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AMPHISSA ( Ἄμϕισσα, ἡ)



University of Pennsylvania

A West Locrian town located fifteen kilometers northwest of DELPHI (BA 55 C3). When the Persians invaded Greece in 480 BCE, many Phocians fled to Amphissa for protection (8.32.2), as did those Delphians who did not flee to Mt. PARNASSUS (8.36.2). Amphissa’s location explains its importance. It sits at the southern end of a corridor linking the Corinthian Gulf to central Greece. It also dominates the northern end of the Sacred Plain, the territory dedicated to APOLLO and left uncultivated in antiquity. When the Amphissans planted crops here in the 340s, they were denounced by the AMPHICTYONES, precipitating the Fourth Sacred War.

SEE ALSO: Crisaean Plain; Locris (Ozolian); Phocis

The Herodotus Encyclopedia

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