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List of Illustrations
Оглавление1 Chapter 1Figure 1.1 Ancient Greek marble statue of a man’s head.Figure 1.2 Contemporary bust sculpture of a shrine guardian, Seoul, Korea.Figure 1.3 Aulus Cornelius Celsus (25 BCE–50 CE).Figure 1.4 (a) Pierre Fauchard (1678–1761), the father of dentistry and orth...Figure 1.5 (a) Dental pelican forceps (resembling a pelican’s beak).(b) ...Figure 1.6 Norman William Kingsley (1829–1913).Figure 1.7 The front page of the book A Treatise on the Irregularities of th...Figure 1.8 Carl Sandstedt (1860–1904), the father of biology of orthodontic ...Figure 1.9 A figure from Carl Sandstedt’s historical article in 1904, presen...Figure 1.10 Albert Ketcham (1870–1935), who presented the first radiographic...Figure 1.11 Kaare Reitan (1903–2000), who conducted thorough histological ex...Figure 1.12 A 6 μm sagittal section of a frozen, unfixed, nondemineralized c...Figure 1.13 A 6 μm sagittal section of a cat maxillary canine, after 28 days...Figure 1.14 The mesial (PDL tension) side of the tooth shown in Figure 1.13....Figure 1.15 The constriction of a blood vessel by the periodontal fibers. Th...Figure 1.16 A 6 μm sagittal section of a cat maxilla, unfixed and nondeminer...Figure 1.17 A 6 μm sagittal section of the same maxilla shown in Figure 1.16...Figure 1.18 Immunohistochemical staining for cyclic AMP in a 6 μm sagittal s...Figure 1.19 Staining for cyclic AMP in a 6 μm sagittal section of a cat maxi...Figure 1.20 Staining for cyclic AMP in the tension zone of the PDL after 7 d...Figure 1.21 Immunohistochemical staining for IL‐1β in PDL and alveolar bone ...Figure 1.22 Staining for IL‐1β in PDL and alveolar bone surface cells after ...
2 Chapter 2Figure 2.1 Page 1 from Sandstedt’s original article on histological studies ...Figure 2.2 Plate I from Sandstedt’s original article showing photographs of ...Figure 2.3 Plate III from Sandstedt’s original article showing horizontal se...Figure 2.4 Plate IV A from Sandstedt’s original article. These sections show...Figure 2.5 Plate IV B from Sandstedt’s original article. Sandstedt’s Figure ...Figure 2.6 Histologic section from the original article by Oppenheim (1911)....Figure 2.7 Elongation from the original article by Oppenheim (2011). Apex of...Figure 2.8 Second degree of biologic effect seen on the (a) marginal side of...Figure 2.9 Third degree of biologic effect as portrayed in Schwarz article (...Figure 2.10 Fourth degree of biologic effect as portrayed in Schwarz article...Figure 2.11 Comparative diagram of the theories put forward by Sandstedt (19...Figure 2.12 Higher magnification image from Oppenheim’s article (1944) showi...Figure 2.13 Higher magnification image of hemorrhage as portrayed in Oppenhe...Figure 2.14 Hyalinization reaction as portrayed in Oppenheim (1944). The ost...Figure 2.15 Cell free areas as shown by Reitan (1960). The figure shows pres...Figure 2.16 (A) Formation of cells and capillaries in hyalinized tissue afte...Figure 2.17 The constriction of a blood vessel by the periodontal fibers. Th...Figure 2.18 The lodgment of minute gas bubbles at small radii of curvature. ...Figure 2.19 Behavior of bone during orthodontic tooth movement. The net forc...Figure 2.20 Results of a typical intact bone‐streaming potential (mV) in pH ...Figure 2.21 Transverse section, 6 μm thick, of a 1‐year‐old female cat’s man...Figure 2.22 Transverse section, 6 μm thick, of a 1‐year‐old female cat’s man...Figure 2.23 Constant direct current, 20 μA, noninvasively, to the gingival a...Figure 2.24 The number of alveolar bone osteoblasts bordering the PDL (±SEM)...
