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AMEINOCLES (Ἀμεινοκλῆς, ὁ)



University of Notre Dame

A merchant of Magnesia in northern Greece, son of CRETINES, who owned land near Cape SEPIAS. Ameinocles profited greatly from scavenging the Persian fleet that had been heavily damaged in a storm during XERXES’ invasion of 480 BCE. However, Herodotus contrasts this sudden fortune with the fact that Ameinocles “suffered the misfortune of having killed a son” (7.190; cf. Macan 1908, I.1: 292). PLUTARCH viewed Herodotus’ account as defamatory, claiming that Herodotus mentions Ameinocles for the sole purpose of revealing him as a child‐murderer (Mor. 864c3–13).

SEE ALSO: Disaster; Happiness; Magnesia in Greece; Wealth and Poverty

The Herodotus Encyclopedia

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