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4.4 State of the Science: Promising Practices


Promising practices in behavioral determinants research, described below, rely on both new and tried‐and‐true methods. Rather than toiling within the confines of traditional academic practice with a single team, some researchers are creating consortia and combining multiple teams to address significant health behaviors. An evolving approach is incorporating technology into interventions. Health technology is transforming everyday tools for research, or for directly promoting health‐enhancing behavior.

These include more than just uses for the electronic health record (EHR) and smartphones. Promising practices also include respectful responses to underserved constituencies that build trust and the creative concept of public health advocates influencing legislation by bringing together a broad coalition of partners across the state to create a sustainable investment in community‐level population health strategies to advance the cycle of better care, better health, and lower costs [28, 29].

CBPR also should be included on the list of promising practices. In addressing the disproportionate and growing burden of health disparities among minority and lower socioeconomic populations, CBPR has shown great promise. Researchers, practitioners, and community partners who have participated in CBPR projects have been able to point to the success that results when everyone is able to fully integrate their talents, resources, and expertise toward a common goal [30].

The Science of Health Disparities Research

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