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AENIANES (Αἰνιῆνες OR Ἐνιῆνες, οἱ)



University of Florida

A tribe located in the upper SPERCHEIUS Valley, on and below the northern slopes of Mt. OETA (BA 55 C3, Ainis; Strabo 9.4.10/C427). Their main city was Hypata. Herodotus calls them Enianes (’Ενιῆνες), following the spelling used by HOMER. They medized with other Thessalian tribes when XERXES was in MACEDONIA (7.132) and fought on the Persian side in 480 BCE (7.185). The Aenianes originally dwelled west of Mt. OSSA in Perrhaebia (Hom. Il. 2.749; cf. Strabo 9.5.20/C441), but were driven south by the LAPITHS (cf. Plut. Quaest. Graec. 13). They were one of the original members of the Amphictyony (Paus. 10.8.2; Aeschines (2.116) calls them “Oetaeans”). Although they were living in the Spercheius Valley as early as the fifth century, Herodotus follows Homer in referring to them in conjunction with the PERRHAEBIANS (along with the DOLOPES, their neighbors to the west in the Spercheius Valley, and the Magnesians). The Aenianes were not PERIOECI, or subjugated neighbors, of the Thessalians but independent ALLIES, acting of their own volition (cf. Thuc. 5.51). They were later destroyed by the AETOLIANS and the Athamanians (Strabo 9.4.11/C427).

SEE ALSO: Amphictyones; Medize; Thessaly

The Herodotus Encyclopedia

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