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ALARODIANS (Ἀλαρόδιοι, οἱ)



University of Notre Dame

In providing a list of the provinces (archai or SATRAPIES, 3.89.1) into which DARIUS I divided the Persian Empire, Herodotus states (3.94.1) that the Alarodians were part of the eighteenth administrative district (νομός, nome). The Alarodians occupied territory near the modern‐day border of Turkey, Iran, and ARMENIA (BA 89 E2; Müller II, 92). Possibly they were descendants of the kingdom of Urartu, which was destroyed in the seventh century BCE (Bryce 2009, 747–52). The Alarodians also appear in the CATALOGUE of XERXES’ invasion force, alongside the SASPEIRES and equipped in the same manner as the COLCHIANS (7.79).

SEE ALSO: Masistius; Persia

The Herodotus Encyclopedia

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