3 Chapter 3Figure 3.1 Photomicrographs of the normal PDL in a dog, showing the main ori...Figure 3.2 Photomicrograph of the bone matrix, showing osteocyte lacuna and ...Figure 3.3 Fluid flow (arrows) after the application of an orthodontic force...Figure 3.4 The transposition of a dog premolar during the first 5 hours afte...Figure 3.5 Integrin and its subunits.Figure 3.6 The focal adhesion complex.Figure 3.7 The nucleus‐related part of the cytoskeleton.Figure 3.8 General time–displacement curve of OTM.Figure 3.9 Photomicrograph of the PDL after orthodontic force application fo...Figure 3.10 Photomicrographs of the leading side of orthodontically moving p...Figure 3.11 Photomicrograph of the trailing side of orthodontically moving p...Figure 3.12 Summary of the remodeling processes at the leading side. Fibrobl...Figure 3.13 The RANK/RANKL/OPG system. The RANKL that is secreted by fibrobl...Figure 3.14 An active osteoclast.Figure 3.15 Summary of the remodeling processes at the trailing side. Fibrob...Figure 3.16 Theoretical model of orthodontic tooth movement (OTM) based on t...
4 Chapter 4Figure 4.1 Initial effects of orthodontic forces on paradental tissues.Figure 4.2 Immunohistochemical localization of the cytokine IL‐1α in a 6 μm ...Figure 4.3 Immunohistochemical staining for RANKL in PDL after 7 days during...Figure 4.4 Immunohistochemical staining for CGRP in cat PDL after canine ret...Figure 4.5 (a) Schematic presentation of inflammation in the PDL cells resul...
5 Chapter 5Figure 5.1 The cellular and molecular pathways, starting with strain relaxat...Figure 5.2 A longitudinal section of the cervical part of the tooth presenti...
6 Chapter 6Figure 6.1 Genetic patterning to produce craniofacial ossification centers i...Figure 6.2 Endochondral bone formation via hyaline cartilage is associated w...Figure 6.3 Intramembranous bone formation produces a woven or lamellar struc...Figure 6.4 Vascular invasion of the cartilage anlage for a long bone occurs ...Figure 6.5 A wedge of a cortical bone that is growing to the left demonstrat...Figure 6.6 The early postnatal growth of the maxillary complex up until the ...Figure 6.7 An enlarged drawing demonstrates the primary growth mechanism of ...Figure 6.8 After the body of the mandible forms by the intramembranous mecha...Figure 6.9 A photomicrograph of a cross‐section through the mandible of a mo...Figure 6.10 The concentric pairs of bright lines (arrows) are double tetracy...Figure 6.11 A series of multifluorochome labels at 7‐day intervals in rabbit...Figure 6.12 A series of multiple fluorochrome labels at 2‐week intervals dem...Figure 6.13 The integration of anabolic and catabolic modeling (M) activity ...Figure 6.14 A longitudinal section through a cutting/filling cone in cortica...Figure 6.15 The bone physiology associated with translation of a tooth. Note...Figure 6.16 With respect to environmental adaptation of bone, the basic cell...Figure 6.17 The vascular origin of bone cells. Note that osteoclasts are der...Figure 6.18 (a) A hemisection of a cutting/filling cone moving to the left d...Figure 6.19 Frost’s mechanostat shows the relationship of dynamic loading an...Figure 6.20 (a) A Trabecular bone remodeling over a 1‐year interval shows th...Figure 6.21 Trabecular bone remodeling in the vertebrae in a rat: multiple f...Figure 6.22 Early postnatal development of the craniofacial complex involves...Figure 6.23 Late postnatal development of the face is under functional influ...Figure 6.24 TMJ development in the prenatal period involves the primary grow...Figure 6.25 Continuous osseous adaptation of the TMJ occurs over a lifetime ...Figure 6.26 The mandibular condyle and the temporal fossa of the TMJ can cha...Figure 6.27 Premolar movement to the right in a monkey illustrates frontal b...Figure 6.28 Initiation of tooth movement is a set of bone modeling reactions...Figure 6.29 (a) The histological picture of undermining remodeling is relate...Figure 6.30 In the direction of tooth movement, catabolic and anabolic model...Figure 6.31 Subperiosteal formation in the direction of tooth movement is a ...Figure 6.32 During progressive tooth movement, PDL catabolic modeling is dri...Figure 6.33 As the tooth moves away from the supporting alveolar bone, catab...
