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ARCESILAUS I (Ἀρκεσίλεως, ὁ)



Université de Caen Normandie

Son of the founder of the Greek city of CYRENE in LIBYA (North Africa), Arcesilaus I reigned over Cyrene for 16 years (c. 600–583 BCE). Herodotus gives practically no information on his reign, except for its length and the fact that the number of colonists remained the same as it had under his father, BATTUS I (4.159). Overall Arcesilaus seems to have pursued policies put in place by his father, to whom cult worship was instituted in his role as founder. A hereditary MONARCHY was thus established in Cyrene, a distinctive feature which could stem from Libyan influences—relations with the native inhabitants were good under the first two kings.

SEE ALSO: Battus II; Colonization

The Herodotus Encyclopedia

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