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ALAZIR (Ἀλάζειρ, ὁ)



Université de Caen Normandie

King of BARCA in LIBYA (North Africa) in the first half of the sixth century BCE. Although he bears a Libyan name, it seems that Alazir belonged to the Battiad family which ruled the Greek city of CYRENE. This would explain his support for ARCESILAUS III. It is even possible that he had been placed in charge of the city of Barca after it had been reduced by the forces of Arcesilaus III. Victim of an ambush, the two rulers were murdered by aristocratic Cyrenean EXILES hostile to Arcesilaus and the Barcaeans who supported them, in the AGORA of Barca, around 522 BCE (4.164).

SEE ALSO: Aristocracy; Battus I; Colonization

The Herodotus Encyclopedia

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