for subcutaneous injection of pr...Figure 196.3 Location for placement of vertical mattress sutures.
170 Chapter 197Figure 197.1 Schematic representation of ultrasound views obtained with (a) ...Figure 197.2 Transverse ultrasound images of the umbilical vein (UV) in a no...Figure 197.3 Transverse ultrasound images of the umbilical arteries in a nor...Figure 197.4 Transverse ultrasound images of abnormal umbilical structures. ...
171 Chapter 198Figure 198.1 Foal with tendon laxity. A heel extension (represented by yello...Figure 198.2 Foal with tendon laxity. Note the elevation of the toe (a). A t...Figure 198.3 Foal with extreme tendon laxity at 20 hours of age. The foal is...
172 Chapter 199Figure 199.1 (a) A foal with carpal valgus. (b) A foal with fetlock varus.Figure 199.2 Dorso‐palmar radiograph of the carpus demonstrating lines bisec...Figure 199.3 Foal with carpal valgus where medial extensions were applied to...Figure 199.4 Radiographic image of a transphyseal bridge of screws and wires...
173 Chapter 200Figure 200.1 Foal with moderate carpal flexural limb deformity.Figure 200.2 Foal with contracted tendons immediately before (a), during (b)...Figure 200.3 (a) Application of a splint on a foal with contracted tendons. ...Figure 200.4 Coffin joint flexural deformity treated with a toe extension to...Figure 200.5 Foal with severely contracted tendons.