7 Chapter 7Figure 7.1 Bone interacts with many organs – the functions played by skeleta...Figure 7.2 The canonical Wnt signaling pathway is involved in bone formation...Figure 7.3 Osteoclast differentiation and function. (a) Formation of multinu...Figure 7.4 Sex steroid synthesis. Cholesterol is, through several steps, conv...Figure 7.5 Sex‐hormone signaling pathways. The sex‐hormone receptors (SR) ca...Figure 7.6 Pathways involved in sex hormone receptor mediated bone anabolic ...Figure 7.7 Impact of strain on osteoclast formation and activity. Loaded/str...Figure 7.8 Bone formation as visualized and measured with dual fluorescent l...Figure 7.9 The effect of mechanical load on bone cells. When female mouse bo...
8 Chapter 8Figure 8.1 Temporary anchorage devices are applied for the correction of var...Figure 8.2 Mandible sectioned into three regions bilaterally. Region 1 inclu...Figure 8.3 (a) (i) Finite element model consisting of (ii) miniscrew, (iii) ...Figure 8.4 Maximum von Mises stress values (in MPa) induced at various inser...Figure 8.5 (a) Stress distributions for a conventional screw with 1 mm thick...Figure 8.6 Histological section taken to assess bone‐to‐miniscrew contact (B...Figure 8.7 The positively and negatively influencing factors for the success...
9 Chapter 9Figure 9.1 Localization of the CR in 3D. Line of action of a force applied f...Figure 9.2 (a) Sagittal view of a tooth being displaced within the PDL resul...Figure 9.3 Hyalinization and the so‐called indirect resorption. There are no...Figure 9.4 Three constitutive models for the PDL are depicted (a), showing t...Figure 9.5 (a) Rendering of the 3D μ‐CT dataset (voxel dimension: 37 micron)...Figure 9.6 3D reconstruction of a μ‐CT scanned jaw segment of a 19‐year‐old ...Figure 9.7 3D reconstruction of the same μ‐CT scanned jaw segment as shown i...Figure 9.8 Measurements of the thickness of the alveolar bone for incisors, ...Figure 9.9 3D reconstruction of a detail of the root‐PDL‐bone complex. Note ...Figure 9.10 Detailed 3D reconstruction of the root‐PDL‐alveolus complex. Not...Figure 9.11 Changes of the position of the CRot when the applied force at th...Figure 9.12 FE model of the canine and premolar and a coronal section of the...Figure 9.13 Stress in the bone–PDL interface along the buccal–lingual direct...
10 Chapter 10Figure 10.1 White spot lesions. Initial decalcification of the enamel with c...Figure 10.2 In the most serious cases, white spot lesions can turn brown in ...Figure 10.3 Absence of gingivitis, white spot lesions, and caries in the upp...Figure 10.4 Gingivitis, gingival enlargement, and inflammation associated wi...Figure 10.5 Inadequate oral hygiene during orthodontic treatment with fixed ...Figure 10.6 Patient with a fixed lingual orthodontic appliance, with widespr...Figure 10.7 Different types of fixed orthodontics retainers: the morphology ...Figure 10.8 Procedures for good oral hygiene with fixed appliances.Figure 10.9 Poor oral hygiene. Gingivitis with hyperplasia between canine (2...Figure 10.10 Impacted second left maxillary premolar with a curved root, mov...Figure 10.11 Mini‐implant used to anchor retraction of the anterior segment....Figure 10.12 Orthognathic surgery may cause statistically significant change...
11 Chapter 11Figure 11.1 Cytokines in GCF from experimental site/control site versus time...Figure 11.2 Velocity of distal translation (speed of tooth movement in mm/da...Figure 11.3 Graph showing effects of IL‐1B genotype (○ ≥1 copy of allele 2, ...Figure 11.4 Buccal view of isolated site showing GCF collection via paper st...
12 Chapter 12Figure 12.1 Gene expression in the PDL following orthodontic force applicati...Figure 12.2 Reaction of neural tissues to the applied orthodontic forces. cA...Figure 12.3 Remodeling of the PDL and alveolar bone following orthodontic fo...Figure 12.4 Reaction of the dental pulp to applied orthodontic forces. bv, b...Figure 12.5 Summary of the events that can accelerate or slow down OTM. PTH,...Figure 12.6 The resorptive lacunae destroying the cementum and dentin layers...
13 Chapter 13Figure 13.1 Various “omics” techniques and their roles in systems biology....Figure 13.2 Heuristic model illustrating the basis and rationale for conside...Figure 13.3 Development of precision orthodontics. *Human Phenotype Ontology...Figure 13.4 A Venn diagram illustrating the concept that the genomic/proteom...
