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ANTICHARES (Ἀντιχάρης, ὁ)



University of Notre Dame

Antichares of ELEON (Boeotia), using the “ORACLES of LAÏUS” (mythical father of OEDIPUS), advised the exiled Spartan king DORIEUS to establish a colony at Heracleia (MINOA) in SICILY, saying all of ERYX belonged to the descendants of HERACLES (5.43). Antichares was probably an “oraclemonger” (chrēsmologos) using apocryphal oracles collected under Laïus’ name (How and Wells 1912, 2: 17). Dorieus indeed went to Sicily but was defeated and killed there by the PHOENICIANS (5.46). A kalos inscription from the necropolis of Rhitsóna near Eleon refers to an Anticharos, perhaps the same person (Burrows and Ure 1909, 342–44).

SEE ALSO: Bacis; Colonization; Heracleidae

The Herodotus Encyclopedia

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