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AMORGES (Ἀμόργης, ὁ)



University of Lincoln

Persian general, otherwise unknown. Amorges is only mentioned by Herodotus (5.121): together with DAURISES and SISIMACES, he died in an ambush by Carian rebels at PIDASA during the IONIAN REVOLT (499–493 BCE).

Two other men named Amorges are known (Schmitt, IPGL 72–73). CTESIAS mentions an Amorges, king of the SACAE (SCYTHIANS), who was taken prisoner by CYRUS (II) and then helped him in the war against CROESUS (FGrHist 688 F9.3–8; pace Balcer 1993, 137, this is not the Amorges of Herodotus). The second is the illegitimate son of the Persian satrap Pissuthnes; this Amorges rebelled against the Persian king in the late 410s, during the PELOPONNESIAN WAR (see Kuhrt 2007, 335–39).

SEE ALSO: Caria; Persia

The Herodotus Encyclopedia

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