14 Chapter 14Figure 14.1 Hematoxylin and eosin‐stained sample from adult male New Zealand...
15 Chapter 15Figure 15.1 In this experiment by Saito et al. (1991), human PDL fibroblasts...Figure 15.2 Human PDL fibroblasts were incubated without any added stimulati...Figure 15.3 Osteoclasts in the periodontium in 6‐week‐old male Wistar rats a...Figure 15.4 (a) Clinical tooth movement data registered on the hemimaxillae ...Figure 15.5 Effects of local injection of PTH on OTM. (a) In rats the right ...Figure 15.6 Time–displacement curve of the maxillary first molars of 6‐week‐...Figure 15.7 Comparison of RANKL distribution in rat PDLs with or without int...Figure 15.8 Effects of laser irradiation on M‐CSF and c‐fms positive o...Figure 15.9 (A) Effects of laser irradiation on RANKL positive cells as show...Figure 15.10 (A) Effects of laser irradiation on RANK positive cells as show...Figure 15.11 Kole’s surgical approach to accelerate tooth movement. Note the...Figure 15.12 Corticision as described by Park et al. (2006). (Top, left and ...Figure 15.13 Immunohistochemical staining for MMP‐9 after administration of ...Figure 15.14 Experimental tooth movement was suppressed in mice by β‐antagon...Figure 15.15 Inhibition of tooth movement by local delivery of OPG‐Fc in rat...
16 Chapter 16Figure 16.1 Alkaline (a) and acid (c) phosphatase staining of an inter‐radic...Figure 16.2 RAP intensity in relationship to the surgical procedure.Figure 16.3 Influence of a buccal corticotomy on the alveolar load transfer....Figure 16.4 The “Burstone and Pryputniewicz” curves showing the dependency o...Figure 16.5 The pattern of movement for a lateral incisor under various mome...Figure 16.6 The buccolingual stresses in the PDL of the lateral incisor in t...Figure 16.7 Adult patients with a Class II malocclusion treated with cortico...Figure 16.8 Limiting the area of surgical insult reduces the extension of th...Figure 16.9 Extending the area of surgical insult helps produce a regional a...Figure 16.10 Alveolar corticotomy in the direction of the movement on a tran...Figure 16.11 Interdental vertical corticotomies (left) and sub‐apical horizo...Figure 16.12 Alveolar corticotomy: rotating burs versus piezosurgery.Figure 16.13 Flow chart depicting selection criteria for the choice of bone ...Figure 16.14 A mix of bone grafting with PRGF.Figure 16.15 An allogenic membrane used to graft a large area of decorticati...Figure 16.16 Membranes of PRF.Figure 16.17 Centrifugated blood with the PRGF protocol.Figure 16.18 Membranes of PRGF.Figure 16.19 Piezocision performed on an upper canine to be mesialized. Note...Figure 16.20 MOPs created with a manual Excellerator.Figure 16.21 MOPs performed with a bur and dedicated handpiece.Figure 16.22 A 20‐year‐old woman with an open bite, thin biotype, and gingiv...Figure 16.23 A 22‐year‐old female with a skeletal Class III, narrow maxilla,...Figure 16.24 Buccal transmigration of the lower right canine over the midlin...Figure 16.25 A 12‐year‐old girl with transposition of the upper right canine...Figure 16.26 A 23‐year‐old woman with a Class II Division 1 asymmetric occlu...Figure 16.27 A young patient where four first permanent molars had been extr...Figure 16.28 Adult patient with two unsuccessful past treatments who present...Figure 16.29 Young adult female patient with a severe skeletal asymmetry, co...
17 Chapter 17Figure 17.1 Evidence supporting the biphasic theory of tooth movement. Rat h...Figure 17.2 Schematic of biphasic theory of tooth movement. The biologic res...Figure 17.3 Saturation of biological response with increased orthodontic for...Figure 17.4 MOPs accelerate tooth movement in rats. (a) Rat hemimaxilla show...Figure 17.5 MOPs accelerate canine retraction in a human clinical study. In ...Figure 17.6 MOPs reduce the density of alveolar bone changing the response t...Figure 17.7 Vibration in the form of high frequency acceleration (HFA) stimu...Figure 17.8 Vibration increases inflammatory markers and the number and acti...Figure 17.9 Harnessing inflammation to deliver precision‐accelerated tooth m...
