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AEOLUS (Αἴολος, ὁ)



University of Notre Dame

Patronymic, mythical, father of ATHAMAS (7.197.1 and 3). This Aeolus was a son of HELLEN and eponymous ancestor of the AEOLIANS, one of the three major Greek ethnic groups along with DORIANS and IONIANS (Hes. F9 M‐W). Other mythical figures by this name appear, including the ruler of the WINDS (Hom. Od. 10.1–79), and they seem to have been confused at an early date (Gantz, EGM 167–69; cf. Diod. Sic. 4.67.2–6).

SEE ALSO: Ethnicity; Myth

The Herodotus Encyclopedia

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