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AMYRIS ( Ἄμυρις, ὁ)



University of Notre Dame

Patronymic, father of DAMASUS, of SIRIS in southern ITALY (6.127.1). Damasus came to SICYON as a suitor of AGARISTE (I), Cleisthenes’ daughter, in the sixth century BCE (6.127.1). Herodotus notes that Amyris was known as “the Wise” (cf. Santoni 1983, 95 n. 14). He provides no further details, but later authors give an example. Having witnessed a scene which he realizes fulfills an ORACLE foretelling the demise of his city (SYBARIS rather than Siris here: cf. Ath. 12.520a–c), Amyris quickly sells his property and leaves town. His less‐wise neighbors think him mad, giving rise to the PROVERB Ἄμυρις μαίνεται, “Crazy like Amyris” (Lombardo 1981, 199).

SEE ALSO: Knowledge; Seven Sages

The Herodotus Encyclopedia

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