18 Chapter 18Figure 18.1 Gingival enlargement associated with poorly executed orthodontic...Figure 18.2 The effect of poor placement of orthodontic bands. The first mol...Figure 18.3 Gingival recession associated with orthodontic treatment. (a) Re...Figure 18.4 Frequencies (%) of gingival recessions per tooth at four times: ...Figure 18.5 The effect of poor orthodontic mechanics: (a) the clinical pictu...Figure 18.6 The effect of improper orthodontic mechanics, which leads to can...Figure 18.7 The effect of faulty orthodontic mechanics, which led to uncontr...Figure 18.8 Enamel surface damage caused by various interproximal stripping ...Figure 18.9 Enamel decalcification areas associated with orthodontic banding...Figure 18.10 Surface damage resulting from various enamel clean‐up methods a...Figure 18.11 Energy dispersive spectrum (device used to characterize the opa...Figure 18.12 Extreme hyperreaction of the dental pulp after 40 months of ort...Figure 18.13 (a) A panoramic pretreatment radiograph of patient’s dentition ...Figure 18.14 Extreme hyperplastic reaction in the cheek mucosa caused by an ...
19 Chapter 19Figure 19.1 Relation between the total amount of experimental tooth movement...Figure 19.2 Individual data describing the relapse over time expressed as th...Figure 19.3 Individual data describing the relapse over time expressed as th...Figure 19.4 Pressure side of a dog premolar after relapse for 18 days. Loss ...Figure 19.5 Pressure side of a dog premolar after relapse for 18 days. Loss ...Figure 19.6 Pressure side of a dog premolar after relapse for 66 days. Local...Figure 19.7 Pressure side of a dog premolar after relapse for 90 days. Compl...Figure 19.8 Tension side of a dog premolar after relapse for 18 days. Recove...Figure 19.9 Tension side of a dog premolar after relapse for 18 days. Recove...Figure 19.10 Tension side of a dog premolar after relapse for 66 days. Norma...Figure 19.11 Tension side of a dog premolar after relapse for 66 days. Local...Figure 19.12 Tension side of a dog premolar after relapse for 90 days. Gener...
20 Chapter 20Figure 20.1 (a–f) A typodont is a training device consisting of artificial t...Figure 20.2 Media preparation of cell culture. In vitro studies require asep...Figure 20.3 Four phases of clinical trials in humans.Figure 20.4 Tissue section of a maxillary canine of a 1‐year‐old female cat,...Figure 20.5 Tissue section of alveolar bone of a 3‐month‐old kitten, 6 μm th...Figure 20.6 Inverted phase contrast fluorescent microscope involves the comb...Figure 20.7 Live/dead assay – application of fluorescent staining in cell re...Figure 20.8 Environmental scanning electron microscope (ESEM).Figure 20.9 A horizontal section, 6 μm thick, of a maxillary canine of a 1‐y...Figure 20.10 A view of the alveolar bone osteoblasts and adjacent PDL fibrob...Figure 20.11 Flow cytometry analysis of cell cycle. Flow cytometry offers a ...Figure 20.12 The steps in PCR.Figure 20.13 Western blot analysis of COX 2 (cyclooxygenase 2) expression in...Figure 20.14 MTT assay is considered to be the most accurate method for asse...Figure 20.15 Representative images obtained through comet assay. A, Control ...Figure 20.16 DNA fragmentation analysis: the experiment gives the opportunit...Figure 20.17 Experimental methods currently used for measuring mechanical pr...Figure 20.18 Representative image of a PDL fibroblast as observed under atom...Figure 20.19 Principle of laser deflection particle tracking. A particle at ...
21 Chapter 21Figure 21.1 Models for the relationship between force magnitude and the rate...Figure 21.2 Force–velocity curve calculated for human data derived from a ma...Figure 21.3 The cellular reactions related to the different stages of OTM....Figure 21.4 Transcriptional control of osteoblastic differentiation and prog...Figure 21.5 Theoretical model for tooth movement proposed by Henneman et al....Figure 21.6 Schematic of sensors, signaling pathways, and responses involved...Figure 21.7 Real‐time RT‐PCR analysis of 10 genes differentially expressed i...Figure 21.8 Theoretical model of OTM from the systematic review of Vansant e...Figure 21.9 Current and upcoming approaches to modulate OTM.