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Acute pancreatitis (AP) is the third leading cause of gastroenterology‐related hospitalizations in the United States, accounting for approximately 280 000 admissions annually and more than US$2 billion in annual healthcare costs [1,2]. Despite advances in treatment algorithms over time, AP has an associated mortality rate of approximately 5%, with further increases to greater than 15% in those with severe AP in the presence of multiorgan failure [3]. Interstitial edematous pancreatitis accounts for the majority of AP cases; under 10% of AP patients develop necrotizing pancreatitis with the presence of pancreatic and/or peripancreatic tissue necrosis. While necrosis may be seen on imaging at presentation or early in the disease course, necrosis may slowly evolve over a number of days after the onset of symptoms, and lack of necrosis initially does not preclude its development thereafter [4,5]. If a concern exists for worsening clinical status days to weeks after prior imaging, consideration for repeat imaging to evaluate for complications including the presence of fluid and/or necrotic collections is advisable. The 2012 Revised Atlanta Classification guides the characterization of these local complications based on the presence or absence of tissue debris in the collection and on a time course after development to allow maturation of the collection with a well‐defined wall [6]. There are four types of local collections associated with AP, including acute fluid collection (AFC), pancreatic pseudocyst (PP), acute necrotic collection (ANC), and walled‐off necrosis (WON). AFCs develop early (under four weeks post AP episode) in interstitial edematous AP, contain only fluid without solid debris, classically appear homogeneous on cross‐sectional contrast‐enhanced imaging, and likely lack a well‐defined wall or capsule. AFCs persisting beyond four weeks post AP are reclassified as PPs containing just fluid without solid debris and, importantly, having the presence of a clearly demarcated capsule. In contrast, collections in which solid debris is seen are classified as ANCs or WON depending on time course post AP and presence or absence of a clearly defined wall. ANCs develop within four weeks of necrotizing AP, contain both fluid and solid debris internally, and lack a clear wall. Once a wall has formed, again usually after four weeks, these are reclassified as WON. Superimposed infection may occur in approximately 40–70% of patients with necrotizing AP, with an associated drastic increase in mortality, from 15% in those with sterile necrosis to roughly 40% in those with infected necrosis [7]. Oftentimes, differentiation of AFC from ANC may be challenging early on as both may appear homogeneous with fluid consistency on imaging. Delaying subsequent follow‐up imaging for one to two weeks if clinical status is stable is advisable to maximize the informative value of subsequent scans in differentiating AFC from ANC.

Most AFCs and ANCs will spontaneously resolve, with only a proportion persisting beyond four weeks and going on to develop a clearly defined capsule to become PP or WON. Interestingly, most ANCs will spontaneously resolve over time, and even in those who develop WON, approximately half will spontaneously resolve without intervention in a six‐month period [8]. The critical juncture is to decide which patients with PP or WON require intervention, as intervention in AFC and ANC should be delayed until clear maturation of the wall is seen. The primary criterion for need to intervene is the presence of symptoms. Asymptomatic patients should be conservatively managed and observed regardless of collection size, while those who are symptomatic should be evaluated for potential intervention. Historically, open surgical intervention was the primary option especially for patients with large WON; however, patients often had prolonged hospitalizations with substantial morbidity and mortality despite the most gifted of surgeons. Currently available approaches to drainage and debridement include endoscopic, percutaneous, surgical, and combination therapies. The decision to intervene should not be taken lightly. Some of the most common indications for intervention in PP or WON include obstruction of adjacent viscera (gastric outlet obstruction, pancreatobiliary obstruction), abdominal pain, nausea/vomiting or early satiety, infection, and rarely rupture or bleeding (usually handled surgically). Drainage should not be undertaken in AFC or ANC until there is a clearly matured wall, and percutaneous and surgical interventions should be delayed if possible for four weeks to enable adequate encapsulation as the success of endoscopic intervention is directly correlated with the degree of encapsulation, while early intervention (before four weeks) is associated with suboptimal outcomes [9,10].

Clinical Pancreatology for Practising Gastroenterologists and Surgeons

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