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ANTHYLLA ( Ἄνθυλλα)



University of Notre Dame

A city in the northwestern Nile DELTA of EGYPT near the mouth of the Canobic branch (BA 74 C2). Anthylla lay on the route taken by ships sailing to NAUCRATIS. Its claim to FAME, Herodotus says, was the HONOR of providing shoes to the wife of the ruler of Egypt since the time of the country’s incorporation into the Persian Empire (2.97.2–98.1). Six centuries later, Athenaeus, a native of Naucratis, lauds the WINE of Anthylla as the best in Egypt; he also says Persian kings used revenue from the city to buy girdles for their wives (1.33f).

SEE ALSO: Archandropolis; Bodily Adornment; Canobus; Dress; Persia

The Herodotus Encyclopedia

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