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AMPHILOCHUS (Ἀμϕίλοχος, ὁ)



University of Notre Dame

A legendary seer, like his father AMPHIARAUS. Amphilochus fought at TROY and was credited with founding several CITIES in southeastern Anatolia—he was especially associated with the oracular shrine at Mallus (Strabo 14.5.16/C675; Plut. Mor. 434d)—as well as Amphilochian Argos in northwestern Greece (Thuc. 2.68.3; Baron 2014). Herodotus mentions Amphilochus twice: as the founder of the city of POSIDEION between CILICIA and SYRIA (3.91.1) and as the progenitor, along with the seer CALCHAS, of the PAMPHYLIANS (7.91).

SEE ALSO: Colonization; Divination; Myth

The Herodotus Encyclopedia

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